Advanced ROI Module

Custom Impact Columns

Create a custom column for your Item List to display specific types of Impact.

Ofie Profile PicWarning: The actions described on this support page are only available if your organization has the Advanced ROI Module. If you are interested in turning on this module, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Custom Impact Columns help you to create unique Item List columns that display specific types of Impact based on your custom criteria.

You can use them to: 

  • Isolate Forecast and Target Impacts
  • Display specific Impact Types
  • Display specific Impact Values, such as Time Savings People, Resources, Products, Wastes, and Environmental Impacts.
  • Display Impacts that were realized in a custom date range

Example of an Item List Card with a Custom Impact Column. The column has a customizable title and displays a specific Impact Type logged as a Forecast. It also has a Total at the bottom of the column that summates Impact data for each Item in the List. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Custom Impact Columns are available in Item List Cards, Lists in the Items Section, and Widgets with Item Lists. They are not available in Nested Item Lists or Reports. 

When should you use a Custom Impact Column? 

You should add a Custom Impact Column to your Item List when none of the standard Impact columns display the type of data you want to see. 

While editing the columns on an Item List, you can find many standard Impact columns beneath the Resolution heading. 

These columns offer commonly requested information, such as: 

  • Qualitative Impacts, such as Quality, Safety, Satisfaction, Health, and Environment.
  • Financial Impact, which includes all Cost Savings, Cost Avoidance, Revenue Generation, Product, and Resource Impacts.
  • Time Saved, which includes all Time Savings Impacts.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: You can pick whether you want to display Actual, Forecast, or Target Impact for the Financial Impact and Time Saved columns.  However, the Qualitative Impacts columns only show Actual Impact. If you want to view a Forecast or Target for a Qualitative Impact, you'll need to use a Custom Impact Column. 

Standard Impact columns are great if you don't need to isolate specific Impact Types. However, if you are tracking Impacts in detail and want to set criteria for which Impacts you visualize in an Item List, then you should use Custom Impact Columns.  

Add a Custom Impact Column to an Item List

To add a Custom Impact Column to an Item List, you need to edit the View of your Item List. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Custom Impact Columns are only available in List, Tree, and Gantt View. 

  • If you are working with an Item List Card:
    • Select the ellipse icon in the top right corner of the Card. 
    • In the resulting drop-down, select the pencil icon next to your current View. The Edit View window will open. 
    • In the Search for Columns... field, select Custom Impact Column
  • If you are working with a Custom List in the Items Section:
    • Select View
    • In the resulting drop-down, select the pencil icon next to your current View. The Edit Columns window will open. 
    • In the Search for Columns... field, select Custom Impact Column

In the Custom Impact Column window: 

  • Name: Enter a title for your column. This title will appear in the column header. 
  • Description: Enter a description for your column. When you enter a description, an information icon will appear beside the title in the header of your Custom Impact Column. A tooltip containing your description will appear when you hover over the icon. 
  • Impact: Select which Impact Types should be included in your Custom Impact Column. 
    • Impact Value: This drop-down will appear if your selected Impact supports Impact Values. Use it to select which Impact Values to include in your column. For example, if you select "Time Savings People" as your Impact, you can use the Impact Value drop-down to pick which Time Savings People should be included.
  • Resolution Type: Select which Resolution Type an Impact must have to be included in your column's data. Your options are Forecast, Target, or Actual Resolution. 
  • Amount Type: Select which Amount Type an Impact must have to be included in your column's data. Your amounts are One-Time, Recurring, Range, Custom Schedule, or Unknown. 
  • Display As: Select whether you want your Impact data to be displayed in currency or units
    • If you are displaying financial Impacts such as Cost Savings, Revenue Generation, or Cost Avoidance, you should always keep currency selected. 
    • You should only select units if your Impact Type supports units other than currency. For example, if your selected Impact is Time Savings, then selecting units will display the number of hours logged on each Item in your List. 
  • Advanced Impact Options:
    • Realized Date: Use the Starting and Ending drop-downs to set a date range. Only Impacts with a Realized Date within your date range will be included in your Custom Impact Column. 
      • Leave both drop-downs blank if you don't want to set a date range. 
      • Select Specific Date in the drop-downs if you would like to pick specific calendar dates. 
    • Child Item Filter: Select the checkbox to filter which Nested Items will be included in the Impact data for each Item in your List. 
    • Include children in any status: By default, only Nested Items in Complete Status will be included in a column's data. Select this checkbox to include all Nested Items regardless of their status. 
      • Note: This checkbox must also be enabled in the Impact Column & Nested Item Column Options in your Item List's Item Filter. 
  • Select Save. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: The data for each Item in your List will include Impact data logged on its Nested Items. However, the Total at the bottom of the column will not include any Nested Item data. This is to prevent any data from being counted twice in the sum for the full List. 

Edit a Custom Impact Column

To edit a Custom Impact Column, edit the View of your Item List or edit the View of your Item List Card, then: 

  • Hover over your Custom Impact Column. 
  • Select the gear icon
  • Use the Custom Impact Column window to make changes. 
  • Select Save to confirm your edits to the Custom Impact Column. 
  • Select Save to confirm your edits to the List View. 

Delete a Custom Impact Column

To delete a Custom Impact Column, edit the View of your Item List or edit the View of your Item List Card, then: 

  • Hover over your Custom Impact Column. 
  • Select the x icon. The Custom Impact Column will disappear from the Edit View window. 
  • Select Save to confirm your edits to the List View. 

Ofie Profile PicNote: Custom Impact Columns are unique for each Item List and cannot be copied over to other Item Lists. 

Recommended Reading

Do you want to learn more about Impact data in KaiNexus? We recommend checking out the following support pages: