Item Management

Change the View of a Nested Item List

Control what and how information is shown on a list of nested Items. Decide your personal preferences or, with the right permissions, set the default appearance for everyone else.

Each Nested Item List panel has two versions: public and personal. Changes made to the public version will be seen by everyone who accesses this list, while changes made to the private version will only be visible to the person who made the change.

After you or other users have made changes to the Nested Item List's Public View, you can return the List to its original settings by resetting the Item Lists

Who can change a Nested Items List panel's View?

To change the View, you must have permission to view and edit the parent Item.

Only the following people can view an Item:

  • Anyone on the Item's Team.
  • Potentially anyone on the parent's Team.
  • If the Item is not private and not in the New status, anyone with the "View" permission for Items in its Location(s).
  • If the Item is private, anyone with the "View Private" permission for Items in its Location(s).
  • If the Item is in the New status and is not private, anyone with the "View New" permission for Items in its Location(s).

Only the following people can edit an Item:

  • Anyone on the Item's Team except for Followers or Participants.
  • Anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in this Location(s).
  • For Items using the Standard Team Type, anyone with the "Assign" permission for Items in this Location(s).

Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

Change a Nested Items List panel's View

To change the appearance of a Nested Item List panel, first open the Item with which you want to work, then:

  • Click the ellipsis in the top right corner of the Nested Item List panel you want to change.

An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the ellipsis icon on the Nested Items List panel

  • Either "Public" or "Personal" will be marked with a check signifying the version of the Nested Item List that is currently visible. You can only change the appearance of the version you're currently seeing. If you want to switch to the other version, click it.
    • Click Public if you want your changes to be seen by anyone accessing the public version of the list.
    • Click Personal if you only want your changes to be visible to you.
  • Hover over Public or Personal (whichever is selected) and a secondary drop-down will appear.
  • Click the View in which you want the list to be shown — Detail, List, Tree, Kanban, Gantt, or Calendar. The Nested Item List panel will refresh and then be displayed in the chosen View.

Further configure the Nested Item List panel's appearance

Once you've chosen the appropriate View, you can further customize the list's appearance. To do so:

  • Click the ellipsis in the top right corner of the Nested Item List panel.
  • Hover over Public or Personal (whichever is selected) and a secondary drop-down will appear.
  • Hover over the current View and click the pencil icon that appears to its right.
  • The options on the resulting Edit View window are dependent on the current View. 

The Detail and Hierarchy Views

Once you've opened the Edit View window as described above:

  • Choose which Item Details will be displayed for each Item in your List:
    • Search: Use this field to search for and select additional Item Details to include. The following Item Details are available for you to add:
      • Basic Item information such as ID, Parent, Originating Location, and Responsible Location. 
      • Team Roles
      • Item Dates
      • Attributes, Fields, and Weighted Scores
      • Stage Gate (if the Milestone Module is enabled for your organization)
    • To remove an Item Detail, hover over it so that it's highlighted blue and select the x icon that appears to its right. 
    • To remove all Item Details, select Clear
  • Default Expanded Card View: Expand the drop-down to choose in which View this list should open when expanded. By default, the expanded list will use the same View as the regular panel.
  • Click Save.

The Kanban View

Once you've opened the Edit View window as described above:

  • Under the Card View Columns header, each column currently displayed on the Nested Item List panel will be listed. Any changes made to this section will affect only the appearance of the panel itself.
    • Search for Columns: Expand the drop-down to choose any additional columns that should be shown on the panel.
    • To remove an existing column, hover over it so that it's highlighted blue and click the x button that appears to its right.
    • To remove all existing columns, click Clear Columns.
    • To change the order of the included columns, drag and drop them into the desired positions.
  • Under the Expanded Card View Columns header, each column currently displayed in the expanded version of the panel will be listed. Any changes made to this section will only affect the appearance of the expanded version of the panel.
    • Search for Columns: Expand the drop-down to choose any additional columns that should be shown on the expanded view.
    • To remove an existing column, hover over it so that it's highlighted blue and click the x button that appears to its right.
    • To remove all existing columns, click Clear Columns.
    • To change the order of the included columns, drag and drop them into the desired positions.
  • Under the Copy header:
    • Click the right arrow to copy the formatting from the "Card View Columns" section to the "Expanded Card View Columns" section.
    • Click the left arrow to copy the formatting from the "Expanded Card View Columns" section to the "Card View Columns."
  • Under the Item Details header, choose which Item Details will be displayed for each Item in your List 
    • Search: Use this field to search for and select additional Item Details to include. The following Item Details are available for you to add:
      • Basic Item information such as ID, Parent, Originating Location, and Responsible Location. 
      • Team Roles
      • Item Dates
      • Attributes, Fields, and Weighted Scores
      • Stage Gate (if the Milestone Module is enabled for your organization)
    • To remove an Item Detail, hover over it so that it's highlighted blue and select the x icon that appears to its right. 
    • To remove all Item Details, select Clear
  • Default Expanded Card View: Expand the drop-down to choose in which View this list should open when expanded. By default, the expanded list will use the same View as the regular panel.
  • Click Save.

The List and Tree Views

Once you've opened the Edit View window as described above:

  • Under the Card View Columns header, each column currently displayed on the Nested Item List panel will be listed. Any changes made to this section will affect only the appearance of the panel itself.
    • Search for Columns: Expand the drop-down to choose any additional columns that should be shown on the panel.
    • To remove an existing column, hover over it so that it's highlighted blue and click the x button that appears to its right.
    • To remove all existing columns, click Clear Columns.
    • To change the order of the included columns, drag and drop them into the desired positions.
    • To change a column's minimum width, enter the desired number of pixels in the column's Min Width field.
    • To change a column's maximum width, enter the desired number of pixels in the column's Max Width field.
  • Under the Expanded Card View Columns header, each column currently displayed in the expanded version of the panel will be listed. Any changes made to this section will only affect the appearance of the expanded version of the panel.
    • Search for Columns: Expand the drop-down to choose any additional columns that should be shown on the expanded view.
    • To remove an existing column, hover over it so that it's highlighted blue and click the x button that appears to its right.
    • To remove all existing columns, click Clear Columns.
    • To change the order of the included columns, drag and drop them into the desired positions.
    • To change a column's minimum width, enter the desired number of pixels in the column's Min Width field.
    • To change a column's maximum width, enter the desired number of pixels in the column's Max Width field.
  • Under the Copy header:
    • Click the right arrow to copy the formatting from the "Card View Columns" section to the "Expanded Card View Columns" section.
    • Click the left arrow to copy the formatting from the "Expanded Card View Columns" section to the "Card View Columns."
  • Default Expanded Card View: Expand the drop-down to choose in which View this list should open when expanded. By default, the expanded list will use the same View as the regular panel.
  • Click Save.

The Gantt View

Once you've opened the Edit View window as described above:

  • Under the Card View Columns header, each column currently displayed on the Nested Item List panel will be listed. Any changes made to this section will affect only the appearance of the panel itself.
    • The Expanded checkbox: When selected, the first level of the tree will be expanded. When unselected, the tree will be collapsed by default. 
    • Left Grid Width: Enter a number of pixels to determine the width of the left side of the Gantt View List. 
    • Default Interval: Use the drop-down to select a default time interval for your Gantt List.
      • By default, Automatic will be selected, meaning the interval will dynamically change depending on the time range of the Item List.
      • If you want your List to always show a certain interval, then you can choose between WeeksMonths, and Years
    • Search for Columns: Expand the drop-down to choose any additional columns that should be shown on the panel.
      • To remove an existing column, hover over it so that it's highlighted blue and click the x button that appears to its right.
      • To remove all existing columns, click Clear Columns.
      • To change the order of the included columns, drag and drop them into the desired positions.
      • To change a column's minimum width, enter the desired number of pixels in the column's Min Width field.
      • To change a column's maximum width, enter the desired number of pixels in the column's Max Width field.
  • Under the Expanded Card View Columns header, each column currently displayed in the expanded version of the panel will be listed. Any changes made to this section will only affect the appearance of the expanded version of the panel.
    • The Expanded checkbox: When selected, the first level of the tree will be expanded. When unselected, the tree will be collapsed by default. 
    • Left Grid Width: Enter a number of pixels to determine the width of the left side of the Gantt View List. 
    • Default Interval: Use the drop-down to select a default time interval for your Gantt List.
      • By default, Automatic will be selected, meaning the interval will dynamically change depending on the time range of the Item List.
      • If you want your List to always show a certain interval, then you can choose between WeeksMonths, and Years
    • Search for Columns: Expand the drop-down to choose any additional columns that should be shown on the expanded view.
      • To remove an existing column, hover over it so that it's highlighted blue and click the x button that appears to its right.
      • To remove all existing columns, click Clear Columns.
      • To change the order of the included columns, drag and drop them into the desired positions.
      • To change a column's minimum width, enter the desired number of pixels in the column's Min Width field.
      • To change a column's maximum width, enter the desired number of pixels in the column's Max Width field.
  • Under the Copy header:
    • Click the right arrow to copy the formatting from the "Card View Columns" section to the "Expanded Card View Columns" section.
    • Click the left arrow to copy the formatting from the "Expanded Card View Columns" section to the "Card View Columns."
  • Default Expanded Card View: Expand the drop-down to choose in which View this list should open when expanded. By default, the expanded list will use the same View as the regular panel.
  • Click Save.

The Calendar View

Once you've opened the Edit View window as described above:

  • Default Expanded Card View: Expand the drop-down to choose in which View this list should open when expanded. By default, the expanded list will use the same View as the regular panel.
  • Click Save.

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