Working with the Reports
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Understanding Impact Data

Learn the meaning behind KaiNexus Impact terms so you can confidently report on your improvement work.

Impact Reports in Graph view have two drop-downs where you can choose which Impact data you want displayed as a Bar or Line on the Report.  

There are a lot of options to choose from, especially for organizations with the Advanced ROI module. This allows you to be very detailed with what information you want to report on, but it can be overwhelming if you don't know exactly what you are looking for. 

Example of "Display" dropdown selections in the Graph view of an Impact Report

In addition to Reports, you will also see Impact terms such as "Recurring", "Total Financial Impact" and "ROI%" appear in Widgets, Custom Impact Columns, and Item Filters. It's important to know what these terms mean to ensure you can correctly interpret data. 

This article will cover three key components of Impact data found in the Display dropdown of Impact Reports:

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Do you have an Impact Report in List view? You will see the terms this article discusses in the column customization options. Check out this article for information on how to add, edit, and delete columns on Cards. 

Lastly, we will provide a few examples of Impact data that can be displayed on Reports. 

Picking your Impact Category

The first thing you should decide when selecting what Impact data to display on your Report is the Impact Category. Your Impact Category will determine which Impact Types are included in the data.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Every Impact belongs to an Impact Category. Check out this article to learn more about Impacts. 

Example of an Impact Category in the Display dropdown. The Impact Category is always written first. 

Ofie Profile PicWarning: If you don't see a certain Impact Category in the dropdown, it is because your organization does not have an Impact belonging to that category. 

There are Qualitative Impact Categories, Quantitative Impact Categories, and preset options. 

Qualitative Impact Categories

Qualitative Impacts are not expressed in numerical units. They are conceptual Impacts that refer to improved experiences, settings, or circumstances.

The five qualitative Impact Categories are:

  • Quality
  • Safety
  • Satisfaction
  • Environment
  • Health

When you select one of these categories, you will see data for all Impacts in the category.

Quantitative Impact Categories

Quantitative Impacts are expressed in numerical values, such as currency, hours, or units. When you select one of these categories, you will see data for all Impacts in the category. 

Most organizations primarily utilize Financial Impacts, which are a subcategory of Quantitative Impacts. 

Financial Impacts are exclusively measured in currency. Your organization will have Financial Impacts organized beneath the following three Impact Categories:

  • Revenue Generation
  • Cost Savings
  • Cost Avoidance

Some organizations choose to use Quantitative Impacts that are not primarily measured in currency. These Impact Categories include: 

  • Time Savings 
  • Product
  • Resource
  • Cycle Time
  • Lead Time
  • Takt Time
  • Waste
  • Environmental Impact

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Even though Product and Resource Impacts can be reported in units, they are still considered to be hard savings, meaning they will be included in any "Financial Impact" columns on your Reports and Item Lists. 

Some Quantitative Impacts can be further broken down into Impact Values, which are additional variations of the same Impact. For example, your company might have two different types of Waste you are looking to eliminate: Overproduction and Inventory. Each time you log a Waste Impact in the Resolution of an Item, you can specify which Waste was reduced. 

Although these Quantitative Impacts are measured in units, your organization can define how much money each unit is worth. Using the previous example, each unit of Inventory Waste could be worth $1,000 in savings to a company. This makes non-financial Quantitative Impacts a form of soft savings. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Users with the Quality Administrator System Role Permission can edit the monetary value per unit of Quantitative Impacts in the Admin Section. 

When visualizing Impact data, you can view either the units or monetary value of the Impact. To choose which you want to see, select the Impact Category that has the correct option in parenthesis: 

  • Currency: The monetary value of the Impact will be displayed. 
    • If your organization has multiple currencies enabled, then be sure to select which currency you want to pull Impact data for in the currency drop-down beside the Report name.
  • Values/Hours: The total units of Impact will be displayed.

    Example: An organization with the Advanced ROI module that is tracking Cycle Time for their production process would see the Display options below.

    Assuming their production process has a cost of $1,000 per hour, and there have been 20 hours of Cycle Time saved, then selecting Cycle Time (Hours) - Actual would show 20 hours on the graph, and selecting Cycle Time (Currency) - Actual would show $20,000 on the graph. 

    Preset Impact options

    In addition to showing Impact data for a specific Impact Category, you can also choose one of KaiNexus' preset options to report on. The following options provide unique perspective on Impact that you might not be able to display using Impact Categories alone. 

    • Financial Impact: The monetary value of all Financial (Cost Savings, Revenue Generation, and Cost Avoidance), Resource, and Product Impacts will be displayed. It does NOT include soft savings Impacts such as Waste,  Environmental Impact, Time Savings, Cycle Time, Takt Time, or Lead Time. 
    • Total Financial Impact: The monetary value of all Quantitative Impacts will be displayed. This includes Cost Savings, Revenue Generation, Cost Avoidance, Resource, Product, Waste, Environmental Impact, Time Savings, Cycle Time, Takt Time, and Lead Time. 
      • Note: Non-financial Quantitative Impacts must have a rate greater than $0 per unit in order for their monetary value to pull into Total Financial Impact data. 
    • ROI%: The percent return on Investment will be displayed. ROI% will take the difference between the Investment (including Financial Investments and Resource Investments) and the Financial Impact (described in the first bullet point of this list) and express it as a percentage of the Investment. 
    • Completed: The number of Completed Items meeting your criteria will be displayed. 
    • Change%: The percent of Items meeting your criteria that have resulted in change will be displayed. 

    Ofie Profile PicWarning: You must have the Advanced ROI module to report on ROI%. 

    Select Total, One-Time, or Recurring

    When you enter an Impact into the Resolution of an Item, you are asked to select whether the frequency is One-Time, Recurring, Range, or Custom. Because Impacts can be classified in this way, KaiNexus also provides a way to sort and report on different frequencies. 

    Ofie Profile PicWarning:  The frequency options appearing in the Resolution depend on your organization's configuration for each Impact. To change which frequencies are available, reach out to your Customer Success Manager. Only organizations with the Advanced ROI module can use Range and Custom frequencies. 

    When building a Report, you have three options that help you differentiate between Impacts logged with various frequencies. 

    • Total will include all Impact data that meets your other parameters regardless of whether it was logged as One-Time, Recurring, Range, or Custom Schedule. 
    • One-Time will include Impact data that has been recorded as a One-Time, Range, or Custom Schedule Impact. It will not include Recurring Impacts. 
    • Recurring will include only Impact data that has been logged as a Recurring Impact. It will not include One-Time, Range, or Custom Schedule Impacts. 

    Specify the Resolution Type

    Ofie Profile PicWarning: Only organizations with the Advanced ROI module can log and report on Forecast and Target Impacts. 

    All Quantitative Impact Categories will also ask you to select which Resolution Type you want included in the Impact data. 

    • Actual will only include Impact data logged in the Actual Resolution. This helps you report on the actual outcome of completed Items. 
    • Forecast will only include Impact data logged in the Forecast Resolution. This helps you report on expected outcomes of in-progress Items. 
    • Target will only include Impact data logged in the Target Resolution. This helps you report on outcomes an Item's Team hopes to reach.

    Example of the Actual, Forecast, and Target options you will see if you have the Advanced ROI module enabled. 


    Example One:

    Question: What data will the Revenue Generation - Recurring - Actual Impact series show? 

    Answer: It will show Impacts within the Revenue Generation category that are logged as Recurring in the Actual Resolution of Items.  

    Example of an Impact that will be included in a Revenue Generation - Recurring - Actual Report

    Example Two

    Question: What data will the Total Financial Impact - Target Impact series show? 

    Answer: It will show the monetary value of all Quantitative Impacts, including soft savings, that are logged in the Target Resolution of Items. 

    Example of two Impacts that will be included in a Total Financial Impact - Target Report. Note that the monetary value of the Cycle Time Impact is determined by the hourly rate of the Order-Processing Time. 

    Example Three 

    Question: What data will the Product (Values) - One-Time - Forecast Impact series show? 

    Answer: It will show the units of Product that have been logged as a One-Time Impact in the Forecast Resolution of Items. 

    Example of an Impact that will be included in a Product (Value) - One-Time - Forecast Report. 

    Visualize Impact using these Reports:

    For more information on how you can use Reports to visualize and review Impact, check out the articles below: 

    Recommended Reading:

    Do you want to learn more about Impact in KaiNexus? We recommend reading the articles below: