Advanced ROI Module

Target and Forecast Resolution

Get visibility into the potential versus actual ROI so that your organization can get better at forecasting results.

Two Line OfieREQUIRED:  To perform the actions described in this article the Advanced ROI Module must be enabled for your organization and Target and/or Forecast Resolutions must be enabled for your Item. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to enable it.

With the Advanced ROI's Target and Forecast Resolutions, you can set impact and investment targets for your Items, record changing forecasts throughout implementation, and compare the predictions with the actual results.

Your Customer Success Manager can enable the Target and Forecast Resolutions for any Template that already uses Resolutions, enabling you to create up to three different Resolutions:

  • Actual Resolution: Data that shows the actual outcome of the completed Item.
  • Forecast Resolution: Data that shows the outcome the in-progress Item's Team expects to reach.
  • Target Resolution: Data that shows the outcome the in-progress Item's Team hopes to reach.

For information on submitting the Actual Resolution and completing Items, check out this article.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Do you want to display Target or Forecast Impact data on an Item List? We recommend checking out our support page on Custom Impact Columns to learn more. 

Who can add or edit a Target or Forecast Resolution?

  • For Items using the Standard Team Type, anyone with the "Assign" permission for Items in this Location.
  • Anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in this Location.
  • Anyone on the Team except for Participants and Followers.

    Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

    Add a Target or Forecast Resolution to an Item

    To add a Target or Forecast Resolution to an Item, open the Item with which you want to work, then navigate to its Resolution tab or to its Resolution panel. Then:

    • Click either:
      • Submit Target to add a Target Resolution, or
      • Submit Forecast to add a Forecast Resolution.

    An Item work panel with the Submit Target and Submit Forecast buttons marked

    When you're done, click Save to finalize the Target or Forecast Resolution. You can edit these Resolutions at any time.

    Impact Types

    Each of the possible Impact Types will be listed. Check the box next to any Impact(s) you want to include in this Resolution. Depending on the type of Impact and on your organization's settings, you will be prompted to enter certain additional information as described below.

    Qualitative Impact Types

    Depending on the Item's configuration, you may or may not be prompted to provide any of the following information when selecting one of these impacts:

    • How would you classify this: Click either the Minor, Moderate, or Significant radio button to decide on the impact's classification.
    • Click Log Occurrences to reveal additional fields which you can use to provide more information, including:
      • How often do you believe this has happened in the past?: Check the box next to “Unknown” if you don’t know how many times this has happened. Otherwise, fill in the number of times it has happened and with what frequency.
      • How often do you believe this could happen in the future?: Check the box next to “Unknown” if you don’t know how many times this might happen in the future. Otherwise, fill in the number of times it could happen and with what frequency.
      • Has this decreased the chance of this happening again?: Choose either Yes, No, or Unknown.
    • Impact Locations: Use this field to search for and select any Locations which will benefit from the work done on this Item.

      Depending on how your organization has configured this Impact Type, you may only be able to choose between the Item's Responsible Location and any Locations nested under it.
    • Notes: Enter any additional information about this particular impact.

    Quantitative Impact Types

    When you select a quantitative Impact Type, click the Add Amount button that appears beneath it. In the resulting window:

    • Summary:  Enter the name of this impact. (This option will only appear for certain Impact Types, such as Cost Savings and Revenue Generation.)
    • Specify the specific person or unit impacted.
      • If you're recording a Time Savings impact:
        • Person: Select the type of person whose time will be saved, then specify how many of those people were affected in the How Many field.

          If you don't know the type of person who will be affected, check the Unknown Person checkbox instead.
      • If you're recording any other quantitative Impact Type, use the drop-down labeled with that Impact Type's description to select the specific unit that will beimpacted.
    • Depending on how your organization has configured this Impact Type, you may be able to choose between several options to specify the frequency with which this impact will occur. Click the appropriate radio button to make your selection.
      • One-Time: Select this option if this impact occurred once. You’ll be prompted to enter the amount in the Amount field and, if entering a Time Savings impact, specify the unit of time.
      • Recurring: Select this option if this impact will repeat. You’ll be prompted to enter the amount in the Amount field, specify how often it will recur, and, if entering a Time Savings impact, specify the unit of time.
      • Range: Select this option if this impact will recur over a set time period. You’ll be prompted to enter the amount in the Amount field and specify a start and end date.
      • Custom: Select this option if the impact will occur irregularly over a set time period. Clicking this option will open a “Custom Schedule” page in which you can specify the impact of each month.
        • Click Add Year to add a year to the schedule.
        • Click inside each year/month intersection to add a data point.
        • Click Save when you're finished entering data.
      • Unknown Amount: Select this option if you’re not sure of the impact.
    • Realized Date: Enter the date on which the impact will be realized. For recurring impacts, this should be the first date on which the impact will be realized. (The presence of this option is dependent on how your organization has configured this Impact Type). For more information on realized dates, check out this support article.
    • How did you base the above calculation?: Enter any further information about how this impact was calculated.
      • Depending on how your organization configures the Impact Type, this field may be required, optional, or absent. 
    • Impact Location: Use this field to search for and select any Locations which will benefit from the work done on this Item.
    • Your organization may have tied an Attribute to this Impact Type. If so, it will appear on this screen. Select the appropriate Attribute value from its drop-down.
    • Click Save to finalize this Impact Type.


    Depending on the Template's configuration, an "Investment" section may be included on this window.

    Check the box next to any Investment(s) you want to include in this Resolution and log the details as described above.

    Edit an existing Resolution

    The Target and Forecast Resolutions can be edited so long as the Item is still in progress. To edit a completed Item's Target or Forecast Resolutions, you'll need to reopen it first.

    To edit a Target or Forecast Resolution, open the Item with which you want to work, then:

    • Click the pencil icon to the right of the Resolution you want to edit.

    An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to  the Edit Target and Edit Forecast buttons

    • In the resulting window, update any applicable outcome information and/or Investments, then click Save.