
Tree View

The Tree View is a way of looking at lists of Items in KaiNexus. With this view, you can see the hierarchy of Items — how they are nested under one another — and can add and remove columns to control which information is displayed for each Item.

The Tree View has a hierarchical structure that visually nests Items under their parents.

This View is fully customizable. You can add, remove, and rearrange columns to show any combination of information you want. By default, the following columns will appear:

  • Status: The status will be written out and will also be indicated by the color of the bar next to each Item.
  • Template
  • Title
  • Key People: The most important team role (as determined by the Item's Team Type and current status) will be listed along with all the users in that role.
  • Key Dates: Each Item's last updated date and one additional key date will be listed. The additional key date is chosen based on the Item's current status. For example, active Items' due dates and completed Items' completed dates will be shown.

Working with the Tree View

  • Items that meet the list's filter requirements will appear at the top level of the list. If an Item has other Items nested beneath it, there will be a right caret icon to its left. Click that icon to see the Items nested under it.

Two Line OfieAn Item with other Items nested under it is called a "parent." Those nested Items are its "children." By default, all of a parent's children are included in the Tree View, though the list can be filtered such that only certain children appear.

  • When in the Tree View, click any of the listed Items to open it.
  • Quickly edit an Item. You can edit Items by clicking on the specific column of data that you want to update, by clicking the ellipsis icon that appears when hovering over the Item you want to update, or by right-clicking the Item you want to update.

Two Line OfieFor more information on using the editing Items directly from a list, check out this article.

  • To open an Item in a new tab on your browser, right-click its name, then click Open in a new tab in the resulting drop-down menu.
  • To copy the direct link to an Item, right-click its name, then click Copy Link. The link will be copied to your clipboard.

Configuring the Tree View

To configure how Items are represented in the Tree View:

  • Click the filter icon near the top of the list. If you do not see this option, you may need to first click Filters to expand the list's filters.

An Item List with an arrow pointing to the Filter icon

  • In the resulting window:
    • Click the View Options header to expand it.
      • The Show Parents checkbox: When enabled, the parent of any Items that meet the filter requirements will be included on the list even if that parent does not meet the filter requirements itself.
      • The Show Children checkbox: When enabled, the children of any Items that meet the filter requirements will be included on the list even if those children do not meet the filter requirements themselves.
        • By default, when this checkbox is enabled all children will be included on the list. To only include children of certain workflows, expand the Workflows drop-down to the right of the checkbox and select the workflows that should be included.
      • The Filter Children checkbox: When enabled, a filter icon will appear next to the checkbox that you can use to control which children are included on the list.
        • Click the filter icon to open a new Item Filter window from which you can filter the list of children.
      • Max: Enter the number of Items to appear on each page of your List.
        • By default, 50 Items will appear on each page of your List. 
        • There is a maximum limit of 250.

Ofie Profile PicWarning: Increasing the number of Items shown on each page of your List past 50 could negatively impact performance, resulting in slower load times. 

      • Density: Click one of the following radio buttons to pick the list's appearance.
        • Comfortable: When selected, the rows on the list will have more whitespace, making it easier to read.
        • Compact: When selected, the rows on the list will have less whitespace, allowing for more data to be visible.
      • The Wrap Text checkbox: When enabled, if the text within a column exceeds the space available, the text will wrap to the next line. If not enabled, the text will be truncated instead.
      • Show Archived: Click one of the following radio buttons to decide whether archived Items should be included on the list.
        • Exclude Archived: When selected, no archived Items will be included on the list.
        • Only Archived: When selected, no unarchived Items will be included on the list.
        • Both: When selected, archived Items and unarchived Items will be included on the list.
      • Item Count (Card-only setting): Choose whether you want to Show or Hide the number of Items included in the List on the Card's header. 
    • Click Save.

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