
Comments, Updates, and Notes

Easily differentiate between Comments, Updates, and Notes by choosing which Communication Panel(s) to include on Templates.

Comments, Updates, and Notes are a great way to keep all communication regarding an Item in one place, rather than scattering conversations across emails, instant messengers, or texts.

Items can have up to three separate Panels dedicated to commenting threads: Comments, Updates, and Notes. The three Communication Panels mirror each other in functionality but give users a dedicated place to facilitate different types of conversation. 

You can customize Templates with which type of Communication Panels you'd like to appear. For example, Updates are excellent for project Templates, and Notes work great on Templates that track meeting minutes.

If you would like to add Updates or Notes to any of your Templates, reach out to your CSM for configuration!

Ofie Profile PicEvery Template must have at least one Panel for Comments, Updates, or Notes. However, there cannot be more than one of each type on a single Template.

Use the links below to navigate to different topics regarding Communication Panels:

When would you use Comments, Updates, or Notes?


Comments are a great way to hold conversations regarding an Item in a convenient location. Instead of scattering discussion across emails, text messages, and instant messaging apps, Comments keep team member conversations attached to a specific Item.

Comment Example


Use Updates when you want a place to post updates on an Item without the information hiding in a long thread of Comments. 

For example, if you are part of an ongoing strategy project that will take a year to complete, you can utilize the Updates Panel to record monthly progress.

Update Example

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Use the Remind Me features to remember to log your Updates!


Notes are an excellent option for sharing observations, recording research, and adding additional information about an Item without disrupting a conversation or cluttering the description.

You can also use Notes to log Meeting Minutes, keeping important meeting details in a specified Item instead of scattered across other applications.

Note Example

How to add or reply to a Comment, Update, or Note

Who can post a Comment, Update, or Note?

Anyone who can view an Item can leave a Comment, Update, or Note on it. This includes: 

  • Anyone on the Item's Team.
  • Potentially anyone on the parent's Team.
  • If the Item is Public and not in New Status, anyone with the "View" Permission in the Item's Location. 
  • If the Item is Public and in any Status, anyone with the "View New" Permission in the Item's Location
  • If the Item is Private, anyone with the "View Private" Permission in the Item's Location. 

Add a Comment, Update, or Note

Open the Item you want to post on and locate the Communication panel. If all three Communication Panels are enabled, then you can pick whether you want to leave a Comment, Update, or Note.

  • Click inside the Leave a comment, Leave an update, or Leave a note text area. The text area will expand, and an HTML toolbar will appear at the top of it.
    Expanded Comment Panel
  • Enter your message in the text area. 
    • To stylize your text and add images, emoticons, and links to your message, use the Formatting Toolbar. 

Two Line OfiePRO TIP: Tag another user in your comment by typing "@" (without quotes). A user list will appear. Search the list by typing their name, then click their name when you see it. When your comment is posted, they will receive an in-app notification.

  • The Email Now checkbox:
    • When this checkbox is selected, a drop-down will appear to its right. Use this drop-down to search for and select the person or people who should receive an email with your message immediately.
    • The Item's Team will still be notified about this comment in their next digest email and will receive an in-app notification regardless of whether the Email Now checkbox is selected. 
    • A person who does not have permission to view this Item will not receive an email or notification about your comment, even if you enable "Email Now."
    • If you are replying to a Comment, Update, or Note, the drop-down beside the selected Email Now checkbox will automatically populate the person you are replying to along with anyone mentioned in your reply.   
      Expanded Comment with Email Now Selected
      • To remove any users automatically populated in the Email Now drop-down, select the "x" beside their name. 
  • The Follow checkbox: 
    • When this checkbox is selected, you will be added to the Item's Team as a Follow after posting. Use this checkbox when you want to be notified of future updates to the Item. To learn more about the Follower Team Role, check out this article
    • When this checkbox is not selected, you will not be added to the Team of the Item after posting. 
  • Click Post.

Two Line OfieOfie Warning: The only difference in functionality between Comments, Updates, and Notes is that you cannot use Bulk Change to add Updates and Notes. Use Bulk Change to add Comments to Items instead. 

Reply to a Comment, Update, or Note

There are two ways to reply to a Comment, Update, or Note. You can either reply inside the Item or reply via email if the original post was sent to you via the Email Now option. 

  • To reply inside the Item, open the Item that contains the post you want to reply to. Locate the Communication Panel, and find the Comment, Update, or Note with which you want to work.
    • Hover over the post. Several options will appear beneath it.
    • Click Reply. The comment text area will appear in that position. The user to whom you're replying will be tagged automatically.
    • Enter your comment in the text area.
    • Enter your comment in the text area and click Post.

An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the reply to comment button

  • To reply via email, check out this article.

How to edit or delete a Comment, Update, or Note

Who can edit or delete a Comment, Update, or Note?

To edit or delete your own post, you must have permission to edit the Item.

To edit or delete someone else's post, you must have the Comment Administrator Permission and  have permission to edit the Item.

Two Line OfieWhen you delete a comment, the comment is permanently removed from the Item and can not be recovered.

Only the following people can edit an Item:

  • Anyone on the Item's Team except for Followers or Participants.
  • Anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in this Location(s).
  • For Items using the Standard Team Type, anyone with the "Assign" permission for Items in this Location(s).

Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

How to edit or delete a Comment, Update, or Note

To edit or delete a post, open the Item which contains it, locate the Communication Panel, and find the comment with which you want to work.

  • Hover over the Comment, Update, or Note you want to modify. Several options will appear beneath it.
  • Either:
    • Click Edit and the Edit Comment, Edit Update, or Edit Note window will open. Make any necessary changes, then click Save.
    • Click Delete and a confirmation window will open. Click Delete and the comment will be permanently removed.

An Item work panel with the edit and delete comment buttons marked

Pin a Comment, Update, or Note to the top of the Communication Panel

Pinning a Comment, Update, or Note is a great way to prevent important posts from being buried under other, newer entries. Any post can be pinned so long as it is not a reply to another post and does not have any replies itself. 

When you pin a Comment, Update, or Note:

  • It will appear at the top of the list of Comments, Updates, or Notes, even if it's not the most recent entry.
  • It will be marked with a pin icon to its right and will be separated from other posts by a horizontal line.
  • No one will be able to reply to it until it is unpinned.

Who can pin a Comment, Update, or Note?

To pin a post to the top of the Communication Panel, you must have permission to edit the Item. Only the following people can edit an Item:

  • Anyone on the Item's Team except for Followers or Participants.
  • Anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in this Location(s).
  • For Items using the Standard Team Type, anyone with the "Assign" permission for Items in this Location(s).

Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

Pin a Comment, Update, or Note

To pin a post to the top of the Communication Panel, open the Item which contains it, locate the Communication Panel, and find the Comment, Update, or Note with which you want to work.

  • Hover over the comment you want to reply to. Several options will appear beneath it.
  • Click Pin. The comment will be moved to the top position in the list of Comments, Updates, or Notes, and a pin icon will appear to its right.

An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the pin a comment button

Unpin a Comment, Update, or Note

To unpin a post, open the Item which contains it, locate the Communication Panel, and find the Comment, Update, or Note with which you want to work.

  • Hover over the post you want to reply to. Several options will appear beneath it.
  • Click Unpin. The post will be moved to the proper chronological position in the Communication Panel, and its pin icon will disappear.

Search for a Comment, Update, or Note

Who can search in Communication Panels?

Anyone who can view an Item can search through its Comments, Updates, or Notes Panels. 

How to search for a comment

To search for a specific comment in a long thread, locate the Panel where the comment was made. 

  • Hover over the top right corner of the Communication Panel and click the magnifying glass icon that appears in its top right corner. The Search Comments, Search Updates, or Search Notes box will appear depending on the type of Communication Panel. 
  • Enter your search term into this field and hit enter/return or click the magnifying glass icon again to search the list. The Panel will expand to show all entries, and all occurrences of the search term will be highlighted. 
  • Click the x icon that appears next to the magnifying glass to cancel your search.

Expand the Communication Panel

Who can expand a Communication Panel? 

Anyone who can view an Item can expand its Comments, Updates, or Notes to a larger view. 

How to expand a Communication Panel

  • Hover over the top right corner of the Communication Panel. 
  • Select the Expand icon. 
  • When you are in the expanded view of a Comments, Updates, or Notes Panel, you can post new comments and search through old comments like you can in the Item view.  

Making Custom Lists

Another excellent way to utilize the new types of Communication Panels is to make a Custom List. When creating a List of Items, click the dropdown arrow at the top of any column and select Edit Columns. Use the search bar on the “Edit Columns” menu to find Last Comment, Last Update, or Last Note. Finally, click Apply to add the new Column to your List. 

The Column will show each Item's most recently posted Comment, Update, or Note. This would be a great way for project managers to quickly view the latest Updates on a List of projects they are coordinating.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: You can sort an Item List by the date of the Last Comment, Update, or Note. Check out our support page on filtering Item Lists to learn how.