KaiNexus Fundamentals

In-app notifications

KaiNexus automatically notifies you about Items that need your attention. That way, you know what needs to be addressed as soon as log in to KaiNexus.

You'll typically receive time-sensitive notifications via email — unless emails have been disabled for your account or you don't have an email address associated with your account — while all other notifications will be solely located within KaiNexus. You will also receive an in-app notification for any notification you were emailed about.

Notifications either deliver information (e.g. that a new comment was added to the item) or prompt you to take action (e.g. to review a submitted Resolution).

You'll receive notifications about actions performed by KaiNexus — such as Items that were automatically transitioned from the Planned status to the Active status — and actions performed by other people. You won't receive notifications about your own actions.

See your notifications

Your Item notifications — alerts about Items that need your attention based on your Role, your affiliation with the Item, and your opt-in notification preferences — can all be found on the Notifications window.

Two Line OfieThe number of unread Item notifications, if any, will be displayed as a badge on the bell icon in your navigation bar. If there's no number on that icon, you don't have any unread notifications.

To open your Notifications window, log in to KaiNexus and click the bell icon in the navigation bar.

The KaiNexus header with an arrow pointing to the notifications bell icon

Two Line OfieFor more information on navigating the Notifications window, check out this support article.

Types of in-app notifications

Notifications marked with a blue dot 

These are notifications you received due to updates that were made since the last time you viewed a specific Item. 

Notifications marked with a red flag

These are notifications you received due to your association with the Item or your opt-in notification preferences.

Notifications marked with a yellow bell

These are reminders generated by KaiNexus itself, such as reminders about Items that are sitting in the Draft status.

Why did I receive this Notification?

The charts below highlight the types of Notifications that you will receive based on your involvement in a Team for a Simple Team, Standard Team, Advanced Team, and Author-Only Team.

Recommended Reading

For more information on Notifications, check out these support articles:

For more information on Team Roles, check out: