Getting Started
Boards & Cards
Item Workflow
Item Lists
- Users > User Management
- Users > Titles
- Users > Positions
- Users > Employment Statuses
- Users > Certifications
- System > General
- System > Timeline
- System > Login Notices
- System > Email
- System > Tooltip Customization
- System > API Keys
- Organization > Network
- Organization > Level Types
- Organization > Roles
- Organization > Goals
- Organization > Impact Types
- Organization > Standard Work
- Organization > Weighted Scores
- Organization > Workflows
- Organization > Templates
- Organization > Fields
- Organization > Attributes
- Organization > Multi Chart Importer
- Other
KaiNexus Updates
Additional Modules
The KaiNexus Mobile App
Developer Documentation
Lean Strategy
Template Customization
Author-Only Team
The Author-Only Team type is designed for work that doesn't require multiple Team Roles.
What is an Author-Only Team?
Well, we admit it's a bit of a misnomer, as Author-Only Teams can also have Followers. However, Author-Only Teams are ideal for when you just need to credit the user who captured the Item (and you don't need to identify multiple specialized Team Roles).
Recording meeting minutes is a great use case for a Template with an Author-Only Team. Here at KaiNexus, we have Weekly Report Out meetings every Friday. One person fills out the Weekly Report Out Template while taking notes during the meeting; they're the Author of the Item. Anyone else who wants to review the meeting notes becomes a Follower.
Another use case for Author-Only Teams is Chart maintenance. For example, you may have a monthly metrics Chart that needs to be updated, so the Authors are the users responsible for keeping the Chart up-to-date when necessary. Followers of the Chart will get notified whenever a new update has been made!
What Team Roles are in the Author-Only Team?
The default Team Roles are listed below, but your organization may have configured custom Team Roles and/or customized the names of the default Team Roles. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager for additional information about either of these features or for help determining which of your Team Roles correlate to these defaults.
Author | The Author is the person (or people) who originally came up with the Item, created it in KaiNexus, and/or is responsible for keeping it up to date. |
Follower | Followers have no formal responsibility for the Item but they are kept in the loop and notified about any activity associated with it. It is helpful to follow an Item if you are interested in it and want to know how it’s progressing. |
Author-Only Team Role Permissions
In the Author-Only Team structure, Authors have full edit access to their Items, while Followers can simply leave a comment on an Item they're following.

Author-Only Team Role Notifications