Custom Badges Module

The Custom Badges Module

We’ve found that even a simple reward—like an automated award—can inspire people and keep them engaged with their improvement work. After all, recognition of someone’s accomplishments goes a long way!

Two Line Ofie Reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you're interested in this module or, if your organization is already using this module, to reconfigure your organization's existing Badges or create new ones.

Custom Badges are emblems that can be customized to meet the exact needs of your organization. Whenever a person meets the requirements of a custom Badge, it will be added to their profile to show everyone just how awesome and engaged they are.

This support article will discuss:

Two Line OfieFor more general information on Badges, check out this support article.

How can Badges be configured?

Two Line OfieReach out to your Customer Success Manager to create a new Badge or to edit an existing one.

Organizations have a ton of freedom when it comes to creating custom Badges. You can customize each Badge's:

The Badge's design

  • Specify the Badge's name and add a description. This information will be shown whenever anyone hovers over the Badge’s icon.
  • Upload an icon to represent the Badge. This icon will be displayed on the profile pages of anyone awarded the Badge.

Ofie Profile PicImportant: Make sure the image used for the Badge's icon is square to prevent resizing issues in KaiNexus. We recommend your image be 80 by 80 pixels in size. 

The Badge's criteria

Badges can be configured so that they can only be granted manually — by someone with the "Global Badge Administrator" permission — or so that they will be automatically granted to anyone who meets certain criteria.

Badges can be awarded based on:

  • A user's role in an Item's Team
    • Specify which Team Role(s) should count towards the Badge. You can even award Badges based on Custom Team Roles
    • Specify the number of times a user must fill that role in an Item's Team within a certain number of days to be awarded this Badge.
    • If necessary, you can also:
      • Specify which Template(s) or Workflow(s) should count toward the Badge.
      • Use advanced filters to determine which Items should count toward the Badge.
      • Choose to only allow Items in a Complete Status — or only Items in a Complete Status that resulted in a change — to count toward the Badge.
      • Pick which other Badges this Badge should supersede or replace. Once a user gains this Badge, the preceding Badge(s) will no longer appear on their profile. However, that user will still be included when filtering or reporting on those preceding Badges.
      • Enable streaks so that when someone is awarded the Badge and continues to meet the Badge's criteria, the Badge icon on their profile will begin to show a count of how many times they have consistently met the criteria for this Badge.

        You can also define a set number of days within a defined time period where streak requirements can be missed without a user losing their streak.
  • A user's activity or actions within KaiNexus
    • Specify which activity or activities — e.g. logging in, clearing notifications commenting on Items, etc. — should count towards the Badge.
    • Specify the number of times a user must fill that role in an Item's Team within a certain number of days to be awarded this Badge.
    • If necessary, you can also:
      • Specify whether the Badge should be granted for activities performed in the browser, in the mobile app, or both.
      • Use advanced filters to determine which Items should count toward the Badge.
      • Pick which other Badges this Badge should supersede or replace. Once a user gains this Badge, the preceding Badge(s) will no longer appear on their profile. However, that user will still be included when filtering or reporting on those preceding Badges.
      • Enable streaks so that when someone is awarded the Badge and continues to meet the Badge's criteria, the Badge icon on their profile will begin to show a count of how many times they have consistently met the criteria for this Badge.

        You can also define a set number of days within a defined time period where streak requirements can be missed without a user losing their streak.
  • A user's other Badges
    • Specify which Badges a user must obtain in order to be automatically awarded this Badge.
    • If necessary, you can also pick which other Badges this Badge should supersede or replace. Once a user gains this Badge, the preceding Badge(s) will no longer appear on their profile. However, that user will still be included when filtering or reporting on those preceding Badges.

Date Criteria

  • Prevent Badges from getting awarded retroactively by adding an activation date. People will only be awarded a Badge if they meet its requirements starting on this date.
  • If you only want the Badge to be awarded for a limited time, add a deactivation date. After this date, existing badges will remain, but no new badges will be granted even if someone meets the Badge's requirements.

Manual Badge expiration

  • Configure Manual Badges to expire on a specific date or after a certain number of days.

    For example, after training a set of new hires, an HR manager can grant HIPAA certification Badges to the trainees and set that Badge to expire exactly one year in the future. That HIPAA Badge will expire one year later on the specified date, letting Users know it’s time to get recertified!

Badge Notifications

  • Define the text that will be displayed on in-app and emailed Badge notifications when the Badge is awarded or revoked.
  • Define the text that will be displayed on in-app and emailed Badge notifications to let users know they're on a Badge streak.
  • Define the text that will be displayed on in-app notifications to warn users that they must take action in order to maintain their Badge.

Grouping Badges

Customize Badge Types to group similar Badges and filter for them. For example, if you have Badges for Yellow Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt Certifications, you can customize a Badge type called Six Sigma Certifications to group those Badges, allowing you to easily filter for all Badges of that type.

I’m a Global Badge Administrator: How do I grant someone a Custom Badge?

Two Line OfieREQUIRED: To grant a user a Badge, you must have both the "Global Badge Administrator" and either the "Global User Administrator" permission or the "Local User Administrator" permission for the user's Location(s). 

Badges can be configured so that they can only be granted manually — by someone with the "Global Badge Administrator" permission — or so that they will be automatically granted to anyone who meets certain criteria.

Two Line OfieIf you want to make the same change to a bunch of different users' Badges, you can bulk-change them instead of editing them one by one.

To grant someone a manually assignable Badge, navigate to the User Management administration page or the People page, then:

  • Hover over the user you want to edit so that it is highlighted blue, and select the pencil icon that appears on the right and the Edit Profile window will open.

The People page with an arrow pointing to a users Edit Profile button

    • Locate the Badges field. Expand the drop-down and select the Badge(s) you want to grant to this user. To revoke a Badge from this user, delete it from this field.
    • Click Save.

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