
What is a Badge?

Badges work to “gamify” the system, leading to increased engagement, collaboration, and loyalty in the workplace.

We’ve found that even a simple reward—like an automated award—can inspire people and keep them engaged with their improvement work. After all, recognition of someone’s accomplishments goes a long way!

KaiNexus offers two different types of Badges: Universal Badges and Custom Badges. 

Universal Badges are a set of Badges, available to all customers, created to help users overcome the initial hurdle of using the system, help them explore functionality, and encourage them to work more in the system. Universal Badges work alongside any Custom Badges your organization is already using as part of the Custom Badges Module.

Two Line OfieFor more information on Universal Badges, check out this support article.

Custom Badges are emblems that can be customized to meet the exact needs of your organization. Whenever a person meets the requirements of a custom Badge, it will be added to their profile to show everyone just how awesome and engaged they are.

Two Line OfieNOTE: Custom Badges are only available for organizations using the Custom Badges Module. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you're interested in this module.

What is a SuperBadge?

SuperBadges are awarded based on Badges previously earned in the system.

For example, your organization could have a Badge for submitting 100 Improvements, a Badge for getting Six Sigma Black Belt Certified, and a Badge for resolving 75 Projects. Once a user has earned all three of those Badges, they could then unlock a Lean Superstar SuperBadge! 

What is a Badge Streak?

Users can track the number of days (or weeks, or months) in a row they’ve performed an action in KaiNexus by earning a Streak. Streak Badges typically include submitting an Item, logging in, and clearing notifications to earn the weekly and monthly Badges. Since it takes an average of 66 days to form a habit, Streaks are an excellent way to instill these habits in users in KaiNexus!

The number of times a user has maintained the Streak will be displayed as a small numerical value on the Badge.

We already have some Universal Badges that encourage Streaks but, don't forget, you can create Custom Badge Streaks of your own with the Custom Badges Module!

How do I know if I've received a Badge?

Depending on the Badge's configuration, you may receive an email and/or an in-app notification when you've been granted a new Badge or if a Badge has been revoked. You may also receive a notification prompting you to take action to maintain a Streak so you don't risk losing your Badge!

How can I see who has been awarded a Badge?

See one user's Badges

You can see all the Badges a user has been awarded by opening their user profile. Their Badges will be displayed underneath their profile picture. Hover over any of the Badge's icons to see its title, description, and the date on which it was awarded, or click View Badges to see all the Badges' titles and descriptions at once, as well as the different categories of Badges.

By default, all Badges the user has earned as well as those they have the potential to earn will be listed. Those Badges that have not yet been earned will be grayed out.

To only see the Badges that a user has already earned, check the Hide Unawarded Badges checkbox.

A users list of Badges with an arrow pointing to the Hide Unawarded Badges checkbox

Two Line OfiePRO TIP: The "Hide Unawarded Badges" checkbox respects individual user preferences, so if you check it, it will stay checked whenever you log back in later or while visiting different user profiles. 

See a list of users' Badges

If you want to see all the Badges of multiple users simultaneously, check out the People section. The “Badges” column displays everyone’s Badges, and you can set filters to display specific Badges in the People section or on a People Card.

How do I grant someone a Badge?

Two Line OfieREQUIRED: To grant a user a Badge, you must have both the "Global Badge Administrator" and either the "Global User Administrator" permission or the "Local User Administrator" permission for the user's Location(s). 

Badges can be configured so that they can only be granted manually — by someone with the "Global Badge Administrator" permission — or so that they will be automatically granted to anyone who meets certain criteria.

Two Line OfieIf you want to make the same change to a bunch of different users' Badges, you can bulk-change them instead of editing them one by one.

To grant someone a manually assignable Badge, navigate to the User Management administration page or the People page, then:

  • Hover over the user you want to edit so that it is highlighted blue, and select the pencil icon that appears on the right and the Edit Profile window will open.

The People page with an arrow pointing to a users Edit Profile button

    • Locate the Badges field. Expand the drop-down and select the Badge(s) you want to grant to this user. To revoke a Badge from this user, delete it from this field.
    • Click Save.