
KaiNexus communications

KaiNexus helps you ensure that people are getting the right information at the right time so that they get the information they need without being overwhelmed.

KaiNexus notifications provide invaluable visibility into innovation and improvement work to key people in the organization, including:

  1. Quality and Process Improvement Leaders

    Most organizations have a core team of people responsible for educating and coaching the rest of the staff to drive the organization’s innovation and improvement work. Unfortunately, their impact can be limited because it is often difficult for them to oversee and manage work happening across an entire organization.

    KaiNexus' custom notifications provide visibility for quality and process improvement leaders into the improvement and innovation efforts of everyone in the organization. Customizing these notification options to include all new Items, neglected Items, or Items resolved with specific impacts allows leaders to easily identify areas that require additional coaching or recognition.

  2. Finance Departments

    Our customers find great value in the ROI reporting capabilities within KaiNexus. When an Item is resolved, the assigned team and its leader are prompted to calculate the impact of the Item. While this impact is not always finance-related, it often is in the form of cost savings or revenue generation.

    With KaiNexus, Finance Departments can now be notified about any Item that results in a financial impact. This provides the Finance Team with the transparency they need to audit each report, and it ensures that the organization has accurate metrics regarding the financial impact of improvement and innovation.

    These notifications can be customized to fit the needs of other departments as well. For example, many KaiNexus customers configure the platform to notify their Safety Departments whenever a safety-related Item is resolved.

  3. Executive Leadership

    It’s important to keep executives abreast of any major updates or impacts around innovation and improvement. KaiNexus' custom notifications filter out unnecessary details, keeping executives in the loop about Items that impact critical business operations.

  4. Teams

    Working in teams, particularly cross-functional teams dispersed throughout an organization, is often difficult because effective communication is challenging when people work in different areas and on a variety of tasks. It’s hard to know who is assigned to a particular task, and when time is also limited, it can be challenging to solve problems as a team.

    KaiNexus's notifications utilize digest emails and individual emails from team Members to keep your team in the loop about everything regarding their improvement work. Updates can be sent automatically, tasks can be assigned and completed in real time, and comments and questions can be logged for future reference.

    Because of this, our customers have seen a marked increase in the productivity of their meetings. Teams now know the current status of every project, and leaders now know what their staff is doing. With KaiNexus, meetings can now be spent discussing strategy and planning, rather than sharing updates.

Types of KaiNexus Notifications


The Digest is an email that contains updates about your Items, notifications you've opted to receive, and notifications other users have shared with you. It serves as a summary of recent activity in the app that is specific to you. 

Two Line OfiePro Tip: A Digest won't be sent if you have no unread in-app notifications or have not signed in to KaiNexus in the past 90 days. 

Why did I receive a Digest? 

Your organization can choose the default days users receive a Digest. It is usually once a week, but it could be more often depending on organizational preference. 

Regardless of the default setting, you can change your personal preference for how often you receive a Digest. You can view and edit your notification preferences in your User Profile. 


Subscriptions are emails with links to the Boards or Custom Lists you are subscribed to. They serve as reminders to check these areas of the app for updates. If you have subscriptions, you will usually receive a subscription email at least once a week containing pertinent information and links to your Lists and Boards. 

Why did I receive a subscription email? 

You must subscribe to at least one Custom List or Board to receive a Subscription email. This includes: 

Like the Digest, how often you receive subscription emails depends on you and your organization. 

Regardless of the default organization setting, you can change your personal preference for how often you receive your subscription. You can view and edit your notification preferences in your User Profile. 

Team Role-based notifications about your Items

KaiNexus automatically sends you emails and notifications pertaining to Items in which you are a member of the Team. These are time-sensitive emails containing important updates about your Items. 

Two Line OfieNote: Team Roles vary between the four Team Types in KaiNexus. Each type of  Team has different rules for which notifications are sent to each Team member. Check out the articles below for a detailed breakdown of the notifications that are sent for each Team Type:

Why did I receive a Team Role-based notification?

By default, you will receive a  Team Role-based notification when: 

  • You are requested to be or assigned as the Author, Assigner, Responsible, Facilitator, or Leader Team Role on any Item. 
  • Someone deletes an Item, and you are on the Item's team. 
  • Someone deleted an Item nested beneath a Parent Item, and you are the Facilitator or Leader on the Parent's team. 
  • The Resolution has been submitted for your approval.
  • The Resolution has been denied. 

Opt-in Item Notifications

Opt-in notifications are notifications that you have chosen to receive in addition to the usual notifications you get for being on an Item's Team. You can opt-in to extra notifications yourself, an admin can add opt-in notifications for you, or your organization can set opt-in notifications for everyone with your System Role. 

You can use opt-in notifications to receive specific updates about an Item you're interested in, such as knowing when an Item goes Overdue. These notifications can be in-app only or sent through email as well. 

Two Line OfiePro Tip: You will only receive notifications for Items you have permission to see.

Why did I receive an opt-in email notification? 

You received an opt-in Item notification email because you or an administrator has added an additional notification preference to your User Profile. 

If an event happens in KaiNexus that matches one of your notification preferences and you have elected to receive emails for that notification, you will receive an immediate email. The notification will also be included in your Digest and in-app Notification Window.

View all notifications you are opted into in the notification preferences of your User Profile. 

User-Elected Item Notifications

Other users can elect to send you an email notification using the Email Now function. Email Now can be used when someone is:

  • Posting a Comment, Update, or Note
  • Completing an Item
  • Sharing an Item

When a user selects Email Now while performing one of these actions and chooses your name as a recipient, you will receive an immediate email notification. 

Login Notices

If administrators in your organization or the KaiNexus staff want everyone in the organization to know some important piece of information, a login notice may be created. This notification will pop up when you next log in to KaiNexus.

Login notices are typically used to let you know about new features in KaiNexus or about classes or other events at your organization.