Board Actions

Subscribe to a Board

Get regular reminders to check in on a specific Board.

If you subscribe to a Board, your normal subscription email will include a link to it. You can subscribe to as many Boards as necessary.

This is a simple way of setting up a reminder to visit certain Boards regularly.

You may have been subscribed to a Board by the person who created it or by a Board Administrator, but you can unsubscribe at any time.

Subscribe to a Board

Open the Board with which you want to work, then:

  • Click Actions in the top right corner of the Board.

A Board with an arrow pointing to the Actions button

  • Click Subscribe in the resulting drop-down menu.

Unsubscribe from a Board

Open the Board with which you want to work, then:

  • Click Actions in the top right corner of the Board.

A Board with an arrow pointing to the Actions button

  • Click Unsubscribe in the resulting drop-down menu.