Frequently Asked Questions

How to opt-in to Due Date Approaching notifications

Receive an in-app or email notification when your Items are approaching their Due Date.

When you are on an Item Team, you'll automatically receive a notification when the Item goes into Overdue Status. However, if you want to receive an alert 5 days before the Item goes Overdue, you must opt-in to a custom notification preference.  

Ofie Profile PicNote: Check out this support page for full instructions on configuring custom notification preferences. 

To receive notifications for Items that are approaching their Due Date: 

  • Select your profile picture on the Navigation Bar and select User Profile in the resulting drop-down menu. 
  • In your User Profile, select the Actions button. In the resulting drop-down menu, select Notification Preferences
  • Select + New to create a new notification preference. 
  • In the New Notification Preference window:
    • Use the Workflow and Template fields to specify the Templates or Workflows you want to include in your notification preference. 
      • There is an "or" relationship between these fields, meaning an Item only needs to meet the criteria in one of the fields to trigger a notification. 
    • Select the filter icon to open the Item Filter and further specify which Items should trigger a notification. You can use the full power of the Item Filter to set detailed criteria for which Items you want to be notified. 
      • For example, you can choose whether you only want to be notified on your Items, Items tagged with a certain Attribute Value, or Items nested under a certain Parent..
      • If you want to receive notifications for only your Items, select the User criteria in the Item Filter. Then, you can either pick your name or select "Current User." You can even specify which Team Role you must have on the Item to trigger the notification. 
    • In the Activity drop-down, select Due Date Approaching. This will trigger a notification for your specified Items when the Due Date is within 5 days of the current date. 
    • Additional options will appear. Use them to finish configuring your notification preference. 
      • Location: Use the drop-down to set Location parameters for your notification preference. 
        • Anywhere: You will be notified about Items in every Location in the organization. 
        • User's Location Only: You will be notified about Items in your Locations only.
        • User's Location & Below: You will be notified about Items in your Locations and in any Locations nested under them.
        • Specific Location: You can choose to be notified about Items in any Location. When this option is selected, additional fields will appear beneath it
          • The Location search field: Use this field to search for and select the Location about which you want to be notified.
          • The Location parameters field: Use this field to select whether you should be notified about This Location & Below or This Location Only.

Ofie Profile PicImportant: Regardless of your selections, you will not receive notifications for Items you do not have permission to view. 

      • How: User the drop-down to select how you would like to be notified. 
        • Select Alert Only to receive only an in-app notification. 
        • Select Alert + Email to receive an in-app notification and a separate email.
      • The Include Nested Items checkbox: When unchecked, you will only be notified about Items that aren't nested under another Item. When checked, you will also be notified about Items that are nested under another Item.
      • The Require Edit Permission checkbox: When checked, you will only be notified about Items that you have permission to edit.
  • Select Save.
  • You will see your new notification preference listed along with your other notification preferences. 

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