Other Information

Private Items

Restrict access to an Item by making it private.

Private Items have restricted visibility. Users without the necessary permissions cannot access the Item and its information. This prevents any privileged information from becoming general knowledge while still allowing it to be entered into KaiNexus.

Private Items will have a lock icon beside their title. 

Who can view a Private Item? 

Only the following people can view a private Item:

  • People on the private Item's Team
  • Anyone with the "View Private" permission for Items in its Location(s).
    • Note: The "Toggle Private" and "Edit" permissions do not give the ability to view private Items. 
  • If your private Item is nested under another Item with an Advanced Team Type and the "Allow Team to see nested private Items" checkbox is selected on the parent Item, then all Team members except for Followers can view the private nested Item. 
    • Note: If the parent Item has a Standard, Simple, or Author-Only Team Type, team members on the parent Item will not be able to see nested Items unless they are also on the private Item's Team or have the "View Private" permission for the nested Item. 

Two Line OfieCAUTION: Because private Items are, well, private, neither your organization’s administrators nor KaiNexus Support will be able to help you with them unless they are added to the Item’s Team or have the "View Private" permission.

Do private Items affect Reports?

A private Item’s data and metrics are included in your organization’s metrics and Reports, but people without permission to view the Item will not be able to see the Item's name or open the Item from any Reports.

The Item will also be counted towards the total number of Items in the organization (or in its parent if it has one), but again, it cannot be seen or accessed through any Lists by users without the right permissions.

Are a private Item's children also private? 

When you add a nested Item to a private Item, the nested Item will not automatically be private. You must manually toggle the nested Item private. 

How do I filter for private Items? 

You can make an Item List or Report containing only private Items by using the Item Filter.  

  • Open the Item Filter. It may be in a different location depending on whether you are working with a Custom List, Item List Card, Widget, or Report
  • Select Additional in the rules drop-down. 
  • Keep "is any of" as the selection in the logic drop-down to include private Items in your results. Switch the logic to "is not any of" to exclude private Items from your results. 
  • Select Private as the criteria. 
  • Select Save

Make an Item private

Who can make an Item private?

To make an existing Item private, you must have both of the following permissions: 

  • Permission to view and edit the Item
  • The "Toggle Private" permission in the Item's Location(s)

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: The "Toggle Private" permission only gives the ability to private a public Item and make a private Item public. It does not give the ability to view private Items. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: To make an Item private, your Item's Template must be configured such that the privacy setting is available. If you need to change your Template's configuration to enable the privacy options, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Make an Item private

You can make an Item private while you are creating or editing it. 

To make an Item private while you are creating it:  

  • Locate the Make Private checkbox. It will be listed below all Fields and Attributes on your Template's Create Screen. 
  • Select the Make Private checkbox.
    • If you don't see this option, you either don't have permission to make that Item private, or that Item's Template has been configured by your organization so that that checkbox is hidden.
  • If the Template you are using has an Advanced Team, then you will see an additional Allow Team to see nested private Items checkbox. Select it to allow all Team members (except for Followers) to see private Items that are nested beneath the current Item. 

  • Select Create. 

To make an existing Item private: 

  • Select the Actions button at the top right of the Item Work Panel. 
  • In the resulting drop-down, select Edit Details.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Edit window. The Make Private checkbox will be below all other Fields and Attributes for your Item.
  • Select the Make Private checkbox. 
    • If you don't see this option, you either don't have permission to make that Item private, or that Item's Template has been configured by your organization so that that checkbox is hidden.
  • If the Template you are using has an Advanced Team, then you will see an additional Allow Team to see nested private Items checkbox. Select it to allow all Team members (except for Followers) to see private Items that are nested beneath the current Item. 

  • Select Save

After an Item is made Private, it will have a lock icon beside its title. You'll see the lock icon on the Item itself and on Item Lists. 

Example of an Item List Card with two Private Items.

Recommended Reading

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