
Plan an Item

Schedule work on an Item to begin at a later date.

The Planned status is used when an Item has been evaluated and will be implemented at a later date.

Who can plan an Item?

  • Anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in this Location(s).
  • Anyone with the "Assign" permission for Items in this Location(s) can plan Items using the Standard Team Type.
  • Anyone with the appropriate Team Roles:
    • For Items using the Standard Team Type, the Assigner.
    • For Items using the Simple Team Type, anyone on the Team except for Followers.
    • For Items using the Author-Only Team Type, anyone on the Team except for Followers.
    • For Items using the Advanced Team Type, anyone on the Team except for Participants and Followers.

Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

Plan an Item

To plan an Item, open the Item with which you want to work, then:

  • Click the Item's Status indicator.

An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the status indicator

  • Select Planned in the resulting drop-down menu and the Item's "Plan" window will open.
    • If your organization chooses to rename Item Statuses with its own custom terminology, you may see a different option than "Planned." 
  • In the "Plan" window, enter the following information: 
    • Reason for Planning: Enter an explanation as to why you're planning the Item. The explanation will be added to the Item as a comment.
    • Start On: Click the corresponding radio button to choose when the Item should move to Active Status. Some of these options may not be available depending on the Template's configuration, and if only one is available, the radio button will be hidden. 
      • Decide Later, if you don’t want to enter the start date at this time. You can update the Item with a start date later, or manually activate it when the time comes
      • Specific Date, if you already know when it should begin and who should be involved.
      • Dependent On, if you want this Item to be activated automatically upon another Item's start/completion.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: In addition to customizing which "Start On" options are available on a Template, you can also customize which is the default. Contact your Customer Success Manager to update a Template. 

If you pick...

Decide Later

The following options will be available:

  • Due Date: Enter the date by which this Item should be completed.
  • Responsible Person: Use this field to search for and select the user who should take the lead on this Item. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Assign or Request: Use the radio button to decide whether you want to Assign or Request the Responsible person. 
  • Leave a comment: Enter a comment with any additional information for the Responsible Person. The explanation will be added to the Item as a comment.
  • Assigned By: Your name will be listed here by default but if you're planning and assigning this Item on behalf of someone else, use this field to search for and select that user. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • The Require Resolution Approval checkbox: When this box is checked, the Item's Assigner or Facilitator will need to review a submitted Resolution and approve it before the Item will transition into the Complete status.
    • Both the presence and default state of this checkbox are determined by the Item's template's configuration. Additionally, only someone with permission to assign the Item will be able to see this checkbox.
  • Collaborators: Use this field to search for and select the user(s) who will contribute to the success of the Item. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types with Collaborators enabled.
  • Followers: Use this field to search for and select the user(s) who should be kept in the loop but not have any formal responsibility for the Item. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Responsible Location: The Responsible person’s Location will be listed here by default. If you would like to add an additional Responsible Location or change the default selection, use this dropdown to search for and add Locations. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Click Plan.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: The Team Roles displayed in the Plan window may vary depending on the Template's configuration. 

When you know when this Item should become Active, it will either need to be given a start date so that it activates automatically on that date or be manually activated at that date.

Specific Date

The following options will be available:

  • Start Date: Enter the date on which this Item should automatically become Active.
    • The earliest date you can enter is 12:00 AM tomorrow. 
  • Due Date: Enter the date by which this Item should be completed.
    • The Due Date must be after the Start Date. 
  • Responsible: Use this field to search for and select the user who will be responsible for working on the Item. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Assign or Request: Use the radio button to decide whether you want to Assign or Request the Responsible person. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types. 
    • If you request the Responsible person to work on the Item, they must accept for the Item to automatically activate on the Start Date. 
  • Leave a comment: Enter a comment with any additional information for the Responsible Person. The explanation will be added to the Item as a comment.
  • The Require Resolution Approval checkbox: When this box is checked, the Item's Assigner or Facilitator will need to review a submitted Resolution and approve it before the Item will transition into the Complete status.
    • Both the presence and default state of this checkbox are determined by the Item's template's configuration. Additionally, only someone with permission to assign the Item will be able to see this checkbox.
  • Assigned By: Your name will be listed here by default but if you're planning and assigning this Item on behalf of someone else, use this field to search for and select that user. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Collaborators: Use this field to search for and select the user(s) who will contribute to the success of the Item. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types with Collaborators enabled.
  • Followers: Use this field to search for and select the user(s) who should be kept in the loop but not have any formal responsibility for the Item. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Responsible Location: The Responsible person’s Location will be listed here by default. If you would like to add an additional Responsible Location or change the default selection, use this dropdown to search for and add Locations. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Click Plan.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: The Team Roles displayed in the Plan window may vary depending on the Template's configuration. 

This Item will automatically be activated on the set start date.

Dependent On

The following options will be available:

  • Click the Start Of radio button if the Item should be activated based on the start date of another Item or click the Completion Of radio button if the Item should be activated based on the completion date of another Item.
  • Choose item(s): Use this field to search for and select the Item(s) on which this Item should be dependent.
  • # of Days: Enter the number of days before/after the Item's start/completion date this Item should be activated. Enter 0 if the Item should be activated on the start/completion date.
  • Click the Before radio button if this Item should be activated the set number of days before the other Item's start/completion date. Click the After radio button if this Item should be activated the set number of days after the other Item's start/completion date.
  • Days to Complete: Enter the number of days it should take to complete this Item once it has been activated. This will be used to calculate the Item's due date.
  • Responsible: Use this field to search for and select the user who will be responsible for working on the Item. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Assign or Request: Use the radio button to decide whether you want to Assign or Request the Responsible person. 
  • Leave a comment: Enter a comment with any additional information for the Responsible Person. The explanation will be added to the Item as a comment.
  • The Require Resolution Approval checkbox: When this box is checked, the Item's Assigner or Facilitator will need to review a submitted Resolution and approve it before the Item will transition into the Complete status.
    • Both the presence and default state of this checkbox are determined by the Item's template's configuration. Additionally, only someone with permission to assign the Item will be able to see this checkbox.
  • Assigned By: Your name will be listed here by default but if you're planning and assigning this Item on behalf of someone else, use this field to search for and select that user. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Collaborators: Use this field to search for and select the user(s) who will contribute to the success of the Item. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types with Collaborators enabled.
  • Followers: Use this field to search for and select the user(s) who should be kept in the loop but not have any formal responsibility for the Item. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Responsible Location: The Responsible person’s Location will be listed here by default. If you would like to add an additional Responsible Location or change the default selection, use this dropdown to search for and add Locations. This option will only be available for Items using the Simple or Standard Team Types.
  • Click Plan.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: The Team Roles displayed in the Plan window may vary depending on the Template's configuration. 

A list of every Item that this Item is dependent on (as well as a list of every Item that is dependent on it in turn) will appear on its work panel. The Item will automatically be activated when all the dependencies have been met.

Two Line OfieNOTE: Reopening one of the Items that your Item depends on after it has been activated will not revert this Item into the Planned status.