Release Highlights

- Bookmarked items will now be accessible from the Bookmark icon to the left of the User Profile.
- Activity Reports can now be viewed in Bar Chart form.
- KaiNexus has been upgraded with some brand new, more polished UI enhancements.
- You can now use Calculated Series with other Calculated Series or Shared Series from other Charts.
- Custom Layout can now be utilized for Chart templates.
Reach out to your Customer Experience Lead to take advantage of this new feature.
Complete Release Notes
- Text will now wrap for notes on chart annotations .
- Formatting has been added to fields that support Font Awesome icon codes to ensure proper input.
- Resolution Submitted and Deferred status categories have been added to Improvement by Status and Project by Status reports.
- The User Count by Location Report now opens a user list.
- Location by Impact and User by Impact Reports are now filtered by Complete Date.
- Badges and Awarded Date are now included on exports of People Lists.
- Engagement by Location Report now includes user numbers and Badges.
- Organizations now have the ability to disable Files and Attachments in KaiNexus.
- “Bulk Delete” has been added as an option to the Bulk Change feature. Users can only Bulk Delete items which they have permission to delete.
- The maximum number of Cards that can be added to a Board is now 16.
- Checked workflows in the Search window will now refresh each time the window is opened.
- “Edit Team” has been added as an option in the work panel ellipsis drop-down.
- “Last Updated” has been added as an option to the People section.
- The “X” button on the notification window has been moved to the upper right hand corner of each notification to ensure consistent placement.
- Individual reports have been renamed to make their purpose easier to understand.
- Tooltips have been added to the Project, Improvement, Task, and Incident icons in the Reports section.
- Vertical Bar and Horizontal Bar orientation in the Attribute Summary Report has been switched.
- Attribute Summary , Activity by Attribute , and Impact by Attribute Reports now include tooltips to the right of their titles.
- Engagement Summary by User Report tooltips have been updated to better reflect the content of the reports.
- A “Clear All” option has been added to the Slideshow edit window.
- “Copy Team” now includes a tooltip.
- Users can now expand the Create window. This will be saved as a user preference.
- Date fields have been widened to ensure that dates are not cut off.
- The tooltip on the “Acknowledge” button has been properly sized.
- “You’re all caught up” will no longer appear during the loading of notifications in the notifications window.
- The tooltip text when auto-completing Tasks in the Resolution of an Improvement has been fixed.
- Padding has been adjusted around the sign-in button on account emails.
- Tooltips have been added for Description, Rank, and Make Public have been added to Creating/Editing a Board.
- Team language has been made singular in areas where the team members are view only. Team language has been made plural in cases where team members can be selected or edited.
- Language on Copy, Transfer, Escalate, Convert, and Delete windows has been updated and unified with links to our Support page for further context
- Question marks have been removed from toggle buttons.
- Pareto Chart colors will now default the series color to blue.
- The Create window can now be expanded to full screen.
- Buttons to expand or collapse panels will now read “Toggle Panel”.
- Text when adding a new Item List Card will now read “Add Item List Card”
- The title when adding a People List Card now reads “Name”.
- The number of items in an Item List Card will now appear to the left of the Card title.
- Full expansion of an Item List Card will now be saved as a user preference.
- Updated the "Yours" notification icon.
- A bug was fixed that prevented Frontline Users from being removed as Assigners.
- A bug was fixed that prevented the Project Status Report from opening correctly in specific instances.
- A bug was fixed that prevented User Improvement and User Project Activity Reports from correctly sorting by user.
- Location Engagement Reports now updates correctly when moving to subsequent pages.
- Emails now reflect the changing of team role names.
- A bug was fixed that prevented the Location Impact Summary from properly counting items because of the Aggregation Location Qualifier.
- A bug was fixed which added extra 0s to percentages when exporting a List as a PDF.
- A bug was fixed which incorrectly showed the value of 0 when sorting by the “Completed” column of the User Impact Report.
- Capture Users will no longer show up in the Time Tracker log.
- A bug was fixed which prevented certain items from showing up in Calendar View.
- A bug was fixed in which not all text translates in a Custom Layout exported to PDF.
- A bug was fixed that prevented a user from completing a project in which they did not have the permission to active a item dependent item.
- A bug was fixed in which Attribute Values were not translated on a PDF export.
- A bug was fixed in which a field name on a Chart template was not translated on a PDF export.
- A bug was fixed which prevented a translated tooltip from saving in a specific instance.
- Images will now appear in the image area of Standard Work when “show in image area” is selected.
- HTML text which appeared in the User Engagement Summary Report tooltip has been removed.
- A bug was fixed which prevented tooltips that had translations from being cleared to default.
- A bug was fixed which did not allow Locations to be removed from the Language area.
- Special characters will now show up accurate in the Attribute Report Summary
- A bug was fixed in which prevented items from being made dependent on their parent.
- Chart cards will no longer load indefinitely if the user does not have the correct permission or if the chart has been deleted.
- A bug was fixed in which ampersands did not display correctly in Chart category names.
- A bug was fixed which prevented Team, Files, and Links from displaying correctly on certain monitor configurations.
- Advanced ROI columns will no longer appear in lists for Customers who do not have Advanced ROI purchased.
- Quotes will now appear correctly in the Chart categories.
- A bug was fixed which prevented the Shared Series icon from showing up in the legend of bar charts with shared series.
- The Weighted Score creation window will no longer be cut off on small screens.
- A bug has been fixed which prevented items with nested lists in List View showing Attribute, Field, or Weighted Score columns from exporting to PDF.
- A bug has been fixed which prevented comments from appearing in the Last Comment column on a PDF.
- A bug has been fixed which cleared the name from Target Thresholds on Actual Series when the threshold data series name is changed.
- A bug was fixed which caused duplicate dashlets when editing a filter in a nested List.
- A bug was fixed which prevented copied Charts from showing Shared Series data until the Chart has been saved.
- A bug was fixed which replaced Complete Date with Created Date in a filter that tracks status counts.
- A bug was fixed which prevented Adhoc fields from being required to complete.
- Deleted Locations will no longer appear in the custom notification tab when resolving an item.
- A bug was fixed which sometimes prevented Files from being droppable in a Free Style Card in IE11.
- A bug was fixed with prevented Charts from being re-nested under new Projects without first being saved.
- A bug was fixed which showed a blank quick filter when viewing lists of users in the User Engagement Summary.
- The Calculated Series icon will now show up with long series names.
- Search will now update immediately after changing the item type boxes.
- A bug was fixed which prevented Slideshow mode from saving the correct user preferences.
- A bug was fixed which showed all series types to show up in a copied Bar/Line graph.
- Copied will now show consistent syntax regardless of the type of card that has been copied.