Working with Lists

Location Roll Up Columns

Visualize which higher level of your Network an Item is associated with

Every Item in KaiNexus is associated with at least one Network Location. They can have an Originating Location, which describes which division of your organization generated the idea or project, and a Responsible Location, which describes which division is responsible for executing the work. 

Although it's helpful to know the precise Location an Item is associated with, you might also find it beneficial to understand which higher-level division of your organization it is tied to. To achieve this, you can use Location Roll Up columns. 

What is a Location Roll Up Column? 

Location Roll Up columns display a Location at a higher level in the Network than an Item's direct Location. For example, your organization may use the following Network Structure:

Team A is working on a project, meaning the project's Location is Team A. However, you'd like to know which Department the project is associated with. A Location Roll Up column would show that the project "rolls up" to the Information Technology department. 

There are two types of Location Roll Up columns: 

  • Originating Location Roll Up: This column displays a Location above the Item's Originating Location. 
  • Responsible Location Roll Up: This column displays a Location above the Item's Responsible Location. 

Using Location Roll Up Columns

Step One: Add the column to an Item List

You can add Location Roll Up columns to any Item List in List, Tree, or Gantt View. While editing the List's columns, search for the column you want to add. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Need help editing columns on a list? Check out the Configure an Item List's View support page or visit the Customize columns on Cards support page if you are working with a Board. 

By default, both Location Roll Up columns will display the Location directly above the Item's Location in the Network. 

Item List showing the Location above each project's Location.

However, you can also specify which level of your Network to display in the Roll Up column. To do so, proceed to the next step. 

Step Two: Edit the List's Additional Column Options

Location Roll Up columns not only display the Location directly above your Item's Location but also allow you to show Locations at higher levels in your Network. You can pick which Level Type you want the column to display, and it will show the first Location above the Item's Location that matches the selected Level Type. 

To change which Level Type the column rolls up to, you must edit the List's Additional Column Options

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: You can edit a List's Additional Column Options in the Item Filter. If you are working with an Item List Card, you can access the Item Filter when you edit the Card

In an Item List's Additional Column Options

  • Originating Location Roll Up: Use the field to select one or more Level Types. The Originating Location Roll Up column will display the name of the Location(s) on the first matching Level Type when moving up the Network from the Item's Originating Location. 
  • Responsible Location Roll Up:  Use the field to select one or more Level Types. The Responsible Location Roll Up column will display the Location(s) on the first matching Level Type when moving up the Network from the Item's Responsible Location. 

After you save your changes, the columns will respect your selected Level Type.  

Item List showing the division each project is associated with. 

  • If an Item has multiple Originating or Responsible Locations, the column will display the "roll up" Location for each of them. If they are the same, they will be listed only once. 
  • If the Item's Originating or Responsible Location matches the Level Type you selected in the View Options, that Location will be displayed. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Originating and Responsible Location Roll Up columns are supported in PDF exports but not XLSX exports or API exports. 

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