Working with Chart Data
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  3. Working with Chart Data

Import data directly into a Chart

Quickly transfer data from a spreadsheet into a Chart using the data import function.

Two Line OfieREQUIRED: The Chart Module is required to perform the functions on this support page. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to enable Charts for your organization. 

If you want to quickly copy a bunch of data from a spreadsheet into a single Chart, we recommend a direct data import.

If you want to import data for a bunch of different Charts at the same time, check out this article on Multi-Chart imports instead.

With Chart data imports you can:

  • Update dates or categories
  • Update data for an existing date or category
  • Add new rows of data
  • Delete existing rows of data

However, there are some limitations of Chart data imports. You cannot: 

  • Create a new Chart
  • Create new data series
  • Add, edit, or delete Annotations

Who can edit a Chart?

Only the following people can edit a Chart's Details or its data:

  • Anyone on the Chart's Team except for Followers or Participants.
  • Anyone with the “Edit” permission for Items in the Chart's Location(s).

Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

Getting started

Create the Chart

The first step is to create your Chart if you haven't already. If you still need to build out your Chart, check out the articles for your type of Chart — Threshold, Control Limit, Bowling, Bar/Line, or Pareto — first.

Data can't be imported until all data series have been created and the Chart has been saved with those series in place.

Export the Chart's data

The easiest way to make sure your spreadsheet is formatted correctly is to export the Chart's data and use the columns included in that spreadsheet as a launch point.

To do so, open the Chart with which you want to work, then:

  • Click Actions in the top right corner of the page.

A Chart work panel with an arrow pointing to the Actions button

  • Click Edit Chart in the resulting drop-down menu and the Chart's Edit Data window will open.
  • Click the Excel File icon.

The Edit Data window with an arrow pointing to the Excel icon

  • Click Download in the resulting drop-down.
  • If your Chart is using dates, you will need to select a Time Zone and then click Download in the resulting window.
  • When the .XLSX document has finished downloading, open it.

The spreadsheet will include:

  • A "Date" or "Category" column (depending on which the Chart uses).
  • An "Update Date" or "Updated Category" column (again, depending on which the Chart uses). Apart from its header, this column will be empty.
  • A column for each series on the Chart which includes its data points. Any calculated data series will be included, but you needn't worry about updating their data as KaiNeuxs will do it automatically when the Chart is next saved.

Update the spreadsheet as needed

Update dates or categories

  • Leave the "Date" or "Category" column untouched.
  • Find the row you want to update, then enter the new date or category into the "Updated Date" or "Updated Category" column.

Update data for an existing date or category

  • Find the row you want to update, then enter the new value into the column of the data series you want to update.

Add new rows of data

  • Enter the new row's date or category into the "Date" or "Category" column.
  • Enter the new row's value(s) into the column of each data series.

Delete existing rows of data

  • Add a new rightmost column called "Remove Row"
  • Find the row(s) you want to delete, and add "TRUE" into its "Remove Row" column.
  • Leave the "Remove Row" column blank (or add "FALSE") for any row you don't want to delete.

Save the .XLSX document

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: KaiNexus imports support spreadsheets that utilize formulas, so feel free to use them while populating data on your spreadsheet. 

Import data into a Chart

Once you have finalized the changes to your .XLSX document, you're ready to import the data back into KaiNexus. To do so, open the Chart's Edit Data window as previously described, then:

  • Click the Excel File icon.
  • Click Upload in the resulting drop-down.
  • The "Chart Data Import" window will open:
    • If your Chart is using dates, you will need to select a Time Zone.
    • Either drag the file you want to import onto the resulting window or click the window and choose the correct file from your computer.
    • A summary screen will appear with details about your import. Click Ok, got it.
  • Click Save to update your Chart. At this point, any calculated data series that did not update immediately upon the completion of the import will be updated.

Understanding the import summary

  • The words “Import Complete” with no warnings means that the import was successful and your data was uploaded.

  • The words “Import Complete” accompanied by a list of “Import warnings” means that the import has finished, but that there were some aspects that failed. In fact, it’s possible that so many elements failed that you won’t see any changes in your Chart’s data.

    The components that failed will not have been updated and you will need to correct the mistakes in the spreadsheet and try again.

    Each line of the import warnings gives a brief description of the problem and often tells you exactly in which cell the problem arose. For example:
      • “Data - column G - row 5: Expected cell of type NUMERIC but received type STRING” means the formatting of cell G5 is incorrect. You will need to edit the formatting of that cell and make it a numeric value before that data point will be uploaded.
      • “Data: The series ‘Accident Rates’ is not present in the import" means that your spreadsheet is missing the column/data series by that name. You will need to add it before changes can be made to that data series.
      • “Data - column B - Row 1: There is no existing series that matches ‘Finances’”  means that you had a header in column B called “Finances,” but there’s no data series in your Chart that shares that name. You will need to either correct the name in your Excel spreadsheet to make it match an existing series, or you will need to create a series with that name in your KaiNexus Chart, save the Chart, and try importing it again.