Release Notes

June 7, 2019 Release Notes

Release Highlights

  • Voting functionality has been updated with the ability to vote on items multiple times, to see the number of votes in List/Tree View, and to see who has and has not yet voted.

  • Create Goals for Submission and Impact using the new Goal Line on the Item Curve and Impact Over Time Reports . Set Goals for the entire organization or on a per Location basis for improvements or financial impacts over a date range.

  • Update multiple charts at once using the multi-chart importer .

  • A new addition to the Activity Over Time Report allows users to measure the number of items that have been completed on-time, completed before its due date, or items that are currently on track to be completed on time.

  • New color and fill options have been added to Bar/Line Charts .


Complete Release Notes



Simple Header Toolbar

  • KaiNexus will now ask to confirm the current user’s credentials when changing a password in organizations that do not use Single Sign-On.

  • The Notifications window will now show the number of notifications and will update as notifications are cleared.

  • The Search panel will now expand based on the contents of the search, similar to the Notification and Create windows.

  • Organizations can now add a minimum and a maximum number of characters for Text Area Fields.

  • Typing the letter “t” into a Date Field will now automatically select the current date.

  • Planned Items will now automatically have the default Due Date match the selected Start Date.

  • Organizations can now customize the success message that appears after an Item has been submitted.

  • The “Create Another” link will now show up in the success message when creating an Item from a Widget Card or in a nested item list.


  • The API Export is now capable of exporting data in JSON format .

  • Charts will now only look for Charts when using the Similar Items search option on the Create window.

  • Tasks will now only look for Tasks when using the Similar Items search option on the Create window.

  • The Status Picker has been reordered to be simplified and streamlined based on the current state of the Item.

  • Organizations can now disable Team roles from being added to specific templates.

  • Inactive Users will no longer appear in the “Email Now” field in the Comments panel.

  • Adding a “Required Note” to a selected Attribute Value will now show that the field is required.

  • The Resolution panel is now available for all workflows using Custom Layout.

  • The “Submit Resolution” button will now appear in the Resolution panel of Custom Layout even when no values have been saved.

  • A “Back to Resolution” button has been added to the decline Resolution window.

  • The button to add data to a quantitative Impact Type now reads “Add Amount”.

  • The Add Amount window has been redesigned to be simpler.

  • Investment and Impact locations are now included on Excel exports.

  • Spacing on the Save PDF window has been improved.

  • Page size multipliers have been added to the PDF Export to help maintain aspect ratio when creating a custom page size.

  • Icons have been updated when adding a nested item from the Work panel.

  • Spacing has been updated in the Convert, Copy, and Delete windows.


  • Tooltips have been added to Series titles in the “Edit Chart Data” section.

  • A minimum width has been added to grid columns in the “Edit Chart Data” section.

  • Charts using Calculated Series will no longer calculate to “0” if series being calculated from are blank.

  • Exported Chart Data has been formatted to be able to be re-uploaded using the Chart Import.


  • The tooltip for “Restrict Viewing to” on the Create/Edit Board window has been updated.

  • The Share window has been updated with a NOTE: regarding sharing if the Item or Board is private or restricted.

  • Subscribing to a Board will now generate a success message to confirm the subscription.

  • A button labeled “Swap” has been added to the Primary and Secondary Header area to easily swap the Text Color and the Background Color.

  • Kanban columns can now be reordered, similar to List/Tree View.

  • Slideshow can now be enabled to show Full Screen.


  • Users can now create a list of Chart Types, such as Bowling, Bar/Line, Pareto, or Threshold with the new Chart Types filter rule

  • KaiNexus will now indicate how many Items are selected when utilizing Bulk Change .

  • A success message will be generated when a successful Bulk Change is made to users in the People section.

  • Items in Tree View will now open when clicking anywhere on the row of that item, not just the Title.

  • Average/Total in List View will now be included on PDFs.


  • The ended projects metric in the Activity section of the snapshot has been renamed to “Completed Projects”.

  • A filter for Network Attribute has been added to the Location panel on Boards, Reports, and the People area.

  • A select “All” option has been added to the Team Role area of Activity Reports.


  • Attributes now have the ability to activate Optional Milestones .

  • Users have the ability to require the “Note” field to be completed when selecting “Not Approved” on a Milestone.

  • Updating a Milestone will now update the “Last Update” date in the Dates section.

  • Milestones can now be set to only be Approved or Activated by Users with the correct Role and Edit permission for the Item.


  • Creating a new Weighted Score will now show .

  • Creating a new Standard Work Group will now show .

  • Adding a new Time Savings Person will now read “Create Time Savings Person”.

  • A nested Projects list in the Work panel will now be labeled “Projects”.

  • A tooltip has been added to the “Item’s Parent” option in Planned Status when setting up a Standard Work Item.

  • Weighted Scores now have the ability to be restricted by Roles.

  • Time Savings People can now be restricted by Network Location.

  • List View will now be signified by the  icon.

  • Tree View will now be signified by the  icon.

  • Detail View will now be signified by the  icon.

  • Kanban View will now be signified by the  icon.

  • Gantt View will now be signified by the  icon.

  • Standard Work will now be signified by the  icon.

  • Copy for Cards, Boards, and Items will now be signified by the  icon.

  • Time Savings People will now be signified by the  icon.

  • Attribute Values will now be signified by the  icon.

  • The Calendar will now be signified by the  icon.

  • Performance has been improved when opening projects in Custom Layout.


  • The label for “Time Saved Hours - Forecast” has been corrected.

  • The Chart tab will no longer appear if the template does not have access to Charts.

  • Names of Parent items will now wrap text correctly in the Notification window.

  • A bug was fixed in which an Item’s Responsible Location was not updating in List View.

  • A bug was fixed in which changing the Responsible Location of an item was not saving during Resolution.

  • Adhoc Fields will now stay in columns, even when fields are left blank.

  • A bug was fixed which prevented data from being updated in Charts in specific instances.

  • Attribute dropdowns will no longer be cut off in Adhoc Fields.

  • Exporting a PDF using a Custom Layout template will now include combined Lists.

  • A bug was fixed which put Chart Annotations on the wrong date when using a custom Visible Date Range.

  • Exporting a PDF of a Custom Layout will now show the correct titles for Item Lists.

  • A bug was fixed in which editing Card columns and then moving the Card would revert the Card Columns back to the previous settings.

  • A bug was fixed in which users were able to bypass the maximum number of Cards on a Board.

  • Originating and Responsible Location tooltips will now appear in Custom Layout.

  • A bug was fixed which prevented placeholder text from appearing in the details panel.

  • Spacing has been fixed in the icons in the User Engagement Report.

  • Spacing has been fixed in the icon for adding a new Weighted Attribute to a Weighted Score.

  • The Show/Hide Series option has been removed on Reports.

  • An error window with the incorrect support page link has been fixed.

  • Gradients will now work even if using the default Card colors.

  • The username will no longer be underlined in the “Last Comment” column of List and Tree View.