Board Actions

Edit a Board

Update an existing Board's configuration

Who can edit an existing Board?

  • The Board's Owner
  • Anyone with the "Board Administrator" permission for Boards in that Board's Location.

Edit a Board

Open the Board with which you want to work, then:

  • Click Actions in the top right corner of the Board.

A Board with an arrow pointing to the Actions button

General settings

  • Title (required): The title is used to identify this Board.
  • Description: Enter an optional description to provide more context as to who should view this Board, what this Board contains, and/or how it should be used.

    The description will appear when people hover over the Board's name.
  • Rank: The number entered here determines the order in which the Board will appear in the Board menu. Boards with a lower rank will be towards the top of the list and those with higher ranks will be toward the bottom.
    • Private Boards are always listed above public Boards regardless of rank.
    • If multiple Boards share the same rank, they will appear in alphabetical order relative to each other.
  • Nest Under: Use this field to search for and select the Board under which you want to nest this Board.
    • If this field is left blank, this will be a top-level Board.
    • Private Boards can only be nested under another private Board; public Boards can only be nested under another public Board.
  • Owner: By default, the person who created the Board is its Owner. If someone else should be the Owner, use this field to search for and select them.
    • A Board's Owner can edit every aspect of the Board, regardless of their permissions.
    • There can only be one Owner per Board.


  • Sections: Expand the drop-down to select the number of sections that will appear on your Board. A designated "Section Layout" drop-down will appear for each section.
  • Section Layout: Expand each section's drop-down to select its layout. Choose between:
    • One Column - The column will take up the full width of the Board.
    • Two Columns (½, ½) - Each column will take up half of the Board.
    • Two Columns (⅓, ⅔) - The left column will only take up one-third of the Board; the right column will cover the remaining two-thirds.
    • Two Columns (⅔, ⅓) - The left columns will take up two-thirds of the Board; the right column will cover the remaining one-third.
    • Two Columns (¼, ¾) - The left columns will take up one-fourth of the Board; the right column will cover the remaining three-fourths.
    • Two Columns (¾, ¼) - The left columns will take up three-fourths of the Board; the right column will cover the remaining one-fourth.
    • Three Columns (⅓, ⅓, ⅓) - Each column will take up one-third of the Board.
    • Three Columns (¼, ¼, ½) - The left column will take up one-fourth of the Board, the middle column will take up one-fourth of the Board, and the right column will take up one-half of the Board.
    • Three Columns (¼, ½, ¼) - The left column will take up one-fourth of the Board, the middle column will take up one-half of the Board, and the right column will take up one-fourth of the Board.
    • Three Columns (½, ¼, ¼) - The left column will take up one-half of the Board, the middle column will take up one-fourth of the Board, and the right column will take up one-fourth of the Board.
    • Four Columns - Each column will take up ¼ of the Board.
    • Five Columns - Each column will take up ⅕ of the Board
    • Six Columns - Each column will take up ⅙ of the Board.


  • To add a Location filter to your Board, select the Show Location Filter checkbox:
    • Show Location Type Filter checkbox: When selected, Originating, Responsible, and Impact Location toggles will be included on the Location Filter. Selecting one or more Location Types will populate Items that have the selected Location as the matching Location Type. 
      • If unselected, the Location Filter will always search for Items where the Location selected is the Originating or Responsible Location. 
      • Default Location Type(s): Pick which Location Types should be selected by default each time someone views the Board.  
        • Originating and Responsible can be selected simultaneously, but Impact is single-select only. 
    • Default Locations: Use this field to search for and select the Locations which should automatically be selected and applied to the Board each time someone views it.
      • If this field is left blank, no Locations will be applied by default. People will be able to choose a Location from the Locations panel, and their selection will still be applied the next time they access the Board.
      • The Location & Below checkbox: This option only appears when a Location is added to the "Default Locations" field. When enabled, the Board will show data for the selected Locations and any Locations nested under them by default. People will be able to change this setting from the Locations panel, but it will revert to the default the next time they access the Board.
  • To enable quick filters, check the Show Quick Filters checkbox.

    To edit the existing quick filters, click Edit next to the "Show Quick Filters" checkbox.

    In the resulting window:
    • Click Add Quick Filter and a drop-down listing the available filters will open.
    • Search for and select the filter you want to add. That filter will appear in its own field on the Quick Filters window.
      • To add a default criterion to the filter — one that will be applied to the Board each time it is opened — add that criterion to the filter's field. People will be able to change this criterion when viewing the Board, but the filter will revert to the default the next time they access it.
      • Leave the filter's field blank if you don't want a default value to be applied.
      • To delete an existing quick filter, hover over its field and click the x button that appears to its right.
    • Repeat these steps for each quick filter.
    • Click Save to save your changes and return to the New Board window.
  • To enable global filters, check the Show Board Filters checkbox and click the filter icon that appears to its right.

    To edit any existing global filters, click the filter icon to the right of the "Show Board Filters" checkbox.

The New Board window will an arrow pointing to the Show Board Filter checkboxs Filter icon

Default print Settings

Configure the settings that will be used by default when someone saves the Board as a PDF.

  • Page Size: Expand the drop-down to choose your preferred page size.
  • Scale: Expand the drop-down to choose the scale percentage. This allows you to fit more content on a single page. For example, selecting 50% doubles the amount of content you can fit on one page. Make sure to select "Fit to page" in your browser's print settings.
  • Click either Portrait or Landscape to choose the PDF's orientation.
  • The Exclude Private Items checkbox: If enabled, any private Items within Item List Cards (excluding those in Gantt View) will not be included in the PDF.
  • The Also include individual Cards checkbox: If enabled, a full copy of each Card will be appended to the PDF as necessary.
  • Included Cards: Each of the Board's Cards will be listed alongside a checkbox. Check the box next to each Card that should be included in the PDF.
    • If no Cards have been added to this Board, this option will not be available.
    • If this Board includes stacked Cards, only the top Card will be listed.
  • Click Preview to download a PDF using the new settings to make sure everything looks the way you want it.

Default Present Settings

Configure the settings that will be used by default when someone presents the Board.

If this section is collapsed, click its header to expand it.

  • Included Cards: Each of the Board's Cards will be listed alongside a checkbox. Check the box next to each Card that should be included in Present mode.
    • If no Cards have been added to this Board, this option will not be available.
    • If this Board includes stacked Cards, each Card in the stack will be listed.

Mobile Settings

Configure the Board's visibility in the KaiNexus mobile app

If this section is collapsed, select its header to expand it. 

  • Show on Mobile: If selected, the Board will be listed on the Boards page of the KaiNexus mobile app for all Board Owners, Editors, and Viewers. 
    • If unselected, users can still search for and view the Board in the mobile app, but it won't be listed on the Boards page. 


Two Line OfieOnly people with the "Board Administrator" permission can share a Board.

When you share a Board with someone in KaiNexus, you give them permission to see it and you add it to their Boards menu. Boards can be shared with individual people, everyone in a Location, or anyone with a particular Role.

  • The Share checkbox: When enabled, the Board is made accessible to other users.

    Once this box is checked, additional options will appear:
    • Viewer(s): Viewers can access the Board but cannot make changes to its configuration. Use this field to search for and select the people, Locations, Roles, or Personas that should be given access to this Board.
    • Editor(s): Editors can access the Board and make changes to its Cards. Use this field to search for and select the people that should be given permission to edit this Board.
    • Subscriber(s): Subscribers will receive a link to this Board in their Subscription email. Use this field to search for and select the people, Locations, or Roles that should be subscribed to this Board.

      People you make Subscribers can unsubscribe themselves at any time.
    • Board Location(s): Use this field to search for and select the Location(s) that should be affiliated with this Board.

      People with the "Board Administrator" permission in the selected Location(s) will be able to view and edit this Board even if they weren't explicitly added to the Viewers or Editors lists.
    • Share with Wallboard Users: When enabled, this Board will be made available to Wallboard users.

Save your changes

When you're done editing the Board, click Save to finalize your changes.