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Bulk Change User Attributes

Delete or archive many Titles, Positions, Employment Statuses, and Certifications simultaneously.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: User Attributes are custom tags that can be applied to user profiles. They help you identify and categorize different types of users. There are four types of User Attributes: Titles, Positions, Employment Statuses, and Certifications

If you are updating your organization's User Attributes, you might need to archive or delete many of them. Rather than removing each User Attribute one at a time, you can utilize Bulk Change to speed up the process. 

Who can Bulk Change User Attributes? 

Anyone with the "Global User Administrator" permission can bulk change Titles, Positions, Employments Statuses, and Certifications. 

People with other Administrator permissions may be able to access the administration page for each type of User Attribute but cannot make changes to it.

Bulk change User Attributes

To bulk change Titles, Positions, Employments Statuses, or Certifications, navigate to the Admin section. 

  • Open the administration page corresponding to the type of User Attribute you want to bulk change.
  • Select the Actions button. In the resulting drop-down, select Bulk Change.
  • A checkbox will appear next to each value and folder in the list, and a "Bulk Change" button will appear in the top left corner. Select the checkbox of each value or folder you want to include in the bulk change.
    • To include all values and folders in the list, select the checkbox in the column header. 
  • Select Bulk Change
  • In the resulting drop-down, choose the type of change you want to perform.
    • Archive: Archive or Unarchive User Attribute values and folders. 
    • Delete: Remove User Attribute values and folders from the system completely. 

Bulk Archive and Unarchive

After selecting Archive, the Bulk Archive window will open. 

  • Archive Change: Expand the drop-down to choose the type of change you want to make.
    • Archive: Archived values will no longer be available as options for users but will remain on existing user profiles until they are removed or replaced.
      • Values and folders that are already archived will be unaffected by this change. 
    • Unarchive: Unarchived values will once again be available as options when editing a user profile. 
      • Values and folders that are not archived will be unaffected by this change. 
  • Select Save

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Archiving or unarchiving a folder will also archive or unarchive all values within the folder. 

Bulk Delete

After selecting Delete, the Bulk Delete window will open.


  • Select the I understand this cannot be undone checkbox.
  • Select Save.  

Ofie Profile PicCaution: When you delete a User Attribute value or folder, it is permanently removed from KaiNexus and cannot be recovered. If you are deleting a folder, all values within the folder will also be permanently deleted.                     

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