Edit several Boards at once
If you're managing multiple Boards, you might find yourself needing to update several of them with the same information. Rather than opening and editing each Board one at a time, you can bulk change them from the Manage Boards window.
Bulk change is great if you're making the same change to a bunch of Boards, but if you're updating different information on each one, you'll need to edit them individually instead.
With bulk change, you can delete Boards or update their parents, Viewers, Editors, Subscribers, Locations, or Owners.
Who can bulk change Boards?
To bulk change Boards, you must have the "Create Boards" permission, the "Board Administrator" permission, and permission to edit each of the Boards you want to change. If you don't have permission to make the chosen change to one of the selected Boards, that Board will not be affected by the bulk change.
Only the following people can edit a Board:
- People with the "Board Administrator" permission for the Boards' Locations.
- The Boards' Owners.
Only public Boards — those listed on the Manage Boards window's "Shared" tab — can be bulk changed.
Bulk change Boards
To bulk change Boards:
- Click Boards in the navigation bar at the top of the app to open the Boards menu.
- Click Manage Boards at the bottom of the resulting drop-down menu and the Manage Boards window will open.
- Make sure you're on the "Shared" tab.
- Click the ellipsis icon in the top right corner over the window.
- Click Bulk Change in the resulting drop-down menu.
After clicking Bulk Change, a checkbox will appear next to each Board on the list, and a "Bulk Change" button will appear.
- Select the checkbox of each Board you want to update.
- Click Bulk Change and a drop-down listing the possible changes will open. Click the change you want to make.
- Click Change Parent to change the Board under which the selected Boards are nested. In the resulting window:
- Parent: Use this field to search for and select the appropriate Board. Remember that public Boards can only be nested under other public Boards.
- Click Save.
- Click Change Viewer(s) to update the selected Boards' list of Viewers. Viewers can access the Board but cannot make changes to its configuration.
In the resulting window:
- Select the type of change: Expand the drop-down to choose the type of change you want to make.
- Add to existing: Add the people you select as Viewers without affecting the Boards' current Viewers.
- Replace all existing: Remove the Boards' current Viewers and replace them with the people you select.
- Select the type of change: Expand the drop-down to choose the type of change you want to make.
- Click Change Parent to change the Board under which the selected Boards are nested. In the resulting window:
- Viewer(s): Use this field to search for and select the people, Locations, or Roles that should be given access to these Boards.
- Click Save.
- Click Change Editor(s) to update the selected Boards' list of Editors. Editors can access the Board and make changes to its Cards.
In the resulting window:
- Select the type of change: Expand the drop-down to choose the type of change you want to make.
- Add to existing: Add the people you select as Editors without affecting the Boards' current Editors.
- Remove from existing: Remove the people you select as Editors without affecting any of the Boards' other Editors.
- Replace all existing: Remove the Boards' current Editors and replace them with the people you select.
- Clear existing: Remove all of the Boards' current Editors.
- Editor(s): Use this field to search for and select the appropriate people.
- Click Save.
- Select the type of change: Expand the drop-down to choose the type of change you want to make.
- Click Change Subscriber(s) to update the selected Boards' list of Subscribers. Subscribers will receive a link to this Board in their Subscription email.
In the resulting window:
- Select the type of change: Expand the drop-down to choose the type of change you want to make.
- Add to existing: Add the people you select as Subscribers without affecting the Boards' current Subscribers.
- Remove from existing: Remove the people you select as Subscribers without affecting any of the Boards' other Subscribers.
- Replace all existing: Remove the Boards' current Subscribers and replace them with the people you select.
- Clear existing: Remove all of the Boards' current Subscribers.
- Subscriber(s): Use this field to search for and select the appropriate people.
- Click Save.
- Select the type of change: Expand the drop-down to choose the type of change you want to make.
- Click Change Location(s) to update the selected Boards' Locations. People with the "Board Administrator" permission in the Boards' Location(s) will be able to view and edit this Board even if they weren't explicitly added to the Viewers or Editors lists.
In the resulting window:
- Select the type of change: Expand the drop-down to choose the type of change you want to make.
- Add to existing: Add the Locations you select without affecting the Boards' current Locations.
- Replace all existing: Remove the Boards' current Locations and replace them with those you select.
- Select the Location(s): Use this field to search for and select the appropriate Locations.
- Click Save.
- Select the type of change: Expand the drop-down to choose the type of change you want to make.
- Click Change Owner to update the selected Boards' Owner. The Owner can edit every aspect of the Board, regardless of their permissions. There can only be one Owner per Board.
- Owner: Use this field to search for and select the Boards' new Owner.
- Click Save.
- Click Delete to delete the selected Boards.
CAUTION: When you delete a Board, the Board is permanently removed from KaiNexus and cannot be recovered.
- Check the I understand this cannot be undone checkbox in the resulting window.
- Click Save.