The KaiNexus Mobile App
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View an Item List in the mobile app

Take your improvement work on the go with Item Lists in the mobile app.

Item Lists provide a curated view of work that is relevant to you. Viewing them in the KaiNexus mobile app allows you to manage your improvement without a desktop. 

Viewing Item Lists in the mobile app

Who can view an Item List? 

Any user with at least one custom List shared with them or created by them can view their Item Lists in the mobile app. 

How to view an Item List

To view an Item List in the mobile app:

  • Navigate to the Lists section of the mobile app. 
  • In this section, you will see all of your Item Lists organized into Pinned Lists, My Lists, and Shared Lists

    • Each List will have an icon indicating its share setting, helping you understand who can view your List and what permissions you have on Lists shared with you. 
    • If a List was recently shared with you, it will have a blue dot beside its name. 
  • Select the name of any Item List to view it. 

    • Select an Item to open it. Closing the Item will return you to the List. 
    • All View Types are supported by the mobile app except for Calendar View. If your List is saved in Calendar View, the mobile app will show it in Detail View instead. 

Working with Item Lists in the mobile app

Change an Item List's view in the mobile app

By default, Item Lists will be displayed in whichever View Type the List was saved in. However, you can change the View if you want a different visualization. This change will be temporary. 

To change an Item List's View: 

  • Select the ellipsis icon to the right of the Item List's name. 
  • In the resulting drop-down, select the View Type in which you'd like to visualize the Items.  

Edit Item List columns in the mobile app

If you'd like to customize your Item List, you can easily edit the columns directly from the mobile app.

To edit the columns of your Item List: 

  • Tap the ellipsis icon at the top right of your List. 
  • In the resulting drop-down menu, tap the name of the current View, which is highlighted in blue. 
  • In the Edit Columns page, your options will depend on which View you are editing:
    • If your List is in List, Tree, or Gantt View:
      • Use the "Search for Columns" field to find and add new columns to your List. 
      • Select the x icon beside any existing column to remove it. 
      • Select Clear Columns to remove all existing columns. 
      • Select Reset Columns to Default to revert your Item List to your organization's default selection of columns. 
    • If your List is in Hierarchy or Detail View:
      • Use the search field to find and add new Item details.
      • Select the x icon beside any existing Item detail to remove it. 
      • Select Clear to remove all existing Item details.
    • If your List is in Kanban View:
      • Under the Status Columns header:
        • Use the "Search for Columns" field to find and add new columns to your List. 
        • Select the x icon beside any existing column to remove it. 
        • Select Clear Columns to remove all existing columns. 
      • Under the Item Details header:
        • Use the search field to find and add new Item details. 
        • Select Clear to remove all existing Item details. 
    • Select Apply to confirm your updates. 

Ofie Profile PicWarning: Your edits to the List's columns will be temporary. If you'd like to permanently update your Item List's columns, use the desktop version of KaiNexus. 

Pin and unpin an Item List in the mobile app

Pinning an Item List makes it easier to access. Pinned Lists will appear beneath the Pinned Lists header in the mobile app and in the top level of the Items drop-down in the desktop app. 

To pin a List: 

  • Select the ellipsis icon to the right of the Item List's name. 
  • In the resulting drop-down, select Pin.

To unpin a List:

  • Select the ellipsis icon to the right of the Item List's name. 
  • In the resulting drop-down, select Unpin

Share an Item List in the mobile app

To share an Item List: 

  • Select the ellipsis icon to the right of the Item List's name. 
  • In the resulting drop-down, select Share.
  • In the share window:

    • Owner: By default, the person who created the List is its Owner. If someone else should be the Owner, use this field to search for and select them. There can only be one Owner per Board.
      • If the new Owner has the "Create Item Lists" permission, they'll be able to edit the List's filters and configuration.
      • If the new Owner has the "Create Item Lists" and  "Share Item Lists" permissions, they'll be able to edit the List's filters, configuration, and share settings.
      • If the new Owner has neither the "Create Item Lists" nor the "Share Item Lists" permissions, they'll be able to access the List but won't be able to make any permanent changes to it.
    • The Share checkbox: When enabled, the "Viewer(s)" and "Editor(s)" fields will appear beneath the checkbox, enabling you to share this List.
      • Viewer(s):  Viewers can access the List but cannot make permanent changes to its configuration. Use this field to search for and select the people, Locations, or Roles that should be given access to this List.

        If you make a Location or Role a Viewer, any General Users in that Location or with that Role will be considered a Viewer. If you select the "Everyone" option, every General User in your organization will become a Viewer.
      • Editor(s): Editors can access the List and can save changes to its configuration if they have the "Create Item Lists" permission. Use this field to search for and select the people that should be made Editors.
    • Click Save. This List will now appear under any Viewer(s) "Shared Lists" menu and under any Editor(s) "My Lists" menu in the "Items" drop-down.

Search an Item List in the mobile app

To search for a specific Item in your List: 

  • Enter a search term into the Search List field at the top of the List.