Sharing Lists

Share an Item List

Share your custom Lists with other people and access the Lists people have shared with you.

If you've created a custom List that you think would be useful to other KaiNexus users, you can share it with them. You can even transfer ownership of a List you created from yourself to someone else if you created it on their behalf!

Two Line OfieNOTE: Item Lists can only be shared with and by Users with a General User Type.

This is a great way to:

  • Make sure everyone on your team is working off of the same List
  • Give executives easy access to frequently updated information
  • Enable admins to create standard Lists for all users

Who can share an Item List?

Anyone with both the "Create Item Lists" and "Share Item Lists" permission can share any custom Lists for which they are the Owner or an Editor.

Share an Item List

The first step is to create the custom List you want to share. For information on custom Lists, check out this support article. Once you've got your List built and formatted the way you want it, be sure to save your configuration.

To share a custom List, open the List with which you want to work, then:

  • Click the Share icon near the List's name and the Share Item List window will open.

    If the List has not been shared with anyone, this icon will be gray. If the List has been shared with someone, it will be colored.

An Item List with an arrow pointing to the Share icon

Two Line OfiePRO TIP: If your List has unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save or discard those changes before continuing.
    • Owner: By default, the person who created the List is its Owner. If someone else should be the Owner, use this field to search for and select them. There can only be one Owner per Board.
      • If the new Owner has the "Create Item Lists" permission, they'll be able to edit the List's filters and configuration.
      • If the new Owner has the "Create Item Lists" and  "Share Item Lists" permissions, they'll be able to edit the List's filters, configuration, and share settings.
      • If the new Owner has neither the "Create Item Lists" nor the "Share Item Lists" permissions, they'll be able to access the List but won't be able to make any permanent changes to it.

Two Line OfiePRO TIP: If you replace yourself as the List's Owner, the List will no longer appear in your "Items" drop-down. If you'd like to still have access to the List, be sure to make yourself an Editor or Viewer before saving your changes.

    • The Share checkbox: When enabled, the "Viewer(s)" and "Editor(s)" fields will appear beneath the checkbox, enabling you to share this List.
      • Viewer(s):  Viewers can access the List but cannot make permanent changes to its configuration. Use this field to search for and select the people, Locations, or Roles that should be given access to this List.

        If you make a Location or Role a Viewer, any General Users in that Location or with that Role will be considered a Viewer. If you select the "Everyone" option, every General User in your organization will become a Viewer.
      • Editor(s): Editors can access the List and can save changes to its configuration if they have the "Create Item Lists" permission. Use this field to search for and select the people that should be made Editors.
      • Click Save. This List will now appear under any Viewer(s) "Shared Lists" menu and under any Editor(s) "My Lists" menu in the "Items" drop-down.

Two Line OfiePro Tip: You can share a link to your Item Lists by copying the URL in your internet browser's address bar. This is a fully functional link; however, make sure the people you send the link to already have access to view your List.

What happens after I share a List?

  • If you added new users as the Owner, Viewers, or Editors, those new users will receive an email notifying them of their new List. 
  • If you added a Role or Location as a Viewer, users with that Role or in that Location will not receive an email.
  • When the new Owner, Viewers, or Editors next log in to KaiNexus, they will see a blue dot notification on "Items" in their navigation bar, letting them know that they have a new List.
  • Any changes you save to your List after sharing it will be visible to anyone else who accesses the List.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Another way to make Lists easily available to other users is by adding an Item List Link to a Freestyle Card on a Board. This allows viewers of the Board to see your List without needing to share it with them. 

Access a shared List

To access Lists that have been shared with you, click the Items drop-down in the navigation bar.

The Navigation Bar with an arrow pointing to Items

Click the name of the List you want to open in the resulting drop-down menu. To find your List:

  • If you do not have the "Create Item Lists" permission, any Lists that have been shared with you will appear on the top level of the drop-down.
  • Hover over My Lists and the drop-down will expand to include all Lists for which you're the Owner or the Editor. If this option is not available, you either have no such Lists or you do not have the "Create Item Lists" permission.
  • Any Lists that you've pinned will appear beneath "My Lists."
  • Hover over Shared Lists, and the drop-down will expand to include Lists for which you've been made a Viewer. If this option is not available, you have no such Lists or do not have the "Create Item Lists" permission.

Two Line OfiePro Tip: If you see a blue dot next to "Items," you have a new shared List! The new List will also have a blue dot by its name on the "Items" drop-down menu. These dots will disappear after the first time you open the new List.
