The Multi-Language Module allows your organization to use multiple languages in KaiNexus.
Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to configure a new language option.
There is a lot of customizable text in KaiNexus. With the Multi-Language Module, your organization can specify multiple languages to be used in KaiNexus. Once a language has been noted in the system, your organization’s System Administrators can enter translations for key elements throughout KaiNexus.
Giving your organization the flexibility to self-translate these elements allows you to utilize your own or industry-specific vernacular as well as support colloquialisms that literal translations may not support.
The language each user sees when they log in can be determined by either:
- Their Network Location. Your Customer Success Manager can configure each language so that it is applied to all users in any Network Location(s) by default.
- The "Language" field on their user profile. Users can edit their own profile to change their preferred language or a User Administrator can edit their profile for them. This choice will trump their Locations' default language, so this is useful if they prefer an alternative language to the one set for their Location or if they work in a place where there is a mix of languages spoken.
The "Language" field will not be available on user profiles until multiple languages have been configured for your organization.
Who can work with your organization's translations?
Anyone with the "System Administrator" permission can add, edit, and remove any translations in KaiNexus.
How do I translate my KaiNexus instance into different languages?
Once your Customer Success Manager has added your languages to KaiNexus, it's time to add your translations. You can either:
- Enter the translations directly into KaiNexus yourself, or
- Download a spreadsheet of everything that can be translated, enter your translations into that spreadsheet, and then work with your Customer Success Manager to get those translations imported into KaiNexus.
Enter the translations directly into KaiNexus
In order to enter translations directly into KaiNexus, navigate to the Translation Administration page.
- If you're looking for a particular bit of text to translate, enter text into the search field and hit enter/return or click the magnifying glass icon to search for it.
- Language: To narrow the list of translations to only include translations for one language, expand this drop-down menu to select the language with which you want to work. You will only be able to choose between the languages your organization has already had your Customer Success Manager configure.
- Item Type: To further narrow the list of translations, expand this drop-down menu to select the area of the platform you would like to translate. Choose between:
- Template: A new drop-down menu will appear. Expand this secondary drop-down menu to choose from a list of your organization's Templates. This will further narrow the list of translations so that only those that relate to the selected Template will appear.
- Attribute
- Attribute Value: A new drop-down menu will appear. Expand this secondary drop-down menu to choose from a list of your organization's Attributes. This will further narrow the list of translations so that only those Attribute Values that relate to the selected Attribute will appear.
- Field Type
- Reason
- Impact Type
- Milestone: This option will only appear if your organization has enabled the Milestones Module.
- Customized Text
- Static Text: A new drop-down will appear. Expand this drop-down to choose from the following options and further narrow the list of translations:
- General
- Dates
- Statuses
- Locations
- Notifications
- In the Translated Text column, enter the translation for that language option.
- The Translated Text will have a red indicator to show that your new entry is unsaved. The translation will not be reflected in the system until you save your work.
Once you have entered an unsaved translation, the search box and drop-down menus will be grayed out and unusable until your changes are saved.
- When you're finished making changes, click Save. You may need to sign out and back in before you will see your translations take effect throughout the platform.
- The red indicator will disappear, showing that your translation is saved and will be reflected in the app.
- The red indicator will disappear, showing that your translation is saved and will be reflected in the app.
Pro Tip: Save your work often. If you attempt to save too many translations simultaneously, the system may time out and lose your work.
Mass Import Translations
The easiest way to enter a large amount of translations simultaneously is through a mass import.
Important: Your Customer Success Manager will help facilitate the import of your translations.
To get started, you will download a spreadsheet containing all areas of the system that can be translated and their current translations, if there are any. You can then add translations to the spreadsheet outside of KaiNexus. This is helpful when making many updates; you won't have to worry about saving your work so often.
When you are finished making translations, send your spreadsheet to your Customer Success Manager at KaiNexus. They will help complete the import.
To export a list of your organization's translatable fields and current translations, navigate to the Translation Administration page.
- Click Save XLSX, and a spreadsheet containing your organization's translation data will be exported.
Pro Tip: When you apply a filter on the Translations page, your export will include only the filtered items. This makes it easy to generate a smaller, more manageable spreadsheet.
- Open the spreadsheet:
- The Language column specifies for which language your translation will be used.
- The English Text column shows the default English text that is used in the platform.
- In the Translated Text column, enter the translation of the English text for the specified language.
IMPORTANT: Do not make any other changes to this spreadsheet. If you change the contents of any of the other columns, your Customer Success Manager may not be able to import it.
- Save your changes and send a copy of this spreadsheet to your Customer Success Manager.