Milestones Module

Milestone Deadlines

Milestone Deadlines help you schedule projects and approve Milestones in a timely manner.

Ofie Profile PicWarning: Your organization must have the Milestones Module enabled to perform the actions on this support page. 

What are Milestone Deadlines?

Milestone Deadlines function as due dates for Milestones, informing Users when Milestones should be submitted and approved. 

Adding Deadlines to Milestones allows you to schedule projects and approve Milestones in a timely manner. They are great tools for team communication about when each step in a process should be completed. 

There are two types of Milestone Deadlines:

  • A Ready Deadline gives a timeframe for a Milestone to be submitted and made "Ready for Approval.
  • An Approval Deadline gives a timeframe for a Milestone to be approved.

Each Milestone can have both a Ready Deadline and an Approval Deadline. If the Milestone has not been submitted or approved before the deadline, then the Milestone will change to a "Past Due" status. 

Example of a Milestone in Past Due status. 

There are two configuration options for defining Milestone Deadlines. You can set deadlines to a Specific Date or a Number of Days. You can pick whether Deadline Editors can use only one or both methods for each Milestone. 

  • Specific Date: The Milestone Deadline will be a specific date defined by Deadline Editors. Setting a Milestone Deadline for a particular date is a great way to plan projects and set clear expectations. 
  • Number of Days: The Milestone Deadline will be calculated based on the number of days after the previous Milestone has been approved or after the current Milestone has been submitted, depending on whether it is a Ready Deadline or an Approval Deadline. Deadline Editors will input a number of days, and the system will automatically calculate the Deadline after the previous step is completed. 
    • If a Milestone is first in its sequence, you can define which action, such as a Status change, the Ready Deadline will be calculated from. 
    • You also have the option to standardize the timeline for each Deadline so that the same number of days appears by default in each Item created from the Template. Deadline Editors can always change the default. 

When an Approval or Ready Deadline is within five days of being overdue, the Milestone will be orange. 

Example of a Milestone Item List column when a Milestone is approaching its Deadline. 

When a Deadline is in the past, the Milestone will be red. 

Example of a Milestone Item List column when a Milestone is past its Deadline. 

Setting Milestone Deadlines

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Your Customer Success Manager will help you define which Team Roles or System Roles can set deadlines for each Milestone. If you cannot edit a Milestone Deadline, then you likely do not have the correct Team or System Role to do so. If you have any questions, submit a support ticket to our team. 

To set Milestone Deadlines, select the pencil icon on the Milestones Panel of the Item. 

  • A pencil icon will be next to the Ready and Approval Deadlines for each Milestone. Select the pencil icon beside a Deadline for any Milestone in the sequence.
  • Depending on how each Milestone for this Template is configured, you will have the option to set a Specific Date, a Number of Days, or both. If you can set a Milestone Deadline using both methods, you will see an additional icon to help you quickly flip between the options.
    • Select the calendar icon to set a Specific Date.
    • Select the # icon to set a Number of Days. 


Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: When you set a Milestone Deadline to a Number of Days, it will count out from the time the Milestone was made ready or the previous Milestone was approved, depending on the type of Deadline. This means that if you submit a Milestone at 9 AM and set an Approval Deadline for five days, it will go overdue at 9:01 AM, five days later. 

Recommended Reading

Now that you've learned about Milestone Deadlines, we recommend checking out these articles as well: