Activity Reports

Activity Over Time Report

View trends in the number of Items and the status of those Items over time.

The Activity Over Time Report lets you review the statuses of Items to see the growth of your improvement culture and identify potential bottlenecks.

The Activity over Time Report showing the Statuses View

Example of an Activity Over Time Report showing the number of Items created per month. It is color-coded so you can also see what Status the Items are in. 

Who can access this Report?

Anyone with the "View Report Data" permission will be able to see this Report.

This Report can be accessed under the Activity section of the Reports page. It can also be added as a Card on a Board.

Working with the Report

The views

This Report has four views which each display different measures of activity. Click the name of the view you want to see to toggle between them.

  • Total: Shows the total number of Items over time that meet all filter requirements.
    • A sudden dip in activity could be indicative of a slump in your organization's improvement culture.
  • Statuses: Shows the total number of Items over time that meet all filter requirements divided up by status.
    • The more Active, Planned, and Complete Items, the better.
    • Items that have been Overdue or New for a long time could be indicative of a bottleneck.
  • On Time: Shows the total number of Items over time that meet all filter requirements divided up by whether they're "on time" or not.

    "On Time" means that the Item is either still in progress and that the current date is before or equal to its due date, or that it was completed before or on its due date.

    "Not On Time" means that the Item is either currently Overdue, it's currently Planned but the current date is after its due date, or it was completed after its due date.
    • Lots of "not on time" Items could be indicative of a bottleneck and/or of an opportunity for coaching.
  • Attribute: Shows the total number of Items over time that meet all filter requirements and are tagged with a value from the selected Attribute divided up by that value. No data will be shown on this view until you select an Attribute from the Attribute drop-down.

The filters

Any relevant filters in use on the main Reports screen will be automatically applied to this Report but can still be configured as needed.

  • There are three date-based drop-downs. From left to right, there's the "Reference Date" drop-down, the "Range" drop-down, and the "Interval" drop-down.
    • Reference Date: Expand the drop-down to choose which type of date should be referenced by the Report. For example, select "Created in" if you want the Report to reference only those Items that were created in the specified date range.
    • Range: Expand the drop-down to choose the range of dates that should be included in the Report.
      • All Time removes any date range parameters. 
      • Custom allows you to enter any date range you want. 
      • Past shows you a rolling date range that counts back from the current calendar date. 
      • Current shows you data for the current week, month, quarter, or year. 
      • Last shows you data for the previous week, month, quarter, or year. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: The Last YTD option helps you set a date range matching the current year-to-date period but for the previous year instead. For example, if it is March 15th, 2024, and you select Last YTD, your Report will cover data from January 1st, 2023, to March 15th, 2023.  This logic is also true for the Last MTD and QTD options. 

    • Interval: Expand the drop-down to choose the interval, or "buckets," by which the Report should be organized.
  • Workflow: Expand the drop-down to choose which workflows should be included in the Report.
  • Template: Expand the drop-down to choose which Templates should be included in the Report.
  • Select Originating, Responsible, or Impact to decide whether the Report should reference Items from the Originating, Responsible, or Impact Location. 
    • Originating and Responsible will be the default selection.
    • If Impact is selected, both Originating and Responsible will be toggled off. 
    • If no Location is selected in the Location Picker or Item Filter, the Originating, Responsible, and Impact toggles will not affect Report data. 
  • Click the filter icon and the Item Filter window will open.

  • Click the Locations panel on the left side of the Report to expand it.
  • Attribute: Expand the drop-down to choose which Attribute(s) should be referenced by this Report. This option is only available when in the Attribute view.
    • If an Attribute has multiple associations, an additional Attribute Type drop-down will appear. Use this dropdown to specify whether you want to reference Items where the Attribute is used in the Item Work Panel, Impact, or AdHoc Field. 

See a list of Items referenced by the Report

Click any of the bars or bar segments on this Report to open a list of all Items that it includes.

You can also hover over a bar or bar segment to open a tooltip that lists the number of Items it includes and the exact date range to which it relates.

Share the Report

To share the Report, select the ellipsis icon. In the resulting drop-down menu, you can export the Report as a PDF or copy it to a Board. 

  • Select Print/Save PDF to export the Report as a PDF. The "Print" window will open.
    • Page Size: Expand the drop-down to choose your preferred page size.
    • Scale: Expand the drop-down to choose the scale percentage. This allows you to fit more content on a single page. For example, selecting 50% doubles the amount of content you can fit on one page. Make sure to select "Fit to page" in your browser's print settings.
    • Click either Portrait or Landscape to choose the PDF's orientation.
    • Click Print.

Ofie Profile PicThe Location of the Report will appear on the exported PDF beneath the Report title.

  • Select Copy to Board to add the Report as a Card on a Board. 
    • In the resulting window, select a Board. All Boards that you have permission to edit will appear as options. 
    • Select Copy to add the Report to your selected Board. All filters and columns included on the Report will be carried over to the Card. 
      • The Report Card will appear at the Board's top left corner.