New Features

Cycle Time by Template Report

Compare cycle times across your organization's Templates

The Cycle Time by Template Report shows you the average time it takes for a Template's Items to be completed and how long they remain in various Statuses. Use this report to gain a high-level overview of your processes and identify which processes have bottlenecks.

Example of a Cycle Time by Template Report

Ofie Profile PicImportant: Due to the cycle time refactor in our 3.2.3 release, only Status data after December 6th, 2024 appears on this Report. As a result, if an Item entered a certain Status before this date, the time spent in that Status will not appear in the Report unless it is manually logged in the Item's Status History.

Who can access this Report?

Anyone with the "View Report Data" permission can see this Report.

This Report can be accessed under the Activity section of the Reports page. It can also be added as a Card on a Board.

Working with the Report

The data

The Cycle Time by Template Report provides insights into how long it takes for a Template’s Items to progress through different stages of their life cycle. It highlights key metrics such as total work time, time to start, time spent "in progress," time to complete once started, and time spent in each status.

In this report: 

  • Total: Represents the average time a Template's Items take to go from the New to the Completed status, including the time spent in the Planned and Deferred statuses, but not the Draft status.
  • In Progress: Represents the average time a Template's Items take to go from the New to the Completed status, not including the time spent in the Planned, Deferred, or Draft statuses.
  • New to Active: Represents the average time a Template's Items take to go from New to Active Status, including time spent in Planned Status. All other Statuses are excluded. 
  • Active to Complete: Represents the average time a Template's Items take to go from Active to Complete, including time spent in Overdue and Resolution Submitted Status. All other Statuses are excluded. 

The views

The Cycle Time by Template Report has two views. Select the name of the view you want to see to toggle between them. 

  • List: This view displays Templates in a list format with customizable columns that show data from different stages of the Item life cycle.
  • Graph: This view displays cycle time data as a bar graph.

    • Display as Bar: Expand the drop-down to select the dataset that should be represented on the graph. For each option, you can display either the average number of days (Avg Days) Items of each Template Type spent in the selected Status(es) or the Item count (#).
    • Sort: Expand the drop-down to select which criterion this dataset should be ordered by.
    • Max: Enter the number of data points that should be represented on this graph. By default, this Report will show 15 data points, but it can be configured to show 1-53.
    • Show Values: When selected, the graph will display the value of each data point. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: In Graph View, set the display option to Statuses—Avg Days or Statuses—# to visualize cycle time data for multiple statuses simultaneously, broken down by each Template in the report.

The filters

Any relevant filters in use on the main Reports screen will be automatically applied to this Report but can still be configured as needed.

  • There are two date-based drop-downs. First is the "Reference Date" drop-down, and second is the "Range" drop-down.
    • Reference Date: Expand the drop-down to choose which type of date should be referenced by the Report. For example, select "Created in" if you want the Report to reference only those Items that were created in the specified date range.
    • Range: Expand the drop-down to choose the range of dates that should be included in the Report.
      • All Time removes any date range parameters. 
      • Custom allows you to enter any date range you want. 
      • Past shows you a rolling date range that counts back from the current calendar date. 
      • Current shows you data for the current week, month, quarter, or year. 
      • Last shows you data for the previous week, month, quarter, or year. 
  • Workflow: Expand the drop-down to choose which workflows should be included in the Report.
  • Template: Expand the drop-down to choose which Templates should be included in the Report.
  • Click the filter icon, and the Item Filter window will open.

  • Click the Locations panel on the left side of the Report to expand it.

Customize the Report's columns

When your Report is in List view, you can customize which columns appear on the Report. By default,  your report will have columns for Template, Total, In Progress, and the primary Status for every Status Type except for Draft and Complete. However, you can add and remove columns depending on which data you're interested in. 

To customize the columns on your report:

  • Hover over the header of an existing column on your Report. 
  • Select the drop-down arrow. 
  • Hover over Columns to see the available columns.
    • Select the checkbox next to a column to include it in your Report. 
    • De-select the checkbox next to a column to remove it from your Report. 
    • Each Item Status column can include Avg Days and # secondary columns. Hover over the name of a primary column to see the secondary column options. 

See a list of Items referenced by the Report

Select any metric in the Report to open a list of Items contributing to that data point. 

The Item List will include a "Days in Status" column that displays each Item's individual contribution to the average. This makes it easy to identify outliers and take action. 

Share the Report

  • To share the Report, select the ellipsis icon. In the resulting drop-down menu, you can export the Report as a PDF, download it as an XLSX file, or copy it to a Board. 

    • Select Print/Save PDF to export the Report as a PDF. The "Print" window will open.
      • Page Size: Expand the drop-down to choose your preferred page size.
      • Scale: Expand the drop-down to choose the scale percentage. This allows you to fit more content on a single page. For example, selecting 50% doubles the amount of content you can fit on one page. Make sure to select "Fit to page" in your browser's print settings.
      • Click either Portrait or Landscape to choose the PDF's orientation.
      • Click Print.

    Ofie Profile PicThe Location of the Report will appear on the exported PDF beneath the Report title.

    • Select Save XLSX to export the Report as a spreadsheet document.
    • Select Copy to Board to add the Report as a Card on a Board. 
      • In the resulting window, select a Board. All Boards that you have permission to edit will appear as options. 
      • Select Copy to add the Report to your selected Board. All filters and columns included in the Report will be carried over to the Card. 
        • The Report Card will appear at the Board's top left corner.

Cycle Time by Template Report Cards

Cycle Time by Template Reports can also be added as a Card on Boards.

When creating a Cycle Time by Template Report Card, you can use the same filters discussed in this article to build the Report. However, you will have an additional Edit Columns option when the Report is in List view. 

  • Edit Columns: Use the Edit Columns window to select which columns appear on the Card when the Report is in List view. These selections will persist the next time you view the Board.

Recommended Reading

Check out the following support page to learn about how Status data is tracked on Items: