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Change a user's password

Help users regain access to their accounts by manually resetting their password for them.

When users forget their password or are locked out of their account after multiple failed login attempts, they can only regain access by resetting their emails.

If a General or Capture user has an email address associated with their KaiNexus account, they should be able to reset their own password via email or, if they're having trouble, a User Administrator can send them a Password Reset email.

If they don't have an email address associated with their account or if they are a Wallboard or Kiosk user, a User Administrator can change their password on their behalf.

Two Line OfieFor more information on User Types, check out this support article.

Who can change a user's password?

  • Anyone with the "Global User Administrator" permission can change the password of users anywhere in the organization.
  • Anyone with the "Local User Administrator" permission can change the password of users in the Location specified by that permission's configuration.

Change a user's password

To change a user's password, navigate to the User Management administration page or the People page, then:

  • Hover over the user you want to edit so that it is highlighted blue and click the lock icon that appears to its right.

The People page with an arrow pointing to a users Password and Activation button

  • Click Set Password in the resulting drop-down menu and the Set Password window will open.
    • Current Password: Enter your password.
    • Enter the user's new password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields. 
      • Your organization will have established some rules regarding the complexity of users' passwords, which will be listed on this page.

        If the new password does not meet one of these requirements, a red x will be displayed next to the violated rule and a red border will encircle the password. You will be unable to proceed until you enter a suitable password.
    • Click Save.

Two Line OfieYou will need to alert the user as to their new password and instruct them to reset their password as soon as possible.