Account Issues

Why can't I sign in to KaiNexus?

Follow the steps in this article to trouble-shoot the reason you are unable to sign into KaiNexus

There are several reasons why you might have difficulty signing in to KaiNexus. In this article, we will review common reasons why some users are unable to sign in. If you are still having trouble after reading this article, then you can always submit a ticket to our Support Team. 

New KaiNexus Users 

To sign in to KaiNexus for the first time, you must be granted access to KaiNexus by your organization, activate your account, have the correct user type, and have correct SSO credentials if your organization utilizes single sign-on. Follow the steps in this section to troubleshoot why you aren't able to sign in. If none of the following solutions work for you, then we recommend contacting your manager for help or submitting a KaiNexus Support ticket. 

Access to KaiNexus

Before you can sign into KaiNexus, the administrators within your organization need to create an account for you, granting you access to the system. KaiNexus accounts usually have your email address associated with them.

  • If an account has been made with your email address, you will receive an email notifying you of your new account.
  • If a KaiNexus account has been made for you without an email address associated with it, then an administrator from within your organization will need to set a temporary password for you to sign in with. 

If you have not received an email from KaiNexus informing you of your new account and if you have not received a username and password to sign in with from within your organization, then you may not have a KaiNexus account created yet. 

To request a new account, select Can't access your account? on the KaiNexus login screen.

New - Cant Access your Account

  • Then select Request Account on the resulting window.
    New - Request Account
  • This will allow you to enter your information and send an account request to the KaiNexus administrators within your organization. 

If you need help confirming whether you have a KaiNexus account or want to know who you should contact within your organization for an account, then feel free to submit a KaiNexus Support ticket. 

Activate your Account

Your KaiNexus account must be activated before you can log in for the first time. You  can activate your account through an email activation link or by entering your username and temporary password when signing in for the first time if your account does not have an associated email. 

For more information on activating your account, check out this article on signing into KaiNexus. 

If you are trying to sign into KaiNexus, but missed the activation email, then you can request a new activation email by selecting Can't Access Your Account on the sign in screen. 

  • Then select Activate Account via Email
    New - Activate Account

User Types affect your ability to sign in to KaiNexus

Every user in KaiNexus has a User Type that impacts your experience logging into the system. KaiNexus offers seven User Types that you can read about in this article

Offline, Setup, and Inactive Users are unable to log into KaiNexus. If your KaiNexus account is assigned one of these User Types, then your log in attempt will fail and result in following error message:

User Type Cant Sign In

If you receive this error message, verify within your organization whether people with your role are meant to sign in to KaiNexus. 

If your User Type needs to be changed so that you can sign in to KaiNexus, then contact a KaiNexus administrator within your organization for assistance. 

SSO Error

Organizations utilizing Single Sign-On (SSO) through the Compliance Module have a different log-in experience for their users. SSO is an authentication service that allows users to use one set of login credentials to access multiple applications. After you log into your organization's identity provider, you will be automatically signed into KaiNexus when visiting your organization's KaiNexus URL or desktop icon. 

If your organization is using SSO for KaiNexus, but you are still unable to log-in, then you will likely see the following error:

SSO Error Message

SSO errors for first-time KaiNexus users occur when the username (NameID) being passed to KaiNexus from your IdP (Identity Provider) does not match the username on your user profile in KaiNexus. Companies most often use your organization email address for your NameID and Username. 

When you receive an SSO error, our best suggestion is to reach out to your admin or IT team to confirm that the NameID being passed from your IdP to KaiNexus matches your KaiNexus username. If your credentials do not match, your team will need to update your KaiNexus Username to resolve the issue.

If you continue to have difficulty logging in after verifying your credentials, reach to KaiNexus Support so we can verify if there is a different issue. 

Returning KaiNexus Users

Confirm your log-in credentials

Before pursuing any other trouble-shooting after a failed sign in attempt, we recommend returning KaiNexus users follow these steps to confirm their sign in credentials are correct:

  • Make sure you didn't make any typos while entering your username and password.
  • Ensure you are entering your username, not the email address associated with your KaiNexus account, into the username field. 
  • If you are using saved passwords or autofill, try typing your credentials manually 

Reset your Password

If you cannot remember your password or receive the following error message, then we recommend resetting your password.

Invalid Username or Password

To reset your password, select Can't access your account? on the KaiNexus sign in screen. 

New - Cant Access your Account

  • If you have an email address associated with your KaiNexus account, select Reset Password via Email on the resulting window. 
    New - Reset Password
    • In the resulting window, enter your username or email address associated with your KaiNexus account. 
    • Select Reset Password. A password reset link will be sent to the email address associated with your KaiNexus account. 
    • Follow the password reset link and then try signing in to KaiNexus with the new password. 
  • If you do not have an email address associated with your KaiNexus account and have forgotten your password, then select Contact Account Support to get in touch with an administrator within your organization who can reset your password for you. 
    New - Account Support 
    • In the resulting window, fill out the Account Support form with your name and username. Leave a comment stating that you need a password reset. 

Forgot Username

If you do not know your KaiNexus username or receive the following error message while attempting to sign in to KaiNexus with the correct password, then you will need to reach out to one of the KaiNexus administrators within your organization to obtain your username.

Invalid Username or Password

To submit a request to one of your organization's internal administrators, select Can't access your account? on the KaiNexus sign in screen.

New - Cant Access your Account 

  • Then select Contact Account Support
    New - Account Support
  • In the resulting window, fill out the Account Support form with your name and any other pertinent information that could help identify your account. Add a comment that you have forgotten your username. 

For security reasons, KaiNexus Support will not be able to change or provide your username, but if you need any assistance finding help within your organization, we are happy to point you in the right direction. 

SSO Credentials 

If you usually log into KaiNexus using Single Sign-On (SSO), an authentication service that allows users to use one set of login credentials to access multiple applications, and are unable to login, the issue is likely a change in your KaiNexus credentials or the NameID being passed from your IdP to KaiNexus. 

Users with invalid SSO credentials often receive the following error message:

SSO Error Message

In this scenario, we recommend reaching out to your admin or IT team to confirm that the NameID being passed from your IdP to KaiNexus matches your KaiNexus username. If your credentials do not match, your team will have to update your KaiNexus Username to resolve the issue. 

Submit a Support Ticket

If you have followed the steps in this support article and are still unable to sign in to KaiNexus, submit a ticket to our Support Team for further assistance. 

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