System > Email

Monthly Report Summary Email

Send monthly emails to stakeholders summarizing key performance metrics.

Monthly Report Summary Emails are a valuable tool for keeping executives and stakeholders informed about your improvement program. They offer insight into key engagement, activity, and impact metrics and showcase the positive results of your improvement efforts. 

The email will be sent to your chosen recipients once a month, and it will summarize the metrics for the previous month. 

  • The email includes customizable Activity, Engagement, and Impact metrics. 
  • The email subject line and body are also customizable. 
  • Each metric (except for "Users Logged In") will include a green or red ticker that indicates whether the metric increased or decreased from the previous month. You'll also see the percent increase or decrease. 
  • The "View More" button at the bottom of the email links to KaiNexus. This link can direct users to their default Board or a specific Board that offers more detailed information about the email's metrics. 
  • If your organization has a legal notice, it will be included. 


  • Streamline communication with your executives with concise, informative emails summarizing your organization's improvement work. 
  • Stay connected to key performance metrics without the need to log in to KaiNexus.
  • Receiving regular report emails helps you and your leaders form a habit of data-driven decision-making. 

Creating Monthly Report Summary Emails

Who can create emails? 

Anyone with the "System Administrator" permission can create Monthly Report Summary Emails. 

How to Create a Monthly Report Summary Email

Ofie Profile PicCaution: Your organization can have up to 10 Monthly Report Summary Emails. 

To create a Monthly Report Summary Email, navigate to the Admin section and: 

  • Select Email.
  • Select + Create Summary Email at the top of the list of Emails. 
  • In the Create Summary Email window:
    • Name: Enter a name for the email. This is how the email will be identified in KaiNexus. 
    • Description: Enter a description for the email. This description will appear in the list of your organization's emails, helping you and other admins understand its purpose. 
    • Report Summary Email - Subject: Enter the text you want to appear in the email's subject line. The default text is “Your KaiNexus Report Summary for [Month]”. 
    • Report Summary Email - Body: Enter the text you want to appear in the email's body.
    • Recipients: Choose who should receive the email. 
      • You can choose Locations, System Roles, Personas, and specific users. 
      • Warning: The Monthly Report Summary Email is sent to only the first 500 users that meet your criteria. When picking recipients, ensure no more than 500 people meet your criteria. 
    • Day of Month: Select the day of the month for the email to be sent. The email will be sent on this day each month. 
    • Time: Choose the time of day the email will be sent. The email will be sent at this time according to your organization's time zone. 
    • Board Link: Select the Enable checkbox to have the email link to a specific KaiNexus Board. This link will appear as a "View More" button at the bottom of the email. If not enabled, the "View More" button will be a link to sign into KaiNexus, and the user will see their default Board. 
      • Board: Use the drop-down menu to select which Board the email should link to. Only public Boards will be available for selection. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: If your email links to a Board, double-check that the recipients also have permission to view the Board. You can do this by editing the Board and updating its viewers. If they don't have permission to view the linked Board, the "View More" button will take them to their default Board instead. 

    • Metrics: Determine which metrics should be included in the email by adding metrics to the grid.  
  • Under the Metrics header:
    • Select the + icon to add a new metric to the email.
      • In the Add New Metric window:
        • Type: Use the drop-down to choose which metric you'd like to add. The Monthly Report Summary Email can display five different metric types: 
          • Items Submitted: Display how many Items were submitted last month. 
          • Items Completed: Display how many Items were completed last month. 
          • Users Logged In: Display how many users have logged in last month. 
          • Total Financial Impact: Display the Total Financial Impact on Items completed last month. Forecast and Target Impacts are omitted. 
            • Currency: An additional field will appear if your organization utilizes multiple currencies. Select the currency for which you want to display data. Only Impacts logged in this currency will be included in the metric. 
            • Note: The date range for which Impacts are included in this metric is based on the Item's Completed Date, not an Impact's Realized Date. If an Item has a Complete Date in the previous month, all its qualifying Impacts will be included in the metric, regardless of their Realized Dates. 
          • Total Time Saved: Display the total time saved on Items completed last month. Forecast and Target Impacts are omitted. 
            • Note: The date range for which Impacts are included in this metric is based on the Item's Completed Date, not an Impact's Realized Date. If an Item has a Complete Date in the previous month, all its qualifying Time Savings will be included in the metric, regardless of their Realized Dates. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: The following Items will not be included in any metric: Private Items, Items in Draft Status, Archived Items, Non-Reportable, and No-Status Items.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Items Submitted and Completed metrics will show the total Item count regardless of user view permissions. This means an email recipient will see the accurate count, even if it includes Items they don't have permission to view. 

However, an email recipient must have the "View Impact" System Role permission to see the Total Financial Impact and Total Time Saved metrics. The metrics will not appear in the email if they don't have this permission. 

        • Title: Enter the title for your metric displayed in the email. 
        • Filters: Customize your metric by specifying which Workflows, Templates, and Locations for which you want to display data. 
          • Workflow: Choose which Workflows to include in your metric. This filter only applies to Item and Impact metrics. 
          • Template: Choose which Templates to include in your metric. This filter only applies to Item and Impact metrics. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: The Workflow and Template filters have an "or" relationship, meaning Items meeting either field's criteria will be included in the metric Leaving Workflow and Template blank will result in all Workflows and all Templates being included in the metric. 

          • Location: Choose which Locations should be included in your metric. This filter applies to Item, Impact, and User metrics. 
            • Anywhere: Data from all Locations in your Network will be included in the metric. 
            • User's Location Only: The metric will include data from only the email recipient's Network Location. 
            • User's Location & Below: The metric will include data from the email recipient's Network Location and all Locations nested beneath it. 
            • Specific Location: The metric will show data from a specific Network Location. 
              • If selected, an additional drop-down will appear where you can choose a Location. 
              • Location & Below checkbox: If selected, the metric will include data from Locations nested beneath your specific Location. If unselected, the metric will include data from only the specific Location. 
          • Originating and Responsible toggles: When creating Item or Impact metrics, use the Originating and Responsible toggles to specify if an Item's Location must be the Originating or Responsible Location for its data to be included. Both are selected by default, meaning the Location can be either. 
      • Select Save.
    • To copy a metric, hover over it and select the copy icon on the right. This option is helpful if you want to include multiple similar metrics in your email. 
    • To edit a metric, hover over it and select the pencil icon on the right. 
    • To remove a metric from the email, hover over it and select the x icon on the right. 
    • Drag and drop metrics to change their order. The metrics will always be sorted beneath their corresponding Activity, Engagement, and Impact headers, but drag and drop can help you rearrange their order within the header. 
    • When you are finished adding metrics to the email, select Save.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Each email can include up to 10 metrics. 

Manage your organization's emails

Who can manage your organization's emails? 

Anyone with the "System Administrator" permission can view, test, edit, and delete Monthly Report Summary Emails. 

Send a test email

You can preview your email by sending a test to yourself. This will allow you to review the content and format before sharing it with others. 

The test email will be sent to you only, not to any recipients listed in the email. It will use the previous month's data. 

To send a test email:

  • Hover over the email you want to test. 
  • Select the envelope icon

Edit an email

To edit an existing email:

  • Hover over the email you want to edit. 
  • Select the pencil icon.

Delete an email

To delete an existing email:

  • Hover over the email you want to edit.
  • Select the x icon