Other Information

Like, Acknowledge, or Bookmark an Item

Show your interest in an Item, let everyone know you've seen it, or save it for later.

There are three ways of marking any Item you can access:

  1. "Like" it to let everyone know that you're interested in it or to show your support.
  2. Acknowledge it to let everyone know that you've seen it.
  3. Bookmark it to make a note of it for your future reference.

Anyone can see if you've "liked" or acknowledged an Item and its team members will be notified, but only you will know if you've bookmarked it.

Keep reading to learn about the following:

"Like,” acknowledge, or bookmark an Item

To "like,” acknowledge, or bookmark an Item, open the Item with which you want to work and locate the three icons near the Item’s status indicator.

  • Click the thumbs-up icon to like the Item. The icon will be filled in to indicate that you've liked the Item.
  • Click the checkmark icon to acknowledge the Item. The icon will be filled in to indicate that you've acknowledged the Item.
  • Click the bookmark icon to bookmark the Item. The icon will be filled in to indicate that you've bookmarked the Item.

An Item work panel with the like, acknowledge, and bookmark icons outlines

If you change your mind and want to undo this action, click the corresponding icon again.

View a list of all Items you've bookmarked

To see a list of all of your bookmarked Items:

  • Click the bookmark icon near your profile picture. If you haven't bookmarked any Items yet, this icon will not be present.

The KaiNexus header with an arrow pointing to the bookmark icon
  • A list of your bookmarked Items will open.

View a list of all Items you've "liked" or acknowledged

To see a list of everything you've "liked" or acknowledged, filter a list of Items or an Item List Card with the following rules:

  • Pick a criteria: Select Additional from the drop-down.
  • Additional: From the drop-down, select:
    • Liked by Me: To get a list of Items you've liked.
    • Acknowledge by Me: To get a list of Items you've acknowledged.
    • Select both of those options and leave the condition set to is any of to get a list of all Items you've liked or acknowledged, or set the condition to is all of to get a list of all Items you've liked and acknowledged. 

An Item List filter window showing how to filter by liked by me and acknowledged by me

  • Click Save and the list will be generated.

See who has “liked” or acknowledged an Item

To see who has "liked" or acknowledged an Item, open the Item and locate those icons near the Item’s status indicator.

  • The number of people who have "liked" or acknowledged that Item will be displayed to the right of the relevant icon. If you don’t see a number next to either of those icons, no one has “liked” or acknowledged it yet.
  • Hover over each number to see a list of everybody who has "liked" or acknowledged the Item.