
Configure an Item to recur

Configure Items that occur regularly to reopen or copy themselves each time they're completed instead of having to manually create a new, identical Item each time.

Two Line OfieREQUIRED: Recurrence must be enabled on your Item to perform the functions on this support page. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to enable recurrence.

Recurring Items are Items that automatically recur on a regularly scheduled basis either by reopening themselves or by creating a new copy of themselves after completion. This is a great time-saver when creating and maintaining standard work in KaiNexus.

A recurring Item is denoted with the circular arrows icon near the status indicator. Hover over that icon and a tooltip showing the details of how and when the Item will recur will appear.

An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the recurring Item icon

Who can set an Item to recur or manage a recurring Item's configuration?

Anyone with permission to view and edit it.

Only the following people can view an Item:

  • Anyone on the Item's Team.
  • Potentially anyone on the parent's Team.
  • If the Item is not private and not in the New status, anyone with the "View" permission for Items in its Location(s).
  • If the Item is private, anyone with the "View Private" permission for Items in its Location(s).
  • If the Item is in the New status and is not private, anyone with the "View New" permission for Items in its Location(s).

Only the following people can edit an Item:

  • Anyone on the Item's Team except for Followers or Participants.
  • Anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in this Location(s).
  • For Items using the Standard Team Type, anyone with the "Assign" permission for Items in this Location(s).

Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

Set an Item to recur or manage a recurring Item's configuration

To set an Item to recur or manage a recurring Item's configuration, open the Item with which you want to work, then:

  • Click Actions in the top right corner of the page.

An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the Actions button

  • Click Recur in the resulting drop-down menu, and the Item's Recur window will open.
      • The Make Recurring radio buttons: Select Yes to enable recurrence for this Item or select No to disable recurrence for this Item. 
        • If "No" is selected, click Save.
        • If "Yes" is selected, configure the Item's recurrence.
          • The Once Completed radio buttons:
            • Select Reopen if you want the same Item to revert to Planned or Active Status each time it is completed. 
            • Select Create New Copy if you want a new copy of the Item to be created each time it is completed. 
              • If "Create New Copy" is selected, the Copy the fields and attributes radio buttons will appear below it. Select Yes if the existing field and Attribute values should be included on each copy, or select No if they should not.
              • Note: If you choose the "Create New Copy" option, the person completing the Item must have permission to create a new Item of that Template Type. Otherwise, they cannot complete the Item. 
          • Frequency: Expand the drop-down to select when the Item should recur. This will be used to calculate the Item's start date each time it recurs. Choose between:
            • Immediately: The Item (or its copy) will enter the Active status as soon as this Item is completed.
            • Day of Week: The Item (or its copy) will enter the Planned status as soon as this Item is completed.

              Use the Day of Week drop-down that appears below the Frequency drop-down to select the day of the week on which the Item should transition into the Active status.
            • Day of Month: The Item (or its copy) will enter the Planned status as soon as this Item is completed.

              Use the Day of Month field that appears below the Frequency drop-down to enter the day of the month on which the Item should transition into the Active status.
            • Days After Complete: The Item (or its copy) will enter the Planned status as soon as this Item is completed.

              Use the Days After Complete field that appears below the Frequency drop-down to enter the number of days after which the Item should transition into the Active status.
      • Click Save.

    Now that you have configured the Item to recur, it will automatically return to either Planned or Active status, based on your selected settings, after you complete it.

    Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Because Items recur after they are completed, No Status Items cannot be set to recur. In addition, an Item should include the Complete, Active, and Planned Statuses for recur to function correctly.