Board Actions

Expand a Board

View a Board without any distractions by expanding it to full screen.

When you show a Board during a huddle or presentation, expanding the Board to full screen will help viewers focus on the Board content without any distractions. 

Example of an Expanded Board. 

When the Board is expanded:

  • Your browser will enter full-screen mode.
  • You will no longer see the KaiNexus Navigation Bar.
  • If the Board Filter is enabled, there will be a Filters button.
    • Select the Filters button to update the Board Filter.
  • If Quick Filters are enabled, they will be hidden by default. 
    • Select the caret button to reveal the Quick Filters. Select it again to hide the Quick Filters. 

Who can expand a Board? 

Anyone who can access a Board can expand it. 

Expand a Board

To expand a Board, open the Board with which you want to work, then: 

  • Select Actions in the top right corner of the Board. 
  • Select Expand in the resulting drop-down menu. 

Close the Expanded view

To return to the Board's default view, select the X at the top right of your Board. 

Recommended Reading

We recommend checking out the following support pages next: