Organization > Network
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Edit a Network Location

Update an existing Network Location to keep its information up to date.

Who can edit a Network Location?

Anyone with the "Quality Administrator" permission can edit Network Locations.

People with other Administrator permissions may be able to access the Network Administrator page, but will not be able to make changes to it.

Edit a Network Location

To edit a Network Location, navigate to the Network administration page, then:

  • Hover over the Location you want to edit so that it is highlighted blue, then click the pencil icon that appears to its right and the Edit Location window will open.

The Network admin page with an arrow pointing to a Locations edit button

  • Update the following information as necessary:
    • Name (required): The name will be used to identify this Location.
    • Description: Enter an optional description in this field.
    • Level Type: Expand the drop-down to select the appropriate Level Type for this Location.
    • Nest Under: If you want to nest this Location under another Location, expand the drop-down to select the Location under which it should be nested.

      If this Location should be a top-level Location, leave this field blank.
    • Escalate to: By default, Items that are escalated from this Location will be escalated to the next highest Location on the Network diagram. If you want to configure this Location differently, expand the drop-down to select the Location to which Items should be escalated.
    • Network Attributes: If your organization has any Network Attributes configured, they will be listed here. Expand each Network Attribute's drop-down to select the value or values that should be assigned to this Location.
    • Monthly Goals: To set a Goal for this Location, click the plus icon in the top right corner of the Monthly Goals panel and the Create Monthly Goal window will open.

The Create Location window with an arrow pointing to the plus icon in the top right corner of the Monthly Goals panel

      • Type (required): Expand the drop-down and select whether this Goal is based on "Improvement Count" (the number of Items submitted in this Location) or "Financial Impact" (the financial impact recorded in the Resolutions of Items in this Location).
      • Location & Below Goal (required): Enter a Goal for the number of completed Items per month of the financial impact per month (depending on what you chose as the Type above) for this Location and its nested Locations. The work done in this Location and in any Locations nested below it will count towards this Goal.
      • Location Goal (required): Enter a Goal for the number of completed Items per month of the financial impact per month (depending on what you chose as the Type above) for this Location. Only the work done in this Location will count towards this Goal.
      • When should the Goal start? (required): Enter the date on which this Goal should begin being tracked.
      • When should the Goal end? (required): Enter the date on which this Goal should stop being tracked.
      • Currency: This option is only available if your organization has multiple currencies enabled and if you selected the "Financial Impact" Type above.

        Expand this drop-down to select the Currency that should be used for this Goal.
      • Impact: This option is only available if you selected the "Financial Impact" Type above.

        Expand this drop-down to select which Impact Type should count towards this Goal.
      • Click Save.
    • To edit an existing Monthly Goal, hover over it and click the pencil icon that appears to its right. In the resulting window, update any of the information described above.
    • To delete an existing Monthly Goal, hover over it and click the x icon that appears to its right.
  • Click Save.