Filter the Items included on or referenced by every Card on a Board at once.
By adding filters to a Board, you gain the ability to quickly apply a filter to every Card on the Board without needing to manually add that filter to each Item-based Card.
There are two types of Board filters:
- Global filters: Use combinations of rules and criteria to filter Items. These filters are tucked into the Board's Item Filter window.
- Quick filters: Use simple fields to quickly filter Items. These filters are displayed across the top of the Board where they can be accessed easily.
For information on filtering a Board by Location, check out this article.
Enable and configure Board filters
To enable filters or set their default values, you must have permission to edit the Board. Only the following people can do so:
- The Board's Owner
- Anyone with the "Board Administrator" permission for Boards in that Board's Location.
Enable filters and set their default values
To manage a Board's filters, navigate to that Board, then:
- Click Actions in the top right corner of the Board.
- Click Edit Board in the resulting drop-down and the Edit Board window will open.
- To enable quick filters, check the Show Quick Filters checkbox.
To edit the existing quick filters, click Edit next to the "Show Quick Filters" checkbox.
In the resulting window:
- Click Add Quick Filter and a drop-down listing the available filters will open.
- Search for and select the filter you want to add. That filter will appear in its own field on the Quick Filters window.
- To add a default criterion to the filter — one that will be applied to the Board each time it is opened — add that criterion to the filter's field. People will be able to change this criterion when viewing the Board, but the filter will revert to the default the next time they access it.
- Leave the filter's field blank if you don't want a default value to be applied.
- To delete an existing quick filter, hover over its field and click the x button that appears to its right.
- Repeat these steps for each quick filter.
- Click Save to save your changes and return to the New Board window.
- To enable global filters, check the Show Board Filters checkbox and click the filter icon that appears to its right.
To edit any existing global filters, click the filter icon to the right of the "Show Board Filters" checkbox.
- To enable quick filters, check the Show Quick Filters checkbox.

- In the resulting window, add or update the default filters that will be applied to the Board each time it's accessed, then click Save.
- Click Save to finalize the changes to this Board.
Temporarily change the Board filters
Once filters have been enabled on a Board, anyone who accesses the Board can temporarily update the parameters of those filters but the filters will revert to their default state the next time they access the Board.
Quick filters
The Board's quick filters, if any have been added, are displayed across the top of the Board beneath its title. If a default value has been assigned to a quick filter, it will be shown as well.
To temporarily change the quick filters' values:
- Expand each filter's drop-down and select the value(s) by which Items referenced by this Board should be filtered.
- For date-based quick filters, click the calendar icon inside the field and select the start date and end date for the filter.
Global filters
If global filters have been enabled for this Board, a "Filters" button will appear at the top of the Board.
To temporarily change the global filters' values:
- Click Filters and the Item Filter window will open. Any existing global filters will be listed.
- Update the filters as needed and click Save.