Frequently Asked Questions

Who should I contact?

Between our Support Team and your dedicated Customer Success Manager, KaiNexus has got your back!

When should I contact KaiNexus Support? Screen Shot 2022-01-13 at 6.39.20 PM

Help Logging In

  • Forgot your username or password? Having trouble activating your account? KaiNexus Support is here to help! 

'How' or 'Why' Questions

  • is a knowledge base of support articles tailored to answer your 'how' and 'why' questions.
  • Can't find what you're looking for on the Support Site? Submit a support ticket so we can make sure our articles are up-to-date!

Enhancement Requests

  • Do you have a great idea to help improve KaiNexus? We'd love to hear it! Even the simplest suggestions are at the core of continuous improvement. 

Potential Bugs

General Feedback

  • Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Whether you're noticing a dip in system performance or you just really love our response time, your feedback helps us improve a little bit every day.


When should I contact my Customer Success Manager?

Account Check-InScreen Shot 2022-01-14 at 2.45.42 PM

  • Your CSM will be your primary point of contact for all miscellaneous questions; they know the ins and outs of your KaiNexus account!
  • Once you finish the implementation process, we recommend that you schedule check-in calls at a regular cadence.

Best Practices & Strategies

  • Your CSM can recommend best practices and strategies based on how other successful customers use KaiNexus. 

New Features & Configuration

  • Need an update or change to your current workflow? Reach out to your CSM!
  • After a release, your CSM can review the latest features and recommend the best way to utilize those features in your current configuration.

User & Data Imports

  • If you need any new users added to your instance or any historical data uploaded, please contact your CSM. 

Contractual Questions

  • Any questions about your contract or user licenses can be directed to your CSM.