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Vote on nested Items to help leaders prioritize them.

Two Line OfieREQUIRED: Voting must be enabled on your Item to perform the functions on this support page. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to enable voting.

If voting is enabled on one of your Items, you (and the rest of its Team) can vote on Items nested under it — its "children" — to show your support for them. This gives the team leading the charge useful information and helps them prioritize the nested Items.

The total number of votes you can cast across all its nested Items and the number of votes you can cast for each of those Items is determined by how your organization has configured the Item's Template. For example, if you have ten votes to cast across all its nested Items, you may be able to give all ten of your votes to the one Item you like most or you may only be able to give one vote to it.

Vote on an Item's children

Who can vote on an Item's children?

Only the following people can vote on an Item's children:

  • Anyone on the Item's Team except for Followers.
  • Anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in this Location(s) who can see the Item(s) for which they want to vote.
  • For Items using the Standard Team Type, anyone with the "Assign" permission for Items in this Location who can see the Item(s) for which they want to vote.

Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

See how many votes you can cast

To see how many votes you can cast on an Item's children, open the Item with which you want to work and locate the Voting panel. This panel is typically on the Item's main tab or on the "Other" tab, but your organization may have configured it to appear elsewhere.

  • Votes You've Cast: This represents the number of votes you have already cast on the Item's children.
  • Your Remaining Votes: This represents the number of votes you can still cast.
  • If you don't see either of these options, you do not have permission to vote on this Item's children.

An Item work panel with Votes Youve Cast and Your Remaining Votes in the Voting panel noted

You can also see this additional information:

  • Total Votes Cast: This represents the number of votes this Item's Team has already cast.
    • Hover over the number beside Total Votes Cast to see a list of people who have voted on at least one nested item and the number of votes each person has cast.
  • Total Remaining Votes: This represents the number of votes the Item's Team can still cast.
    • Hover over the number beside Total Remaining Votes to see a list of people who still have votes remaining and the number of votes they can still cast.

Vote on an Item's children

To vote on an Item's children, open the Item with which you want to work and locate and open the first nested Item for which you want to vote. Then:

  • Hover over the vote icon near the Item's status indicator and a pop-up showing the number of votes you can cast for this Item, as determined by the parent Item's voting configuration,  and the nested Items for which you have already voted will appear.

An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the vote icon

  • Click the vote icon. The icon will be filled in to indicate that you've voted for the Item and the remove vote icon will appear to its left. Vote for this Item multiple times by clicking the vote icon again, once for each vote you want to cast.

    Each vote you cast for the Item will increase the number to its right by one.

If you change your mind and want to undo this action, click the remove vote icon to remove one of the votes you've previously cast. If you cast multiple votes and want to remove several (or all) of them, click the remove vote icon again, once for each vote you want to remove. When you've removed all your votes from this Item, this icon will disappear.

An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the remove vote icon

Manage an Item's votes

Who can manage an Item's votes?

Only the following people can manage an Item's children:

  • Anyone on the Item's Team except for Participants and Followers.
  • Anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in this Location(s) who can see the Item(s) for which they want to vote.
  • For Items using the Standard Team Type, anyone with the "Assign" permission for Items in this Location who can see the Item(s) for which they want to vote.

Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

Manage an Item's votes

To manage an Item's votes, open the Item with which you want to work and locate the Voting panel. This panel is typically on the Item's main tab or on the "Other" tab, but your organization may have configured it to appear elsewhere.

Some key information can be seen directly from the Voting panel by anyone accessing the Item:

  • Total Votes Cast: This represents the number of votes this Item's Team has already cast.
    • Hover over the number beside Total Votes Cast to see a list of people who have voted on at least one nested item and the number of votes each person has cast.
  • Total Remaining Votes: This represents the number of votes the Item's Team can still cast.
    • Hover over the number beside Total Remaining Votes to see a list of people who still have votes remaining and the number of votes they can still cast.

To see additional information and configure this Item's voting parameters, click View Results at the bottom of the Voting panel.

  • A list of the nested Items that have received at least one vote will be listed along with the number of votes they each received. Click one of the listed Items to open it.
  • Click Configure and the Configure Voting window will open.
    • Configure the Item's voting parameters:
      • Maximum Votes Per Person: Enter the total number of votes each person should be able to cast.
      • Maximum Votes Per Person Per Item: Enter the number of votes each person can cast on each nested Item.
      • Click Save.
    • To remove all votes from the nested Items, click Clear All Votes.
      • Click Clear Votes in the resulting window.

Two Line OfieCAUTION: When votes are cleared, they are permanently removed from all nested Items and cannot be recovered.