
Revert an Item to the New status

Transition an in-progress or Deferred Item back to the beginning by reverting it to the New status.

When an Item is reverted to the New status:

  • The Responsible Person and Assigner, if present, will be removed. All other team members will be unaffected by the change.
  • The start and due dates, if present, will be removed. All other dates will be unaffected by the change.

Who can revert an Item to the New status?

  • Anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in this Location(s).
  • For Items using the Standard Team Type, anyone with the "Assign" permission for Items in this Location(s).
  • Anyone with the appropriate Team Roles: 
    • For Items using the Standard Team Type, the Assigner.
    • For Items using the Simple Team Type, anyone on the Team except for Followers.
    • For Items using the Author-Only Team Type, anyone on the Team except for Followers.
    • For Items using the Advanced Team Type, anyone on the Team except for Participants and Followers.

Two Line OfieFor more information on Team Roles (like Authors, Facilitators, Participants, and more!) check out this article.

Revert an Item to the New status

To revert an Item to the New status, open the Item with which you want to work, then:

  • Click the Item's status indicator.

An active Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the status indicator

  • Click New in the resulting drop-down menu, and the "Make New" window will open.
    • Reason for reverting to New: Enter an explanation as to why the Item is being reverted to the New status. This text will be added to the Item as a comment.
    • Click Save. The Item will enter the New status.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: If your organization chooses to rename Item Statuses with its own custom terminology, you may see a different option than "New"