New Features
- We’ve given you more powerful options in the quick search.
- You can now have calculated data series that automatically draws from other existing data series. Your options are: sum, difference, average, percent, or percent change. This is great to to do things like rollup an average from a bunch of different locations or show percent change at the 30, 60, and 90 day points.
- When copying a Project or Improvement, you now have the option of copying all of its nested Tasks, Projects, or Improvements as well.
- We’ve added several new filters to the Calendar View so you can control exactly what you see greatly expanding the use-case for Calendar View.
- You can now display Project, Improvement, and Task status bars and statistics on the List and Tree View.

Complete Release Notes
- Your viewing preferences will now be kept even after you leave a particular screen and display those preferences when you next return. For example:
- On the Improvement, Project, Task, and Chart pages, the system will remember which view (Detail, List, Tree, or Kanban) you were last looking at, which filters you had in place (including custom filters), and which columns were shown.
- On the Reports page, the system will remember which date range and which Locations you had chosen to view.
- The system will remember whether you had the vertical navigation bar expanded or collapsed.
- On the submission window, the system will remember if the “Team” section was expanded or collapsed.
- A data series can now appear as a dashed line. When configuring a series displayed as a line, check the box next to “Dashed Line.” If you’d rather it be a solid line, leave this box unchecked.
- “Reopen Improvement” can be added as an “unset action” for a Milestone . That means that, if a Milestone with this qualification has already been approved, reopening the Improvement will make it unapproved again.
- After clicking “Share” on a Board, Project, Improvement, or Task, you can either highlight and manually copy the direct link to that page or quickly copy it to your clipboard by clicking “Copy” on the resulting popup.

- When moving to another page of results, the list will automatically scroll to the top.
- A status bar for Tasks has been added to the Reports Snapshot.
- The filtering logic on the “Parent Project” or “Add to Project” fields on a Project or Improvement you’re nesting has been improved. Projects with the exact phrase you searched for in the title will be returned.
To clarify, if you’re searching for a Project called “Jasmine’s Parts Presentation,” you can search for “Jasmine’s parts,” “Parts Pres,” or “Parts P,” etc., and the correct Project will be returned. You cannot search for phrases like “art Pres” or “ine’s Parts Pres.” - The “Annual Submission Target” field on the “Configure Target Line” screen is now titled “Annual Submission Target per Person.”
- You can now click on the rightmost side of a filter field to begin typing in that field.
- When searching for the Parent Project’s name when nesting an Improvement or Project, the list of results will now update as you type.
- You can now have charts with multiple categories of the same name.
- Copying a Card now copies your column preferences and view settings.
- The X-Matrix “Edit” window now reformats properly when the browser is zoomed in.
- Deleted fields types will no longer appear as column options.
- A bug was fixed which caused users with notification preferences configured to alert them of new Improvements after a delay to be notified of them immediately.
- We improved the loading speed of the notification window.
- Emails about new Tasks will no longer auto-capitalize the first word of the Task’s description.
- A bug was fixed which occasionally caused Improvements and Tasks to fail to open.
- A bug was fixed which occasionally prevented users from changing their passwords from password reset emails.