New Features

- Text fields on Projects and Improvements can now be in "markdown" format. That means you can format the text, add bullets and numbered lists, add links, or add charts.
- Your choice of columns to be displayed on the List and Tree Views is now retained when you click between the various other Views. You can also choose between permanently or temporarily picking the displayed columns on a Card that is in the List or Tree Views.
- A Milestone icon has been added to the Detail View under the title of any Improvement or Project with Milestones, and a Milestone column has been added to the List and Tree Views. This icon shows the status of the Milestone(s) that needs the most attention.
Complete Release Notes
- We greatly improved the search function. You no longer need to know the exact phrase you’re searching for, and the search bar is more forgiving of typos.
- Any Attributes can now be added as a column on the List or Tree Views by using the column drop-down menu. Reach out to your Customer Experience Lead to control which Attribute columns are displayed by default.
- When approving or not approving a Milestone, you now have a “Do not notify” option which prevents notifications - flags, emails, etc. - from being generated. You also have the option to “Email note(s) now,” which will immediately email any notes to the selected people.
- The “Last Updated” bottleneck filter now returns Projects and Improvements which contain Tasks that were last updated within the set time frame.
- “Last Comment” and “Review Date” have been added to the List and Tree Views. These columns are hidden by default.
- You can now hover over a title on the List or Tree Views to see the full title if it has been cut off.
- Clicking the title of a milestone will now open the Milestone approval screen.
- If you’re unapproving a Milestone on a completed Improvement, you now have the option to reopen the Improvement from the Milestone approval screen.
- A link to the Timeline has been added to all Milestone alerts.
- Notes added to a Milestone now automatically become a comment.
- The layout of the Milestone approval screen was improved.
- If multiple Milestones are blocking the same status, the status will no longer be listed multiple times in the tooltip.
- Project “Due Dates” are now called “End Dates” throughout the application.
- A bug was fixed which erroneously allowed Local User Administrators to activate and reset passwords for all users, not just those in their Location and below.
- Chart axes will no longer be misaligned with data.
- A bug was fixed which occasionally caused people to see an error message when resetting their password.
- A bug was fixed which prevented words in brackets from showing up in Improvement titles.
- A bug was fixed which occasionally prevented people from setting the header of a Card to a certain color.
- A bug was fixed which occasionally caused a Card’s headers’ colors from resetting to their default appearance after the Card was moved.
- A bug was fixed which prevented Report Cards from loading correctly when filtered by “User’s Current Location.”
- A bug was fixed which caused the Digest day customization screen to be accessible from the Roles admin page.
- A bug was fixed which prevented users from removing the “Project Type” field from filters.
- A bug was fixed which prevented people without the “Delete” permission from deleting their own drafts.
- A loophole was closed which allowed Improvements to enter a status blocked a Milestone in certain situations.
- A bug was fixed which occasionally broke the Project Tree View.
- A bug was fixed which prevented a timeline entry from being added to a Project when you nested existing Projects and Improvements under it.