Card Management

Export a Card

Export a Card in a printable format that can be handed out in meetings or hung on bulletin boards.

Which Cards can be exported?

  • Any Card except for Activity Feed Cards and Comment Cards can be exported as a PDF.
  • Item List Cards, People List Cards, and Report Cards (configured in the list view) can also be exported as XLSX documents.

Who can export a Card?

Anyone with permission to view the Card can export it as well.

Export a Card

Locate the Card with which you want to work, then:

  • Click the ellipsis in the top right corner of the Card.

A Board with an arrow pointing to a Report Cards ellipsis

  • Hover over Export in the resulting drop-down menu and the menu will expand.
    • To export the Card as a PDF, click Print/Save PDF and the Print window will open.
      • Page Size: Expand the drop-down to choose your preferred page size.
      • Scale: Expand the drop-down to choose the scale percentage. This allows you to fit more content on a single page. For example, selecting 50% doubles the amount of content you can fit on one page. Make sure to select "Fit to page" in your browser's print settings.
      • Click either Portrait or Landscape to choose the PDF's orientation.
      • The Exclude Private Items checkbox: If enabled, any private Items within the Card will not be included in the PDF.

        This option is only available for Item List Cards and does not apply to lists using Gantt View. 
      • Included Columns: Each of the Card's columns will be listed alongside a checkbox. Check the box next to each column that should be included in the PDF.
        • This option is only available for People List Cards and Item List Cards.
        • To customize the width of the columns appearing on the PDF, set minimum or maximum column widths in List, Tree, and Gantt view. 
      • Click Print to export the PDF.
    • To export the Card as an XLSX document, click Save XLSX, and the Save XLSX window will open. This option is only available for Item List Cards, People List Cards, and Report Cards configured in the list view.
      • If you're exporting an Item or People List Card, the Save XLSX window will open.
        • Team Member Names Format: This option is only available for Item List Cards. Expand the drop-down to choose the format in which each Item's Team members should be shown.
        • Select Include All Columns if the XLSX document should include all possible columns.
        • Select Include Current Columns if the XLSX document should only include the columns configured to appear on this Card.
        • The Include Impact Sheets checkbox: This option is only available for Item List Cards. When enabled, the XLSX document will include impact and investment sheets for each Template included in the List.
        • Click Save to export the XLSX document.
      • If you're exporting a Report Card, the XLSX document will automatically download. 
        • If you are exporting an Impact Report, only columns currently visualized on the Report will be included in the export.