Edit a Weighed Score to keep its contents and configuration up to date.
A Weighted Score is a tool your organization can use to calculate an objective, quantitative value for prioritizing (or giving a score) to Items. It is calculated using the values given to certain Weighted Attributes on individual Items.
Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to create a new Weighted Score Attribute.
Who can edit a Weighted Score Group?
Anyone with the "Quality Administrator" permission can edit Weighted Score Groups.
People with other Administrator permissions may be able to access the Weighted Scores Administration page, but will not be able to make changes to it.
Edit a Weighted Score Group
To edit a Weighted Score Group, navigate to the Weighted Scores administration page, then:
- Hover over the Weighted Score Group you want to update, then click the pencil icon that appears to its right and the Edit Weighted Score Group window will open. Update any of the Weighted Score Group's information as necessary.
- Name (required): This name will be used to identify this Weighted Score Group.
- Description: Enter an optional description in this field. The description will appear when hovering over the Weighted Score Group's name in the list of Weighted Scores.
- Calculation (required): Expand this drop-down to select which type of calculation should be performed by this Weighted Score. Choose between:
- Sum: Each component will be added together to produce the final score.
- Multiply: Each component will be multiplied together to produce the final score.
- Average: Each component will be added together and then divided by the number of components to produce the final score.
- Percentage of Max: Each component will be added together, divided by the total possible score, and multiplied by one hundred to produce the final score as a percentage.
- The Round to the nearest whole number checkbox: When this box is checked, the Weighted Score will be rounded to the nearest whole number when calculated.
- If you want certain messages to be displayed alongside (or in place of) the Weighted Score corresponding to certain thresholds, click Set Thresholds and the Weighted Score Thresholds window will open. From here:
- Enter the name of the first threshold in the Title field and enter the upper limit of this threshold in the Upper Limit field. After saving, this threshold will be applied to any Item with this Weighted Score that is calculated at that upper limit or less.
- To add additional thresholds, click the plus icon to the right of the upper limit field. Add a title and an upper limit for each. If the upper limit blank is left blank, it will be considered as "infinity."
- Format: Expand this drop-down to select how the Weighted Score (and corresponding threshold) should be displayed on Items. Choose between:
- Display Number Only: Only the calculated Score will be shown on the Item.
- Display Title Only: Only the title corresponding to the relevant threshold will be shown on the Item.
- Display Both Number and Title: The calculated Score and the title corresponding to the relevant threshold will be shown on the Item.
- Click Save.
- Format: Expand this drop-down to select how the Weighted Score (and corresponding threshold) should be displayed on Items. Choose between:
- Templates - Available: This Weighted Score Group will be available to be added to Items belonging to one of the Templates in this field. Expand this drop-down to select the appropriate templates.
- To set additional rules for when the Weighted Score Group will be available to be added to Items belonging to one of the specified Templates, click the filter icon to the right of the drop-down. Add the necessary rules, then click Save.
This Weighted Score Group will only be available to be added to Items that belong to one of the specified Templates and meet these additional requirements.
- To set additional rules for when the Weighted Score Group will be available to be added to Items belonging to one of the specified Templates, click the filter icon to the right of the drop-down. Add the necessary rules, then click Save.
- Templates - Auto-Create: This Weighted Score Group will be automatically added to new Items belonging to one of the Templates in this field. Expand this drop-down to select the appropriate templates.
The Weighted Score will appear on new Items with a Score of zero until it is edited and the appropriate values are assigned.
- To set additional rules for when the Weighted Score Group will be automatically added to new Items belonging to one of the specified Templates, click the filter icon to the right of the drop-down. Add the necessary rules, then click Save.
This Weighted Score Group will only be added to new Items that belong to one of the specified Templates and meet these additional requirements.
- To set additional rules for when the Weighted Score Group will be automatically added to new Items belonging to one of the specified Templates, click the filter icon to the right of the drop-down. Add the necessary rules, then click Save.
- Templates - Auto-Create: This Weighted Score Group will be automatically added to new Items belonging to one of the Templates in this field. Expand this drop-down to select the appropriate templates.
If you've configured a Weighted Score Group to appear on a Template and have added it to an Item but don't see a Scores panel on that Item, reach out to your Customer Success Manager. Your Template may need to be reconfigured.
- Required Roles: By default, a Weighted Score Group can be added to an Item by anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in the relevant Locations, or the "Assign" permission for Items using the Standard Team Type, as well as anyone on the Item's Team except for Followers or Participants. However, you can restrict this Weighted Score Group such that it can only be added to an Item by someone with a particular System Role.
Expand this drop-down to select the appropriate System Roles. - Required Locations and Level Types: By default, a Weighted Score Group can be added to an Item by anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in the relevant Locations, or the "Assign" permission for Items using the Standard Team Type, as well as anyone on the Item's Team except for Followers or Participants. However, you can restrict this Weighted Score Group such that it can only be added to an Item by someone in one of the specified Locations or in a Location with one of the specified Level Types.
Expand this drop-down to select the appropriate Locations and Level Types.
- Required Roles: By default, a Weighted Score Group can be added to an Item by anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in the relevant Locations, or the "Assign" permission for Items using the Standard Team Type, as well as anyone on the Item's Team except for Followers or Participants. However, you can restrict this Weighted Score Group such that it can only be added to an Item by someone with a particular System Role.
Pro Tip: There is an "and" relationship between Required Roles and Required Locations and Level Types. This means that if you enter a required System Role and a required Location, the user meet both criteria to add the Weighted Score Group to an Item.
- The Show Total checkbox: When enabled, if this Weighted Score Group is added to an Item List as a column, the total Score of all Items in the List will appear at the bottom of the column.
- The Show Average checkbox: When enabled, if this Weighted Score Group is added to an Item List as a column, the average Score of all Items in the List will appear at the bottom of the column.
- The Use Other Weighted Scores checkbox: When disabled, this Weighted Score Group will be comprised of one or more Weighted Attributes and the panel below the checkbox will be titled "Weighted Attribute Types."
When enabled, it will be comprised of one or more other Weighted Score Groups that are, in turn, comprised of Weighted Attributes and the panel below the checkbox will be titled "Weighted Score Groups."
Remember: If the Weighted Score Group is calculated based on other Weighted Score Groups, those other Groups must be added to the same Templates as this Group.
- If Use Other Weighted Scores is disabled:
- Click the plus icon in the top right corner of the Weighted Attribute Types panel and the "Add Weighted Attribute" window will open.
- If Use Other Weighted Scores is disabled:
- Attribute: Expand this drop-down to choose which Weighted Attribute should be added to this Weighted Score Group.
- Multiplier: Enter the multiplier that should be assigned to this Weighted Attribute.
When the Weighted Attribute's Value is chosen on an Item, this number will be multiplied by the Attribute Value's assigned Weight to calculate this Weighted Attribute's contribution to the total Score. - The Show Values in List checkbox: When enabled, the total Weight of the Attribute Value (including the multiplier) will be displayed when viewing a column for this Weighted Attribute in an Item List.
- Format: Expand this drop-down to select in which format this Weighted Attribute should appear when editing the Weighted Score on an Item.
- Selection: Expand this drop-down to select whether this Weighted Attribute should be single-select or multi-select.
- Required: Expand this drop-down to select whether this Weighted Attribute should be required or optional.
- Click Save.
- Each Weighted Attribute you add to the Weighted Score Group will appear in the Weighted Attribute Types panel. To add additional Weighted Attributes, repeat the above steps. When you've added all the necessary Attributes, click Save and the Weighted Score Group will be created.
- If Use Other Weighted Scores is enabled:
- Click the plus icon in the top right corner of the Weighted Score Groups panel and the "Add Weighted Score Group" window will open.
- Weighted Score: Expand this drop-down to choose which Weighted Score should be added to this Weighted Score Group.
- Enter the multiplier that should be assigned to this Weighted Score.
When the Weighted Score is added to an Item and its Score calculated, that Score will be multiplied by this value to calculate the Weighted Score's contribution to the Weighted Score Group's total Score. - Click Save.
- Each Weighted Score you add to the Weighted Score Group will appear in the Weighted Score Groups panel. To add additional Weighted Scores, repeat the above steps. When you've added all the necessary Weighted Scores click Save and the Weighted Score Group will be created.