Data supported by JSON Item API

Review which Item data is supported in JSON Item API calls.

Not all data recorded on Items in KaiNexus can be exported and updated through JSON Item API. This support page documents which data is supported and which is not. 

What data is included in the export? 

The following tables describe which data is supported in JSON Item API calls. These keys will be included in exports and can be updated through Item Update and Item Creation API. 

General Information

Key Description
templateId The Template's ID. Located in Admin > Organization > Templates
templateName The name of the Template. 
id The Item's KaiNexus ID. Located beside the Item's title on the work panel. 
summary The Item's title. 
link The link to the Item. 
parentId The ID of the Item's parent. 
parentSummary The title of the Item's parent. 
status The Item's Status Type. The possible values are "DRAFT", "NEW", "PLANNED", "ACTIVE", "RES_SUBMITTED", "COMPLETE", or "DEFERRED". 
customStatus The Item's Status. If your organization utilizes the Custom Statuses feature, this value will be different from the Status Type. 


Key Description
id The Field’s ID. Located in Admin > Organization > Fields in KaiNexus. 
name The Field’s name. 
value The Field’s content. Used for Text Fields and Text Areas. 
htmlValue The Field’s content in HTML format. Used for Text Areas.
numericValue The Field’s content. Used for Number Fields.
dataValue The Field’s content. Used for Date Fields and Date Time Fields.


Key Description
id The Attribute’s ID. Found in Admin > Organization > Attributes
name The Attribute’s name. 
values The ID, name, and note (if applicable) of each selected Attribute Value. 


Key Description
id The Milestone’s ID. Note: You can only find the ID in a JSON Item export.
name The Milestone’s name. 
status The Milestone's status. The available options are: "APPROVED", "NOT_APPROVED", "READY", and "NOT READY". 
notes The optional note field when a Milestone is Approved or Not Approved. 
lastUpdatedBy The ID, username, first name, last name, and email of the last person who updated the Milestone.  
readyDeadline The Milestone's Ready Deadline date. 
readyDate The date the Milestone was made Ready for approval. 
approvalDeadline The Milestone's Approval Deadline date. 
approvalDate The date the Milestone was approved. 
approvedBy The ID, username, first name, last name, and email address of the person who approved the Milestone. 

Item Team

Key Description
authors The user(s) with the Author Team Role on the Item. May be present on all Team Types. 
followers The user(s) with the Follower Team Role on the Item. Present on all Team Types. 
sponsors The user(s) with the Sponsor Team Role on the Item. Only present on the Advanced Team Type. 
leaders The user(s) with the Leader Team Role on the Item. Only present on the Advanced Team Type.
facilitators The user(s) with the Facilitator Team Role on the Item. Only present on the Advanced Team Type. 
participants The user(s) with the Participant Team Role on the Item. Only present on the Advanced Team Type. 
assigner The user with the Assigner Team Role on the Item. Present on Simple and Standard Team Types. 
responsible The user(s) with the Responsible Team Role on the Item. Present on Simple and Standard Team Types. 
customTeam1 through customTeam10 The Item’s Custom Team Roles. There can be as many as 10 Custom Team Roles on an Item. 

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Your organization might rename any of these Team Roles. In the Item API, the Team Roles will still match the keys in the table above, not the custom terminology. 

The following user information included for each Team Role:

Key Description
id The User’s ID. Located in the People Section or User Management. 
username The User’s username. 
firstName The User’s first name. 
lastName The User’s last name. 
email The User’s email (if available). 


Key Description
participatingLocations The ID and name of the Network Location listed as the Participating Location on the Item. Only available on Advanced Team Types.
originatingLocations The ID and name of the Network Location listed as the Item's Originating Location. 
responsibleLocations The ID and name of the Network Location listed as the Item's Responsible Location. 

Item Dates

Key Description
createDate The Item's Create Date. 
startDate The Item's Start Date. 
anticipatedStartDate The Item's Anticipated Start Date. 
dueDate The Item's Due Date. 
anticipatedDueDate The Item's Anticipated Due Date. 
resolutionSubmitDate The Item's Resolution Submitted Date. 
completeDate The Item's Complete Date. 
reviewDate The Item's Review By Date. 
lastUpdateDate The Item's Last Updated Date. 
reviewedOnDate The Item's Review On Date. 


The following data is available for each type of Resolution: 

Key Description
resolutionActual The Item's Actual Resolution. Will contain the result, investments, impacts, or no change reasons included in the Actual Resolution. 
resolutionForecast The Item's Forecast Resolution. Will contain the result, investments, impacts, or no change reasons included in the Forecast Resolution. 
resolutionTarget The Item's Target Resolution. Will contain the result, investments, impacts, or no change reasons included in the Target Resolution. 
result The response to the "Did this result in a change?" question. Will be "NO_CHANGE", "CHANGE" or "UNKNOWN". 
impacts The Impact Type selected in the Item's Resolution. 
investments The Investments logged in the Item's Resolution. 
reasons The No Change Reasons logged in the Item's Resolution. 
locations The ID and name of the Impact Location for an Impact. 
attributes The ID and name of the Impact Attribute on a specific Impact. 
values The ID and name of the value selected on an Impact Attribute. 

The following data is available for Quantitative Impacts and Investments, which are Impacts and Investments that can be measured with a numerical value. 

Key Description
typeId The Impact Type or Investment Type's ID. 
typeName The Impact Type or Investment Type's title. 
comment The response to the question "How did you base the above calculation?"
id The unique identifier for the Impact or Investment logged on the Item. 
title The title in the "Summary" field for financial Impacts and Investments. 
valueType The frequency of the Impact or Investment data. Will be "ONE_TIME", "RECURRING", "RANGE", "CUSTOM", or "UNKNOWN". 
amount The number value of the Impact or Investment. 
amountTimeUnit The unit of measurement for Time Savings, Cycle Time, Lead Time, and Takt Time Impacts. 
currencyCode The currency in which the Impact or Investment is logged. 
recurringInterval The interval (Day, Month, Week, or Year) for a recurring Impact. Only for Impact with "RECURRING" Value Type. 
rangeStart The start date of a "RANGE" Impact. 
rangeEnd The end date of a "RANGE" Impact. 
monthlyValues The year, month, and value for "RANGE" and "CUSTOM" Impacts. 
personProductServiceResource The person, product, service, or resource for a Time Savings, Product, Resource, Waste, Environmental Impact, Takt Time, Cycle Time, or Lead Time Impact. 
personProductServiceResourceId The ID of the person, product, service, or resource for a Time Savings, Product, Resource, Waste, Environmental Impact, Takt Time, Cycle Time, or Lead Time Impact. 
numberOfPeople The number of people that experienced the Time Savings Impact. 
unitValueRate The rate associated with a Time Savings Person, Product, Resource, Waste, Environmental Impact, Takt Time, Cycle Time, or Lead Time. 
calculatedValue The calculated value of the Time Savings, Product, Resource, Waste, Environmental Impact, Takt Time, Cycle Time, or Lead Time Impact. 

The following data is available for Qualitative Impacts, which are Impacts that cannot be measured numerically. 

Key Description
typeId The Impact Type's ID.
typeName The Impact Type's title. 
id  The unique identifier for the Impact on the Item. 
pastCount The number of times the occurrence happened in the past. 
pastUnit The unit for the number of times the occurrence happened in the past. 
futureCount The number of times the occurrence is expected to happen in the future. 
futureUnit The unit for the number of times the occurrence happens in the future. 
decreasedChance Response to the "Has this decreased the chance of this happening again?" question. 

Comments, Updates, and Notes

Only data for an Item's most recent Comment, Update, and Note will be available. 

Key Description
lastComment The Item's most recent Comment.
lastNote The Item's most recent Note. 
lastUpdate The Item's most recent Update. 

The following data will be available for each Last Comment, Last Update, and Last Note: 

Key Description
author The ID, username, first name, last name, and email of the last person who posted the comment.
comment The comment's content. 
htmlComment The comment's content in HTML. 
createDate The date the comment was posted. 
commentType Whether the comment was a "COMMENT", "UPDATE", or "NOTE". 

Ofie Profile PicImportant: An Item's Last Comment, Update, or Note can only be accessed via the JSON API when exporting a single Item. This information is not available when exporting an Item List. 


Key Description
likeCount The number of likes on the Item. 
ackCount The number of acknowledgments on the Item. 
voteCount The number of votes on the Item. 
private The true/false status of whether the Item is private.

What data is not supported by JSON Item API? 

  • Weighted Scores
  • Time Tracking
  • Fishbone Diagrams
  • Nested Items
  • Stage Gates
  • Ad Hoc and Header Fields
  • Report data
  • Files
  • Links
  • Entries in the Item Timeline
  • All an Item's Comments, Updates, and Notes 
  • Escalations

Recommended Reading

Review the basics of KaiNexus API with the following series:

View other JSON Item API documentation: