Create a standardized improvement methodology consisting of frequently built Items, files, and links and determine to which Items it can and should be added.
Standard Work Groups are groups of Standard Work Items, files, and links that can be created to help standardize your organization's improvement methodologies. By adding a Standard Work Group to their Item, users are able to quickly add all the components of that Group without having to build and add each of those components manually each time.
Who can create a new Standard Work Group?
Anyone with the "Quality Administrator" permission can create Standard Work Groups.
People with other Administrator permissions may be able to access the Standard Work Groups Administration page, but will not be able to make changes to it.
Create a new Standard Work Group
To create a new Standard Work Group, navigate to the Standard Work administration page, then:
- Click Create Standard Work Group at the top of the list of Standard Work Groups and the Create Standard Work Group window will open.
- Name (required): The name will be used to identify this Standard Work Group.
- Description: Enter an optional description in this field. The description will appear when hovering over the Standard Work Group's name in the list of Standard Work Groups.
- Templates - Auto Create: This Standard Work Group will be automatically added to new Items belonging to one of the Templates in this field. Expand this drop-down to select the appropriate templates.
- To set additional rules for when the Standard Work Group will be automatically added to new Items belonging to one of the specified Templates, click the filter icon to the right of the drop-down. Add the necessary rules, then click Save.
This Standard Work Group will only be added to new Items that belong to one of the specified Templates and meet these additional requirements.
- To set additional rules for when the Standard Work Group will be automatically added to new Items belonging to one of the specified Templates, click the filter icon to the right of the drop-down. Add the necessary rules, then click Save.
- Templates - Available: This Standard Work Group will be available to be added to Items belonging to one of the Templates in this field. Expand this drop-down to select the appropriate templates.
- To set additional rules for when the Standard Work Group will be made available on Items belonging to one of the specified Templates, click the filter icon to the right of the drop-down. Add the necessary rules, then click Save.
This Standard Work Group will only be available to be added to Items that belong to one of the specified Templates and meet these additional requirements.
- To set additional rules for when the Standard Work Group will be made available on Items belonging to one of the specified Templates, click the filter icon to the right of the drop-down. Add the necessary rules, then click Save.
- Templates - Available: This Standard Work Group will be available to be added to Items belonging to one of the Templates in this field. Expand this drop-down to select the appropriate templates.
If this Standard Work Group contains Items that can not be nested under one of the selected Templates, as determined by the Templates' configurations, those Items will not be created when the Standard Work Group is added to an Item of that type.
- Required Roles: By default, a Standard Work Group can be added to an Item by anyone with the "Edit" permission for Items in the relevant Locations, or the "Assign" permission for Items using the Standard Team Type, as well as anyone on the Item's Team except for Followers or Participants. However, you can restrict this Standard Work Group such that it can only be added to an Item by someone with a particular System Role.
Expand this drop-down to select the appropriate System Roles. - The Team & Locations section:
- Responsible: Expand this drop-down to choose which team member from the parent Item — the Item to which this Standard Work Group will be added — should be made the Responsible Person for any nested Standard Work Items in the Planned status.
- Location(s): Expand this drop-down to choose how the Locations for the Standard Work Items are decided.
- Use Current User's Location:
- If there is no Responsible Person defined on the Standard Work Item, the Location of the user adding the Standard Work Item will become the Responsible Location.
- If there is a Responsible Person defined on the Standard Work Item, the the Location of the user adding the Standard Work Item will become the Originating Location. The Responsible Person's Location will be the Responsible Location.
- Use Current Item's Location:
- If there is no Responsible Person defined on the Standard Work Item, the Parent Item's Responsible Location will become the Responsible Location of the Standard Work Item.
- If there is a Responsible Person defined on the Standard Work Item, the Parent Item's Responsible Location will become the Originating Location for the Standard Work Item. The Responsible Person's Location will be the Responsible Location.
- Use Current User's Location:
- Click Save.
Build out the Standard Work Group
Create a Standard Work Item
When a Standard Work Group is added to an Item, any Standard Work Items that have been added to that Standard Work Group will be nested under that Item.
To add a new Standard Work Item to a Standard Work Group, navigate to the Standard Work administration page, then:
- Click the plus icon to the left of the name of the Standard Work Group to which you want to add an Item and the Group's information will expand.
- Click the plus icon in the top right corner of the Items panel.
- Click the name of the Template you want to use to create the new Standard Work Item from the resulting drop-down menu.
- In the resulting Create window, fill in the Item's information as you normally would. Any information you add to the fields or Attributes, as well as any files or links, will be included on this Standard Work Item each time the Standard Work Group is added to an Item in KaiNexus. When you're finished, click Create.
- Repeat this process as many times as necessary until all Standard Work Items have been added to the Group.
For more information on creating Standard Work Items, check out this support article.
Add a File
When a Standard Work Group is added to an Item, any files that have been added to the Standard Work Group will be added to that Item.
To add a file to a Standard Work Group, navigate to the Standard Work administration page, then:
- Click the plus icon to the left of the name of the Standard Work Group to which you want to add an Item and the Group's information will expand.
- Click Add File in the Files panel.
- Use the resulting window to select and add the correct file(s) from your computer.
- The new files will be listed in the Files panel.
Pro Tip: You can also attach a file by dragging and dropping it directly onto the Files panel. The Files panel be outlined in green when it registers that a file is being dragged onto it.
Add a Link
When a Standard Work Group is added to an Item, any links that have been added to the Standard Work Group will be added to that Item.
To add a link to a Standard Work Group, navigate to the Standard Work administration page, then:
- Click the plus icon to the left of the name of the Standard Work Group to which you want to add an Item and the Group's information will expand.
- Click Add Link in the Links panel.
- In the resulting window:
- Name (required): The name will be used to identify this link.
- Address: The URL to which you are linking.
- Click Save.