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Bulk Change Network Locations

Update or delete many Network Locations simultaneously.

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Need a refresher on the Network? Check out our support page on Network Locations.

If you are updating your organization's Network, you might need to edit or delete a large amount of Locations. Rather than updating each Location one at a time, you can utilize Bulk Change to speed up the process. 

Who can Bulk Change Network Locations? 

Anyone with the "Quality Administrator" permission can bulk change the Network.

However, if your organization has multiple Groups, you must also have the Multi-Group Administrator permission to bulk change the Network. 

Bulk Change the Network

To bulk change Network Locations, navigate to the Admin section.

  • Select Network to open the Network administration page. 
  • Select the Actions button. In the resulting drop-down, select Bulk Change
  • A checkbox will appear next to each Location in your Network, and a "Bulk Change" button will appear in the top left corner. Select the checkbox of each Location you want to include in the bulk change. 
    • Select the checkbox in the column header to include all visible Locations in the bulk change. Note: This won't include every Location in your Network, just the ones that are currently expanded.
  • Select Bulk Change
  • In the resulting drop-down, choose the type of change you want to perform. 

Bulk Change Level Type

After selecting Change Level Type, the Bulk Change Level Type window will open. 

  • Select the type of change: Use the drop-down to specify the type of update you want to make. 
    • Replace Existing: Each Location's current Level Type will be replaced with a Level Type of your choosing. Selecting this option will cause a "Level Type" field to appear. 
      • In the Level Type field, select the Locations' new Level Type. 
    • Clear Existing: Each Location's current Level Type will be removed, leaving the Locations without a Level Type. 
  • Select Save

Ofie Profile PicPro Tip: Check out this support page for more information on Level Types. 

Bulk Change Parent

After selecting Change Parent, the Bulk Change Parent window will open. 

  • Select the type of change: Use the drop-down to specify the type of update you want to make. 
    • Replace Existing: Each Location's current parent will be replaced with a parent of your choosing. Selecting this option will cause the "Nest Under" field to appear. 
      • In the Nest Under field, select a Location for your Locations to be nested under. 
    • Clear Existing: Each Location will lose its current parent designation, resulting in them being displayed at the top level of your Network.
  • Select Save

Bulk Change Groups

After selecting Change Groups, the Bulk Change Groups window will open. 

  • Select the type of change: Use the drop-down to specify the type of update you want to make. 
    • Add to existing: Each Location will be added to the Group you specify. If a Location is already part of a Group, it will retain that membership while the new Group is also included.
    • Remove from existing: The Group you specify will be removed from each Location included in your bulk change. If a Location is also assigned to a different Group, that membership will remain intact.
    • Replace all existing: Each Location will be assigned to the Group you specify. If a Location is already part of a Group, that Group will be removed and replaced. 
    • Clear Existing: The Group assignment for each Location will be removed, meaning those Locations will now exist in all Groups. 
  • Groups: Use the drop-down to select a Group. 
  • Select Save to apply the change. 

Bulk Change Network Attribute

After selecting Change Network Attribute, the Bulk Change Network Attribute window will open. 

  • Select the type of change: Use the drop-down to specify the type of update you want to make. 
    • Add to existing: The Network Attribute value you specify will be applied to the Locations selected for the bulk change. If any Location already has a value assigned, that existing value will be preserved alongside the new value.
    • Remove from existing: The Network Attribute value you specify will be removed from each Location selected for the bulk change. If a Location also has a different value, that value will be preserved. 
    • Replace all existing: The Network Attribute value you specify will be applied to each Location in the bulk change. If a Location already has a value assigned, it will be removed and replaced. 
    • Clear Existing: All Network Attribute values for each Location included in the bulk change will be removed, leaving the Locations without a value. 
  • Attribute: Use the drop-down to select a Network Attribute. After you select an Attribute, a Value drop-down will appear, unless you are clearing existing values. 
    • Value: Select the Network Attribute Value that should be used in the bulk change. 
  • Select Save to apply your change.  

Bulk Delete

After selecting Delete, the Bulk Delete window will open. 

  • Select the I understand this cannot be undone checkbox. 
  • Select Save to delete your selected Locations. 

Ofie Profile PicWarning: Only Locations that do not have any nested Locations or users will be deleted.