The Basics

People List quick filters

Quick filters make it easier for you to quickly apply and tweak the filter conditions people most commonly add to their People Lists.

Since people most commonly filter their People lists by Roles, User Type, and Persona, these conditions are available as "quick filters" — filters readily accessible at the top of the People List in the People or, for people with the "User Administrator" permission, the User Management sections.

Two Line OfieA fourth quick filter — "Group" — will be available if the Groups module is enabled for your organization.

Using the quick filters

To utilize the People List quick filters, navigate to the People page or, if you are a User Administrator, the User Management administration page, and open the list with which you want to work.

Two Line OfieOnly people with the "View People" permission will be able to access the People page via the navigation bar at the top of the app.

The quick filters will appear at the top of the list as drop-down fields. If you don't see any quick filters, you may need to click Filters to expand them.

The People page with the quick filters marked

To apply a quick filter, click inside it to expand its options and select the value (or values) by which you want to filter the list. The list will automatically update to reflect this change.

If multiple quick filters are used, only people that meet the requirements of all those quick filters will appear on the list.