Organization > Standard Work
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Organize the list of Standard Work Groups

Standard Work Groups are groups of Standard Work Items, files, and links that can be created to help standardize your organization's improvement methodologies. By adding a Standard Work Group to their Item, users are able to quickly add all the components of that Group without having to build and add each of those components manually each time.

Who can organize the list of Standard Work Groups?

Anyone with the "Quality Administrator" permission can organize the list of Standard Work Groups.

People with other Administrator permissions may be able to access the Standard Work Groups Administration page, but will not be able to make changes to it.

Organize the list of Standard Work Groups

To move a Standard Work Group, navigate to the Standard Work administration page. Next, locate the Standard Work Group you want to move, then click and hold its name and drag and drop it into its new position. A dashed line will appear in its new position before you release it.