New Features
- We’ve added a lot of new features to charts that add up to something awesome! That includes a new charts section on the vertical navigation bar and now they are stand-alone.

- We’ve added fully customizable badges so that people’s accomplishments can be acknowledged. Reach out to your KaiNexus lead to take advantage of this new feature!

- We’ve added a Kanban view in the Improvement and Project sections to make it easier for you to quickly check in on your work’s progress.

Complete Release Notes
- Milestone statuses will now be included on the Excel export of a list of Improvements. This information will be included on a separate tab for each Improvement type.
- When you escalate or create a new Improvement, a list of everybody who was notified will be displayed so that you know who was informed and will be taking the next step.
- Specify whether Project teams should be able to see private Improvements and Projects nested beneath them.
- The notification preferences screen has been redesigned to offer more clarification about how to customize your preferences
- You can now click the “Impact” button on a list of Projects to see the total impact of all those Projects.
- You can now select multiple options when filtering by the status of a milestone. Additionally, when you use the milestone filter, up to four new filters will appear that lets you select a milestone.
- Links added in a comment are now clickable.
- The Reports Snapshot has been redesigned for clarity.

- You can now send anybody in the organization a notification about any Improvement or Project at any time - not just during the resolution process.
- Project Administrators can now edit completed Projects.
- A refresh button was added to Boards on the top right of the Board so that you can quickly refresh every Card on a Board with one click.
- An “Assigner” column was added the Improvement List View. This column is hidden by default.
- We’ve added a “1W” (1 week) date filter to Reports.
- The “Location” field on user profiles is now called the “Physical Location” to reduce confusion between Physical and Network Locations.
- The total number of Improvements in a list is now displayed at the bottom of the Detail View.
- We removed “Thanks - The KaiNexus team” from the bottom of all the system’s emails.
- The “Dates” field was removed from the filter window on Reports. The date filter can still be controlled with the separate “Dates” buttons on the Report itself.
- A bug was fixed which caused chart axes to become misaligned with data.
- A bug was fixed which allowed User Administrators with permission to assign limited Roles to clear any of a user’s old Roles, including those which they did not have permission to edit.
- A bug was fixed which caused a draft Improvement to be included in the digest email.
- A bug was fixed which caused the multiplier to be lost when editing a Resolution including Time Savings People.
- A bug was fixed which kept text entered on drop-down menus from disappearing when a selection was made.