Release Highlights
- Introducing Conditional Fields! KaiNexus now offers the ability to configure fields and/or attributes to show up when you select specific attribute values. This can help simplify as well as customize your workflow process by showing (only) relevant fields and/or attributes.
- Widget, widget. You now have the ability to add item count, financial impact, and time savings metrics to a Widget Card on a Board. This gives an easier way to view metrics and access a list of items.
- You can now add Text Areas and Ad-Hoc Fields to List and Tree View! Additionally, you can add all of your List and Tree View columns, including the aforementioned text areas and ad-hoc fields to Gantt View!
- Similarly, we’ve unified the column pickers for List and Tree View in the Lists area to match the Edit Card View window for an Item List Card. This makes it much easier to search for and add your desired columns to these views.
- You can now report on Impact for Items that are not yet complete by toggling the ‘Only Complete’ checkbox. This can help increase the accuracy of Impact reports by including Items that are still in progress.
- The Activity Over Time, User Engagement Summary, and the Impact Over Time Reports can now be sorted by a Calendar Year or Calendar Quarter Interval. You can also now pick the Reference Date that is displayed on a Report to provide more detail. Options include Create Date, Due Date, Start Date, and Complete Date.
Complete Release Notes
Simple Header Toolbar
- KAI-5096 The Search window will now appear blank while loading search results.
- KAI-4903 The order of the Activity tabs in the User Profile have been rearranged to the following: Impact, Bookmarks, Projects, Improvements, (Incidents), Tasks, Charts.
- Clicking “View Activity” within the User Profile will now default to the Impact tab.
- KAI-5158 Text has been updated in the Notification Preferences window.
- KAI-5016 Added the ability to format Number Fields within Ad-Hoc Fields.
- KAI-4915 Edit Item windows and User Activity windows can now be fully expanded.
- KAI-4879 Minitab files can now be attached to Items.
- KAI-4925 The Save button will now be disabled when no Items are selected when using Bulk Change.
- When adding any new team members to an Item, the Bulk Change window will now read “Add Team Member”
- The Bulk Change User windows in the People section will now read “Bulk Change [selected option]”.
- The Bulk Change action button will now be labeled “Save”.
- KAI-4897 A new description has been added to the Convert window on Items, stating “For matching Attribute Types on both templates, the Attribute Value will carry over”.
- KAI-4883 The default Items that show up in a list when adding a Chart Thumbnail will now be the Charts that are nested directly below the parent Item.
- KAI-4729 The tooltip on the Copy window of an Item will now read “You will be added to the Team of the nested copies”.
- KAI-4713 The unique Item link will now be shown when submitting a Resolution from the Create window and hitting ‘Save’.
- KAI-5131 The nested Projects list on an Item will now read “No Projects Yet” when there are no nested Projects.
- KAI-5103 The ‘Convert to’ dropdown list when converting an Item is now searchable.
- KAI-5090 Header Field descriptions can now be shown on a Template below the Header.
- KAI-5065 When adding a Weighted Score, each option will now be signified with the
- The Standard Work menu will now be signified by the
- When adding Standard Work, each option will now be signified by the
- KAI-5074 Tooltips will now appear on a Weighted Score in the Weighted Scores section of the Template.
- KAI-5073 Weighted Scores will now appear in an .XLSX export of a Template.
- KAI-5091 Chart Goals nested in List View of an Item will now be included on PDF exports.
- KAI-4965 Team Member names will now have the option to be displayed as “Username (Full Name)”, “Username”, “Full Name”, “Email” or Employe ID” when exporting to .XLSX format.
- KAI-5077 Ability to add individual Legal Notices per Template.
- KAI-5116 Tooltips have been added to the First, Second, Third, and Baseline Threshold options in Threshold Charts.
- KAI-4964 When editing a Threshold series, the ‘Type’ area will no longer be removed after selecting “Threshold Line”, the “Annotation Appearance” section will now be located beneath the Baseline Threshold line, and a new area called ‘Target’ has been added below the ‘Type’ area.
- KAI-4021 The order of the Series on the Edit Visible Date Series and the legend on a Chart and Chart Card will now reflect the order of the Chart’s data columns.
- KAI-5104 - Chart Cards now have the ability to select and deselect all, for which series are shown.
- KAI-4881 List numbers in tooltips on Item List Card titles will now be displayed: “[title of card] List #”.
- KAI-5128 Gradients will now line up correctly when using the Secondary Header at the top.
- KAI-5128 The Board Filter icon on a Board will now appear blue if the Board Filter is in use.
- KAI-4978 A Card title’s tooltip has been designed to be easier to read.
- KAI-4906 Boards will now show the last updated date and user that last updated the Board in the Edit Board window.
- KAI-4900 The Primary/Secondary Header description area is now editable by default.
- KAI-5105 A label has been added to the Location panel to indicate which Location is selected when the Location panel is set to closed.
- KAI-4564 ‘Reload Board’ has been added as an option to the Board ellipsis. ‘Refresh’ has been renamed to ‘Refresh Cards’.
- KAI-4675 The words “Add” and “Edit” have been removed from the windows when adding and editing cards.
- The action button to apply changes to Cards is now labeled “Save”.
- KAI-5061 Investment has been added as an option to the Item filter.
- KAI-5036 Items can now be filtered by a range, minimum, or maximum Impact.
- KAI-5127 Templates in the Template Type Item filter will now show the Workflow icon of each Template. Additionally, the Template will also have a label reading ‘Inactive’ if the Template is no longer active.
- KAI-4927 A minimum and maximum pixel width has been added to List, Tree, and Gantt View columns.
- KAI-5094 Sorting has been improved for multi-user team member columns.
- KAI-5025 Financial Impacts can now be aggregated for Items not yet completed in List, Tree, and Gantt View.
- KAI-5107 The section for ‘Other Attributes’ will now appear at the bottom of Lists.
- KAI-5101 Switching between List, Tree, and Gantt view will now save the previous column options.
- KAI-5126 Workflow icons will now appear next to the title of Items in List, Tree, and Gantt View.
- KAI-5115 A new column titled “Workflow” has been added to List, Tree, and Gantt View.
- KAI-4941 A new column titled “Chart Type” has been added to List, Tree, and Gantt View.
- KAI-5106 The “Parent” column option in List, Tree, and Gantt View will now link directly to the parent Item.
- KAI-5100 “Template Type” has been added as a Primary or Secondary sort option.
- KAI-4960 The List, Tree, and Gantt View column for an Item’s last update date will now read “Last Updated Date”.
- The List, Tree, and Gantt View column for the Item’s completed date will now read “Completed Date”.
- The List, Tree, and Gantt View column for the Item’s due date will now read “Due Date”.
- The List, Tree, and Gantt View column for the Item’s start date will now read “Start Date”.
- KAI-4546 The page navigation in the Lists area has been polished and updated.
- KAI-4907 The Resolution options in the Resolution tab are now ordered “Submit Target”, “Submit Forecast” and “Submit Resolution”.
- KAI-5021 Tooltips have been adjusted in a Resolution that has the option to auto-complete nested Tasks. The caption above the list of Tasks will read “The following Tasks will be completed:”.
- KAI-5079 A tooltip has been added to the right of the Impact field on the Impact Summary and Impact Over Time Reports stating “Choosing Impact(s) here will limit the Report to only show the selected Impact(s).”
- KAI-5034 A Total Financial Impact column has been added to all Impact Reports.
- New Impact columns include separate columns for Revenue Generation, Cost Savings, and Cost Avoidance.
- KAI-5028 Location and User Impact Reports can now be viewed in graph mode.
- KAI-4736 Attribute descriptions will now be shown as tooltips in the Attribute Summary Report.
- KAI-4533 Resolution Type and Impact Type filters have been added to the Impact Summary Report.
- KAI-4522 Tooltips in the Reports section have been shortened and now link to the Support website page for each Report.
- KAI-5138 The Impact Over Time Report now has a check box option for Impacts, including Actual, Forecast, Target, and Goal to be cumulative.
- KAI-5186 A tooltip that states “Total impact, calculated by adding the impact of all preceding months over the selected time period.” has been added to the Cumulative check box for the Impact Over Time Report.
- KAI-5164 The tooltip in the Attribute Summary Report when viewing in Vertical/Horizontal Bar view and selecting Statuses, has been updated to show how many Items are in each status.
- KAI-5097 Calendar has been updated to include a checkbox for “Start Dates Only”.
- KAI-5124 When not approving a Milestone and requiring a note, the field will now state “Required”. When the note is not required, the field will state “Optional”.
- KAI-3693 Milestones can now be activated or approved by specific Team Member roles on an Item.
- KAI-3674 Now have the ability to set custom Notification Preferences based on Milestones.
- KAI-3563 Milestones can now be triggered by a Financial Impact threshold.
- KAI-4898 The expand Milestones panel will now be signified by the
- KAI-4905 - The subject line of Badges emails will now read “Congratulations, you’ve been awarded a Badge: [badge name]” when receiving a Badge.
- The subject line of Badges emails will now read “Sorry, you’ve lost a Badge: [badge name]” when losing a Badge.
- KAI-5134 - The confirmation message to delete an Attribute Folder will now reference the folder.
- KAI-4908 - Organizations can now set default header colors and gradients for Cards.
- KAI-4712 The width of the hoverovers on the Advanced Toolbar has been shortened for ease of visibility.
- KAI-5130 Inactive Users will now be labeled ‘Inactive’ if they are a Follower on an Item.
- KAI-5095 Created Date has been added as a column option for People lists.
- KAI-5129 Default Digests can now be set on an organization level.
- A bug has been fixed that caused List cards on a board to load slowly in specific instances.
- A bug has been fixed that incorrectly showed the message “No Data to Display” when the Impact Over Time report loads on a board.
- A bug has been fixed which caused resolution submitted on a project to not generate a notification.
- User Filters that are part of the Item Filter will no longer show up under Custom Lists.
- A bug has been fixed that did not preserve the location filter when drilling into Report cards on Boards.
- The option to ‘Copy Card to This Board’ will no longer be shown if a user does not have Edit Board permissions.
- Bulk planning tasks for ‘today’ will now move them into Active status.
- A bug was fixed which refreshed custom lists when reopening the item list filter.
- A bug was fixed which prevented Chart Goals from appearing in a standard template layout.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented making a recursive copy of a project in specific instances.
- Ad-hoc field attributes will now carry over to copied items.
- A bug has been fixed which prevented ‘0’ from being saved in ad-hoc number fields.
- Ad-hoc number fields will now display large numbers in the correct format.
- A bug has been fixed which did not allow ad-hoc number fields to reset to the value of ‘null’ when data had been added.
- A bug has been fixed which caused excessive refreshing when closing a child item from a nested item list.
- Ad-hoc number and attribute fields will now align properly with Ad-hoc text fields.
- New charts created in standard work will now properly adhere to the visible series.
- A bug has been fixed in which the location icon in attribute lists created a horizontal scroll bar and caused text wrapping to begin early.
- A bug has been fixed which caused Total and Average for Weighted Scores to disappear after a page refresh.
- A bug was fixed which removed the “Resolution” section from the “All” tab in specific situations.
- The Attribute Edit Window will no longer over-expand and hide the top and bottom of the window.
- The Regex Field Tooltip has been corrected for the proper format.
- Exporting to PDF will now automatically select all template areas.
- The opacity of the X-Matrix icon has been fixed.
- Icons in the Files section will now align consistently.
- Spacing has been reduced when creating a new attribute.
- The location filter tooltip in the create or edit board menu has been fixed.
- A bug has been fixed which made a specific shade of blue unselectable in the series color selector in a chart.
- The tooltip for chart filters has been updated.
- A bug has been fixed which caused last login date and last updated to reflect the same time.
- The link to the support page for Custom Saving a PDF has been updated.
- The styling on right and left secondary headers have been unified.
- A bug has been fixed which highlighted fields when attempting to drag an image from one field to another.